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La abadia del crimen / The abbey of crime finally in English!

Started by khaz, 16:11, 25 November 17

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Here it is! Finally, The abbey of crime has been completely translated into English, thanks to the work of this wonderful community.

You will find in the zip the translated dsk. It's based on an original copy, so you may have trouble copying it directly on a CPC. I recommend transferring the dsk to a 3.5" floppy using a PC with 34pin floppy drive (not USB) and a dedicated software like cpcdiskxp for Windows. Or use a floppy emulator. Once the (virtual?) floppy is in the drive, the rest of the procedure is described in the accompanying instruction manual.

As a pixel art-heavy game, it is best enjoyed on a real CPC and a CRT display. Though the game works fine on emulators. I had trouble saving games on some emulators, but that's probably just me being terrible with computers.

You will also find a bunch of files, which details the extent of the alterations that have been made. Don't read them if you just want to enjoy the game, it can be pretty spoilery. If you are interested in the process however, enjoy the read! It's a pretty austere document. It should give you everything you need to know if you want to do some further modifications, or even translate the game into yet another language. I would suggest you base it on this work instead of the original Spanish version, as a significant portion of the text has been altered to be closer to the work of Umberto Eco.

The original thread, containing the contributions of the community, can be found here. I thank all of you guys, there wouldn't be a translation today without you. Especially all the technical people, but also those who helped with the initial Spanish and with the further Englishization of the text. Thank you so much! I wouldn't have been able to do anything without you. Big kiss to Nich who had a lot of good advice.

This is the work of the whole community! Please don't send private messages: any trouble you have, any like you want to give, will have a better fit in this thread for all to read and reply to :)


A note on the credits:

There has been no additions to the credits or loading screen, no mentions of any contributor or the name of this website. This is deliberate. I tried to deliver the most unintrusive translation possible. This for a couple of reasons:
- The work hasn't been made by cpcwiki users only. I asked around for help and advice that people gave to me kindly. If I start adding names, I won't know where to stop and who's relevant enough to be included. And while this translation is technically brought to you by, we are mostly using the words of William Weaver, the original translator of The name of the rose. If there is anyone to mention, that's him.
- I want this disc to feel like a 1988 product. This is what you would have gotten if Opera Soft had translated and distributed the game outside of Spain.


A couple of bugs in the original code you may want to be aware of:

The big one: if you don't have a certain object at a certain time, the game will stop progressing.
Spoiler: ShowHide
 You need the manuscript by the fourth day.

Sometimes, a monk will be unable to take their place for the prayer or the dinner. It happened to me only once with Adso being stuck, but you never know. You have then no choice but to reload a previous save.

Upon finishing the game and seeing the ending, you won't be able to see your score and start a new game. The scroll will just loop. It's probably a remnant of the cassette multi load, but I find it silly.


Some advice on how to play the game:

Save often! you have the equivalent of 9 save states, use them! Even if you mess up with some saves, as long as you don't write them on a disc, reseting the computer will restore the old saves.
Save at the beginning of a new period, use that to explore and get familiar with the abbey. The camera can be a bit disorienting at first, but you will get used to it after moving around for a while and learning the place. There are maps on the internet that you can use, if you really need it.
The game is slow, but the timings can be tight. Once you know what to do, don't waste time doing it.
The labyrinth is really difficult to progress through and can be deadly. Save before going in, and either learn your way through or use a map.


thank you very much for repairing this serious injustice.


n/m too early, I should read haah

Make sure your disc drive is configured as drive A, side 1. Type |CPM and press ENTER.
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Added a spoiler to my bugs post, in case you are stuck on a never-ending day not knowing what to do.


Thanks to you, and to everybody who has helped make this a reality after all these years... superb work!!!

I'll add the archive to the downloads directory as well :)


should put a cracktro with thanks... would serve as credits...

Impressive Isometric engine, can't wait for a Baldur's gate clone with this sort of engine.

Nah more seriously will test it at last.


Ooh, do people do cracktros any more?

Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk


This has been a great team work!

The CPCWiki strikes back!!  8)

@khaz , could you share your dictionary and ingame texts? They may come in handy.



Quote from: robcfg on 23:15, 28 November 17
@khaz , could you share your dictionary and ingame texts? They may come in handy.

Everything is in the archive ;)


Downloaded  :doh:


Quote from: khaz on 23:27, 28 November 17
Everything is in the archive ;)

Great! Thank you very much!

I haven't had time even to download it...


Quote from: khaz on 23:27, 28 November 17
Everything is in the archive ;)
Bonjour KhaZ
Est-ce qu'une version fr est prévue ?


Quote from: NiNxPe on 11:02, 29 November 17
Bonjour KhaZ
Est-ce qu'une version fr est prévue ?


En tout cas pas pour l'instant. L'intégration du nouveau code est assez fastidieuse et j'en ai assez mangé pour l'instant. Peut-être d'ici quelque mois je me pencherai sur la question, si personne d'autre n'a repris le flambeau. Le français n'étant pas aussi concis que l'anglais ou l'espagnol, ça peut poser un problème. Le plus gros problème que je vois maintenant, c'est d'écrire "Jour" dans l'interface. Si quelqu'un me donne un sprite, peut-être que ça me motivera plus ;) L'autre problème, c'est la gestion des accents. Les inclure dans le parchemin risque d'être problématique niveau place, et juste impossible dans les dialogues. Et ça me gène énormément personellement, je ne supporte pas un texte sans accents.

Si quelqu'un souhaite se lancer dans l'aventure, j'ai inclus mes outils et toutes mes modifications dans l'archive. Et je suis à disposition pour conseil et renseignements si besoin.


Hey, the translation made it to the Internet Archive! Emulated online, of course 😁


Yeah, that was me. Sorry if I missed anything off - it does link back here, and this page and the download link are safely stored on the Internet Archive too.
I heard about the original through the IA Amstrad Library effort, and it blew me away that there was a game this clever on the Amstrad I never even knew existed.


It's a pity because it wasn't translated to English back in the day. That would have granted the game a bigger reach.

On the other hand, it's never too late to enjoy such a good game  8)


I don't think you missed anything, good job adding it on there :)


I have created a GitHub repository for The Abbey of Crime, if anyone is interested in seeing how the game can be patched. It uses some Python scripts and the Pillow library to extract the images and text from a DSK file of the original game (La Abadía del Crimen), which can then be modified, assembled and patched to create a new DSK file. :)

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