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Quick question on Renegade/Target Renegade graphics

Started by sigh, 17:17, 07 December 10

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Another apology from me for the slow updates!
I had started creating the backgrounds for level 3 - I have only have one screen done and will need to do another 7; this wont be happening till around sometime August. This level is more akin to Dragon Ninja/Shinobi where you have the ability to climb up onto another platfrom. You will still be able to move in the Z axis.

I haven't pixelled the boss for level 3 and need to go back and have a look at my design document for her.



Here is the first screen for the third level. It's an underground pharmacy where you can either walk on the top or below. There are six levels so we are currently half way through with the level design. The carpet on the top is a little problematic to work out the tiling because of the pattern, but it is still being worked.The lower part of the level will be flooded with water so there wont be any texture, though there will be a 2 frame animated ripple around the characters feet.



Quote from: sigh on 09:45, 07 July 19

Here is the first screen for the third level. It's an underground pharmacy where you can either walk on the top or below. There are six levels so we are currently half way through with the level design. The carpet on the top is a little problematic to work out the tiling because of the pattern, but it is still being worked.The lower part of the level will be flooded with water so there wont be any texture, though there will be a 2 frame animated ripple around the characters feet.
woh, very nice screen, still on the project?
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


This looks great, love the animation!
Hope this is still being worked on and maybe will be GX compatible?
Can't beat a good scrolling brawler


The graphics and aminations look fantastic! An as a great fan of Renegade, Target Renegade an others I am really looking forward to the final game. Kudos
** My website ** Some music

My hardware: ** Schneider CPC 464 with colour screen, 64k extension, 3" and 5,25 drives and more ** Amstrad CPC 6128 with M4 board, GreaseWeazle.


Hello! Thank you for the comments:)
The Xmas holiday has already started for me; I had a rather long seven month contract and hadn't taken any days off for that duration. I had opened the level I was creating only 2 days ago to see were I was at. I will be travelling tomorrow which should leave me sometime to sketch out the rest of the level.


I'm back on this after taking a break as it's quite easy to get burn out when working on this game ;) .I'm still designing this third level, which is rather complicated due to the split level design. This makes the tiles for this particular level very tricky to optimize so they can be used elsewhere.
Will hopefully have it finished by the end of this month.


Well - I have 3 of the sections done for this level (there are 8 256x192 sections that make up a level when stitched together) and I have 20 empty tile spaces left. This has been the most tricky level so far to optimize due to it being a split level.

I thought it would be interesting to have a wall to separate the rooms, as it would feel too much like a hallway.
I will need to create a window, staircase and maybe a radiator with those 20 tiles spaces. Will start on that next week.



I like the original title of this thread 😄


Quote from: kawickboy on 10:28, 07 March 20
The game will be 128ko only ?
Yes - it's very animation heavy.

Quote from: Gryzor on 12:17, 07 March 20
I like the original title of this thread 😄
I know! :D


Hello - an update!
I have nearly finished all the background levels for the game. I have one screen from the final level that is almost complete, then I need to create two single screen levels; a single level with a moon in the background over water and another single screen level with a sunrise/sunset in the background over water.
That will be it for all the levels! I will most likely be starting this week as I had been away for three months and now have to quarantine for two weeks.After these three single screens are done, I can now start creating the enemy sprite sheets and start designing the rest of the bosses.
I am really looking forward to finally finishing these background and level designs.



Not the showing whole background level as it is rather long, but it splits into two paths. The main thing with this level,  is that I thought it would be nice have a bit of diagonal scrolling like in
Dynamite Dux. I really enjoy the different directions you can take in that game that leads to the same exit.


This does introduce some nice variety indeed! And the way it transitions is very nice too.


Quote from: Gryzor on 08:53, 22 June 20
This does introduce some nice variety indeed! And the way it transitions is very nice too.
Thank you.
Now working on the last screen for this level:


Great screen, screaming of BOSS!

For some reason it also reminded me of Lucasarts' Loom :D


I have one more background to animate which is a sunset that will have a tide coming in and out along with some white lines on the water, to show movement.
Then it will only be the single screen boardroom level. After this is done - I will need to create some simple tiles that are need for when one level transitions to another. The levels follow on like the way it does in Double Dragon, with the only breaks being the final boss level and the player vs player level.


Lightning in cpc games... I remember Legend of Kage, Turrican & A.M.C.


Quote from: kawickboy on 16:13, 25 June 20
Lightning in cpc games... I remember Legend of Kage, Turrican & A.M.C.
And Myth


Another of the player vs player level.

I have one more background level left to do. :)


All background levels have now been completed.
I am now working on the enemies for the rest of the levels. The boss enemy designs; most of them have a background story which makes creating their look, easier.
Their unique moves and special moves still need to be decided.


Enemies for level 3 "Illegal pharmaceutical" gang.

This enemy has a super that speeds up their movement for a few seconds by injecting themselves with a drug.

This enemy throws a chemical that reverse player controls for a few seconds.

I am now working on the boss enemy for this level. I am thinking that it could be interesting to fight the boss at the beginning of the level instead of the end.

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