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New Game: Phantomas Tales #1: Marsport

Started by Metalbrain, 13:06, 11 March 09

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The Mojon Twins, a new development group formed by several ex-CEZ GS members, has just released a new game for Spectrum and Amstrad CPC.

Go and steal the cubic gold from the deepest caves of Mars!



No, really, what on earth is happening? We haven't seen so many new games since Imagine went bust...


OK, I can't read Spanish, but I assume this has nothing to do with the old Marsport from the 80s?

I'm assuming so based on the screenshots but I just thought I'd ask.


Never played the old one... but this one is rather neat, if a bit difficult. Not screen scrolling, unfortunately, but the design is well done so that you don't fall on enemies or in traps. Only problem I have is I don't know what to play first now!


I sadly admit that I'm disappointed by the one. I really liked the previous opus (phantomas saga : infinity), but this one is not as good : the graphics seem like having been quickly transfered with no retouching. The music is rather dull, and there are a lot of details that lacks polishing : the unreadable font, the music that slows down when going from a screen to another... And the gameplay is exactly the same as before, without the perfectly smooth animation.
Disappointing !

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A new version has just been released fixing a bug with the random number generator that made it impossible to finish the game sometimes, as only 19 treasures would appear instead of 20.


@Targhan: come on man :) I don't think it's that bad. True, it's not as original or as polished as previous releases, but it's still a nice little game, no need to trash it like that...


I didn't mean to trash it, sorry :). But I really enjoyed the first episode, that this one is really not as good. I simply don't understand why, and I'm disappointed. It looks like it is a quick'n'dirty port from spectrum, and I'm pretty sure it is.

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