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New Game: Oceano

Started by EgoTrip, 22:19, 26 May 15

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Here's a simple maze game I made in AGD. Nothing too daring or complex as to avoid crashing. There's not been much released for a while on the CPC so I thought I would generate some activity, and also have a game of my own to play on my real CPC (when I get the tape working).

Updated: version 1.3 PLEASE RE-DOWNLOAD!

Amy decided to explore the seas in search of 20 fabled power crystals that have long been lost in the ocean. However there are robotic fish guarding them, and acidic bubbles that can damage her sub. She does have a weapon at her disposal in order to disable the fish, but it takes a while to charge so she cannot mindlessly shoot at them. After a short while, the sub will start to sink to the bottom of the ocean. Controls are joystick only (sorry).

Downloads (Version 1.3)
disk image:
tape image: coming soon
wav file: coming soon



Ast/iMP4CT. "By the power of Grayskull, i've the power"

All friends are welcome !


Yeah its coming, I had to fix something.

It's fixed now.


Simple and playable.
I love it!
Thank you so much Egotrip! :)
I still believe that i got my myopia from the green GT-65 monitor, but i can't prove it! :)


@EgoTrip I hope you don't mind I've made a CPR out of it for the GX4000 users to get in on the fun.

It plays brilliantly :)
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Yep, I agree. It's simple and playable. Very nice  :D


Entertaining ,nicely presented game , would happily sell on the Mastertronic/Players label , back in the day , beats a lot of the stuff they published.


Quote from: Puresox on 14:31, 27 May 15
Entertaining ,nicely presented game , would happily sell on the Mastertronic/Players label , back in the day , beats a lot of the stuff they published.
a touch of music and it'd be perfect.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Aye, forgot about that. still, wallops Skateboard Joust, And they had the audacity to put that on the Silverbird label . Mastertronic , were a better quality than Firebird in the budget field. So probably used the wrong comparison.

Going of the subject somewhat , but why the hell is Skateboard joust a 128k game? looks like a 16k ??  :o


So glad only the speccy got "don't buy this" lol.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Thanks for the comments. The CPR is fine, I was going to ask about getting one done so you saved me having to do that, thanks.

There is a Speccy version on its way. As for music, theres not enough space and besides my music sucks.


Quote from: EgoTrip on 15:58, 27 May 15
There is a Speccy version on its way. As for music, theres not enough space and besides my music sucks.
Two reasons why you "need" to add music to this product (and possibly the all other games you've done).

1. Why not put the music on the title-screen? Arkos, or STarkos, has simple BASIC players that need little, or no, knowledge of Assembly!
2. Your music does NOT suck.

* "need" is entirely objective. If you don't feel it needs music, then that's your prerogative! But, your fans might disagree! Fans like me.


Last time I tried using music with an AGD game it just stuttered and sounded shit(er). Check out Jigsaw Rescue to see what I mean. Besides that, AGD is so temperamental, even on the Speccy, I know it'll just break the game if I try to do anything.

Now if someone could code games with me, and see the projects through to the end, that would be a different matter. But that's about as realistic as an altruistic politician.


Quote from: EgoTrip on 16:45, 27 May 15
Last time I tried using music with an AGD game it just stuttered and sounded shit(er). Check out Jigsaw Rescue to see what I mean. Besides that, AGD is so temperamental, even on the Speccy, I know it'll just break the game if I try to do anything.
Again, your music could simply be a part of the title-screen! This would by-pass any issues with AGD by simply not being a part of AGD to be an issue at all!

STarkos and Arkos come complete with a BASIC player as standard: LOAD the title-screen. LOAD the music & player. Play the music (with a simple INKEY$ or CALL &BB18 command). LOAD and RUN the game!
If you have any issues with doing this, then I can program a "LOADER" program for you. Annotating everything so you you can use the code for future games!


I'll look into it. I'm done with this game for now, I have finished the spectrum game, and I'm in a bit of a bad mood anyway after fucking up my real CPC tape drive.


Quote from: EgoTrip on 17:23, 27 May 15
I'll look into it. I'm done with this game for now, I have finished the spectrum game, and I'm in a bit of a bad mood anyway after fucking up my real CPC tape drive.
Forget the tape drive; invest in an HxC like the rest of us!


Sure I'll buy one if you paypal me the money. I couldn't afford the CPC which I got for next to nothing. The HxC will cost more than twice what I paid for the CPC. And as its a bare bones 464 I'll need a DDI interface too. So, its not an option.

Anyway heres the Spectrum version if anyone is interested:
New Game: Oceano - World of Spectrum


Quite a pleasant game! I admit I had fun playing it, well done. The graphics are also nice.

Some constructive remarks, now:
- As others stated, a music would have been nice. Check the Arkos Tracker player, it's really easy to use. If you have any problem, contact me.
- A little bit of inertia would have been great. Isn't it supposed to be under the sea?
- There are some strange visual glitches when going from one room to another one.

Nice job!


Arkos Tracker 3.2.3 beta now released! - Follow the news on Twitter!
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FDC Tool 1.1 - Read Amsdos files without the system

Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


I had to use 2 sprites for the sub, which means I have to have both on every screen and them will jump to the entry position which is what is likely causing the glitches. You can tell cos sometimes they are squashed together and sometimes there is a slight gap. It is even worse on the spectrum version but i dont know how to fix it, if I did I wouldn't be using AGD. I don't know how to code inertia, if its complicated then forget it, AGD doesn't do complicated without throwing a massive tantrum and ruining all my work.


About the inertia, I thought about a simple "force" that would drag your ship down. Simply increase a counter "C" at every frame, when this counter goes beyond a "V" value, then C is reset and the Y position of your ship goes down. When your ship goes up, this counter is reset.

You can also add an acceleration to this effect. Instead of adding 1 to C, add "G", and G could also be increased of a small value every frame. G would also be reset when the ship goes up. Anyway, that's just some ideas of how to do it, I didn't test it, but I think it should work. Anyway, it was just to show you that simple stuff like this can be used to enhance the gameplay.

Arkos Tracker 3.2.3 beta now released! - Follow the news on Twitter!
Disark - A cross-platform Z80 disassembler/source converter
FDC Tool 1.1 - Read Amsdos files without the system

Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


Nice little game!
I enjoy it...

Converted it to .CDT, too for you:

When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Looks like a fun lil game.

I'll take that CDT file devilmarkus made and try run it on my 464 later.  :)
Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


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Theres a bug that makes the game unfinishable, it exists on both CPC and Spectrum versions, so I had to fix it. In the process I decided to add some more gravity to the sub, so it descends every other frame instead of waiting a while.

The OP has been updated with the new download links, so make sure you grab them.


Quote from: Neil79 on 12:20, 28 May 15
8) 8)  and featured

Thanks for the review. The spectrum link has been fixed, its on the WoS topic.

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