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Quick question on Renegade/Target Renegade graphics

Started by sigh, 17:17, 07 December 10

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No interest in learning a new interface at this stage as my only concern is getting the work done with familiar tools without having to start wrestling with new software. It's taken a good few weekdays and weekends just trying to get to the stage I am at now.

I've been using PSP for a good few years, but if I were to learn a new package it would be something like promotion.

Any answers to the sound and music space question?


Quote from: sigh on 02:26, 23 February 11
Any answers to the sound and music space question?

How long is a piece of string[nb]Twice the length from the centre to one end[/nb]?

A guesstimate would be approx 6kb, unless anyone else has a better figure?


Quote from: redbox on 11:08, 23 February 11

How long is a piece of string[nb]Twice the length from the centre to one end[/nb]?

A guesstimate would be approx 6kb, unless anyone else has a better figure?

Heh heh! Sorry. :)

I'll try and leave around 16Kb for it.


Quote from: sigh on 14:20, 23 February 11
I'll try and leave around 16Kb for it.

It shouldn't be over 8kb, so that would be more sensible.  :)

(I said 6kb as I thought somewhere between 4 and 8kb).


Quote from: redbox on 14:43, 23 February 11

It shouldn't be over 8kb, so that would be more sensible.  :)

(I said 6kb as I thought somewhere between 4 and 8kb).

Hmmm - The thing is, I wouldn't mind hearing some digitzed voice of a scream when the player character and boss characters get KO'd(wouldn't need it for the normal enemies). That's why I was wondering about tht 16Kb.


Scrapping this ambitious in game voice idea as I'm guessing that using a digitized voice/scream is going to take up all 3 channels to get something decent, which means losing the music while it's playing the voice; but it could be used for the end of leves bosses when you give him/her that final thump!

Is it possible to mix down 3 channels of music and then put it onto 1 channel?


How many people use stereo speakers or headphones?
If you mix down to 1 channel you lose stereo sound, I think stereo sound effects should be used more to give clues to where the threat is coming from.


I think that stopping the music for a 'final' event is ok - it gives the proceedings a more dramatic tone...


Quote from: Gryzor on 18:47, 27 February 11
I think that stopping the music for a 'final' event is ok - it gives the proceedings a more dramatic tone...

It's what I'm thinking. When an end of level boss gets KO'd, it would be a non playable part of the game much in the same sense of Chase HQ etc, although it would have the animation of the boss flying through the air and landing on the ground, while the voice is playing.


Quote from: sigh on 21:28, 27 February 11
It's what I'm thinking. When an end of level boss gets KO'd, it would be a non playable part of the game much in the same sense of Chase HQ etc, although it have the animation of the boss flying through the air and landing on the ground, while the voice is playing.

This is similar to Rick Dangerous 128+ as when you die, they play the 15khz scream sample from the 16-bit version whilst the dying character falls off the screen.

Not sure if this was done using the DMA sound feature of the Plus though?


Quote from: redbox on 21:31, 27 February 11
This is similar to Rick Dangerous 128+ as when you die, they play the 15khz scream sample from the 16-bit version whilst the dying character falls off the screen.

Not sure if this was done using the DMA sound feature of the Plus though?

Yes (although that's while your playing the game) I think something like this would be a good.


Quote from: sigh on 21:28, 27 February 11
It's what I'm thinking. When an end of level boss gets KO'd, it would be a non playable part of the game much in the same sense of Chase HQ etc, although it would have the animation of the boss flying through the air and landing on the ground, while the voice is playing.

Please make that slo-mo!

And if you could do a Rick-like effect, zooming the sprite in and out a bit it'd be fab :)


Amstrad CPC is prone to slo-mo...
So many games are full-slow-motion actually... :D

QuoteThis is similar to Rick Dangerous 128+ as when you die, they play the 15khz scream sample from the 16-bit version whilst the dying character falls off the screen.

Not sure if this was done using the DMA sound feature of the Plus though?
Yes, was done with DMA...
Easier on a PLUS...
and it also enable a tragic and cinematic Matrix-like slowmotion at the same occasion. ;D


5 more screens to go...

3 screens and this is nearly using 8KB as the vans took a lot of tile space. The next 2 screens will be simpler with plain buildings with cracked walls. The 2 after that will have a fence with the last screen being an open area with sillhouted buildings in the background. These are the backdrop ideas for the other 5 levels:

1) Mohawk punk gang (above)             - Residential area
2) Football shirt wearing gang             -  Park, (football stadium in background,)(parallax scrolling on trees?)
3) Hoodie wearing, moped riding gang - The bridge (small boats, water, city in background)
4) Female gang                                     - 2 floor music club (table, chairs, bar)
5) Mask wearing gang                           - Abandoned Warehouse/Scrapyard
6) Suited gang                                       - mansion


i still think you need a subway/tube platform area with a subway train in the background for the nasties to pile out of.

all very "deathwish" and "warriors" but very stereotypical "New York" gangs.

your Park thing sounds good, but may i suggest you substitute Baseball with shirts, caps and bats instead of football. i would expect more baseball/softball to be played in parks than football.

