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Orion Prime - Teaser

Started by Targhan, 11:39, 16 April 09

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As some of you may know, Arkos, in association with Les Sucres En Morceaux, have been working on an adventure game for a few years. It is about to get released in French, English, Spanish and German.

But before that, we decided to release a little Teaser that will show you a bit of what the game is about. Watch it here :

Please view it on a real CPC, it's really more beautiful !


Arkos Tracker 3.2.4 beta now released! - Follow the news on Twitter!
Disark - A cross-platform Z80 disassembler/source converter
FDC Tool 1.1 - Read Amsdos files without the system

Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


Super nice..

This game look very promissing, can't wait for the final release!


Quote from: Targhan on 11:39, 16 April 09

As some of you may know, Arkos, in association with Les Sucres En Morceaux, have been working on an adventure game for a few years. It is about to get released in French, English, Spanish and German.

But before that, we decided to release a little Teaser that will show you a bit of what the game is about. Watch it here :

Please view it on a real CPC, it's really more beautiful !



I can't believe this has gone under the radar for so long... see what localised communities do... :(


Just so you know that this not Vapor-ware, we will present our game on the next CPC Meeting, Amtrad Expo 2009, that will take place in Coutances (France), on May 29,30 and 31st. Will be shown the whole introduction, and the beginning of the game. Only ONCE :).
The game is now complete and will enter beta test !

Arkos Tracker 3.2.4 beta now released! - Follow the news on Twitter!
Disark - A cross-platform Z80 disassembler/source converter
FDC Tool 1.1 - Read Amsdos files without the system

Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


SOMEONE better be there with a cam when this happens... please?


Quote from: Gryzor on 08:55, 22 April 09
I can't believe this has gone under the radar for so long... see what localised communities do... :(

Well, I think the programmers did exactly right! If you show too much previews or even one preview, then nobody is (that much) interrested in the final product. I did this error, to release a preview. And it's nothing than an error. The best thing is just to release it - without anybody knowing anything before.


I didn't say they did something wrong! All I said was that, even though they released as much information, it stayed within the French community, that's all.

As for not releasing previews etc... it depends. I think their approach with Orion Prime is just fantastic.


For sure it is already difficult to finish a project.Release preview or screenshot help keeping motivation, that woud be more difficult to release nothing before the job is finished.
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Quote from: Gryzor on 07:48, 29 April 09
I didn't say they did something wrong! ...

And I didn't say that you sayd that :-)


Quote from: fano on 11:23, 29 April 09
For sure it is already difficult to finish a project.Release preview or screenshot help keeping motivation, that woud be more difficult to release nothing before the job is finished.

Hmm, in a theoretical principle you're right. But in reality you (sometimes) get too much silly comments when you release a preview or even a final program.

If I ever will release anything again in my life, nobody will be informed before.


Quote from: deleted on 23:41, 06 May 09But in reality you (sometimes) get too much silly comments when you release a preview or even a final program.
You're right, there is always someone who is is not happy.Generaly, when this people come with no solution i don't care.As we said in my native language "la critique est facile, l'Art difficile"
After, i post preview only when i think i'll be able to the end or i'm happy with result (i've worked on 20 or 30 projects on PC but only released 3) and i like to share my source code so who is not happy can do something better with it  ;D
"NOP" is the perfect program : short , fast and (known) bug free

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