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Doomsday Lost Echoes - Released and now with Physical Edition

Started by ||C|-|E||, 00:18, 31 July 15

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So... the summary is that we are making (or trying to make) a new text adventure for the CPC and I would like to share the progress of the game with you :) . I am designing the adventure and I will try to code it as well, at least the main part, using PAWS (although I do not know if I will need some help!). In the meantime, a great friend of mine is creating concepts and doing the pixel art for the locations, and we are both discussing the plot and the background of the game together. Later, we will polish the game with the help of MiguelSky, that has lots of knowledge and experience, and we will probably need some testers and people to proofread the text (the game is in English but I am not a native English speaker and I am sure that it will need lots of corrections). Everybody that likes text adventures is very welcome to help :) .

Here is the concept of the main character, the name is Mike.

And one of the first graphics. This is the original GIF.

And this is how the same image looks converted to SCR and loaded in Winape (I still could not see it in a real Amstrad)

We still do not have a tittle, by the way. Doomsday is the name of the spaceship! :D .


It looks awesome!


Wow that looks really nice. I used to love text adventures, and wrote one or two. Shame we never got a system for creating graphic adventures a bit like Maniac Mansion



Quote from: Trebmint on 08:48, 31 July 15
Wow that looks really nice. I used to love text adventures, and wrote one or two. Shame we never got a system for creating graphic adventures a bit like Maniac Mansion

But we can still get one!  ;)

and when we have this system, then we can think on porting some games that are all in our minds...


Great you like it so far guys!

Let's see how it works. At the moment we are still fighting with the map and the overall script. It has quite a lot of locations (more than 35) and it is somehow difficult to make everything as consistent as we would like. When you think that everything is under control another possible weakness appears  :(


Very well! Glad to see your posting here!  :)  About that picture up there. You could use MODE 0, since in that pic all angels of line are rel. flat, so the pixel are wide. That would give you 16 colors and the resulution would be still good.  ;)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


The graphic patch of PAW requires mode 1 images :( But a good work could be done. Nheredia is made with this patch


My friend was also saying that the preferred Mode 1 graphics to work if he had the choice. He told me that 4 colors is not actually a problem, but he would not like to work with even less resolution and not square pixels :D


Perfect then !! For Nheredia I used conversions from the original PC game pictures.


In this case we are making the graphics for the CPC from the beginning. Let´s see if we manage to get the best out of the computer :D. I was asked if we can introduce animations but i said that, sadly, it would be not possible :(


Sooo...we have made very good progress with the description of the locations, the map and the overall structure of the game. Sadly, the truth is that since I am not a native English speaker I am afraid that my descriptions are far from correct or, at least, will have a lot of typos. I was wondering if somebody could help us reading and correcting them (just the description of the locations for the moment). Ideally, this "somebody" should be a native English speaker that likes science fiction, because the games takes place inside a big space station. The text is not very long, just a few pages, and I would sent it to the volunteer during the next days :).

Thank you guys!  :D


And the game is slowly starting to live...  :)



We have introduced all the locations and the connections, so it is possible to visit all the map. Once compiled the whole file is 13 kas. I hope we will have space to put everything we planned without making sacrifices, but there is still a lot of text to add (the descriptions and other messages). Does anybody know how to use 128 kas with PAWs? is this even possible? :?

P.D: we still need a proofreader!!  :)


I will volunteer as a proof-reader if you still need one (PM me)  :)
SOH Digital Entertainments


Thank you!! Yes, we really need somebody to correct the English!! I will send you a PM with the details and all the info  :D


Have you planned translations to other languages?

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Well, when it is finished I can always translate it to Spanish, since it is one of my mother tongues. However, this is as far as I can go... I do not know any other languages  :)


Well, if I find some time then I would be glad to translate it to German.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Thank you! that would be great! But let´s see how long it takes to finish it first :D


This is great news, thanks for sharing :)

I may not be a native English speaker and I make the occasional mistake but I can proofread pretty well, if you need a second volunteer!


Thank you!! I will send the text to you as well Gryzor  :D


If you need too, my daughter can translate into French and German - she's fluent..


I can check the German translation.  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Almost done with the descriptions; I've got to say what I'm seeing is quite intriguing, looking forward to the game!

Oh, and of course I can do a Greek version if you can incorporate a Greek akpha set...


I am back from holidays!  :D

Thank you for all the translation offers guys! When the game is finished and running for sure we can try to translate it, although I do not know how to incorporate the greek alphabet  :-X

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