You could even do a Coney Island fairground level which is again from Warriors

(i really do suggest you check this film out if you can, as it's basically the game you are designing)

Best of luck.



Quote from: STE86 on 02:17, 28 February 11
i still think you need a subway/tube platform area with a subway train in the background for the nasties to pile out of.

all very "deathwish" and "warriors" but very stereotypical "New York" gangs.

your Park thing sounds good, but may i suggest you substitute Baseball with shirts, caps and bats instead of football. i would expect more baseball/softball to be played in parks than football.

Football, I always see being played in parks far more than baseball(at least in the UK anyway). The hooligans will have their spanners and and metal bars for weapons. Perhaps even a football! :)
I've seen "The Warriors", but I don't want to rehash the subway/tube scene over again and again (Renegade, Crimefighters etc). I want to try more different areas as I'm going for something more European than American.

Quote from: STE86 on 02:17, 28 February 11

(i really do suggest you check this film out if you can, as it's basically the game you are designing)

Best of luck.


I think they actually made the warriors game on the PS2. It's not really what I'm designing graphically (at least not what I've been refering to). It's more 2000 than 70's or 80's.


oh fair enough. i was under the impression you were doing american gang warfare not european.

in that case you are obviously watching stuff like Green Street and almost anything with Danny Dyer in :)



Watched "This is England" last night. Lovely movie, but more importantly for our purposes, it could serve as inspiration for quite a few levels... Indeed, STE86 was not wrong in assuming this is a US-centric concept; I've never seen a brit-looking game, which would be really lovely. Red bricks, "Look Right" on the asphalt, skinheads, "Maggie is a twat" on the walls... :D

Just a thought...


Quote from: sigh on 00:54, 28 February 11
1) Mohawk punk gang (above)             - Residential area

This mock-up looks really good.  Love the Transit van  :)

I think a British version of this game would be cool, because as you said Renegade etc was already based on Warriors.

I like Gryzor's ideas for the subtle things that would prompt your mind as to where it's based.


To be honest, I'm just using references from my surrounding areas, so it could be set anywhere - but those things will be more eurocentric.
In the end, I'm just looking to do some nice looking backgrounds. For instance - at the end of this level, it will be an open plain with a disused power station in the background. The park with the footy hooligans, the nightclubs, the classic white vans, hoodies and tracksuit bottoms, mopeds etc.
I guess these are quite euro/UK things and I'll more likely be refering to things outside of films/movies. I still see mohawks (albeit, much smaller versions), but the whole skinhead/prostitute thing is a little dated for my tastes.


well, as i see the same sort of scenery as you do :) ...

can i suggest the warehouse option could become disused/dilapidated factory/steelworks,

complete with skeletal industrial units with no roofs and the remnants of overhead cranes, chains and girders.

all old brickwork and rusty corrugated iron would maybe look quite interesting graphically.

this is the kind of backstreet place still to be seen in my area before they are pulled down to build apartments on.



Don't forget the burnt out cars, shopping trollies in the stream and smashed windows, I want to emigrate!


*cough* teens puking their guts out with a Smirnoff Ice in their hand? :D


Depends what Football you're talking about...

Quoteyour Park thing sounds good, but may i suggest you substitute Baseball   with shirts, caps and bats instead of football. i would expect more   baseball/softball to be played in parks than football.


Anyway I noticed the Ford Transit Van too... nicely done.

Anyway for the themes you can check all the classical fight stuff...

the dealer at the park who sells bad drugs or scroodge you on the quantity...

the Nightclub entrance where a douchebag put his hand on your girlfriend's back... you start to push hiom aside but... well you know, he has friends...

The Bar... wher the tankard spill his Bier on you and even ask you to pay him a new one because he spillt it on you...

Also at post office waiting line... the post office is about to close and can only take one more customer... and another douche go before you, while it was not his turn but yours...

Oh a "boxing day"... in Xmas 1985... for the last HalfPriced AmstradCPC6128 at Dixon's shelf...
Fight !!! ;)


Quote from: MacDeath on 19:39, 28 February 11
Oh a "boxing day"... in Xmas 1985... for the last AmstradCPC6128 at Dixon's shelf...
Fight !!! ;)

Solid gold. There could be banners announcing the launch of the CPC, it would be soooo awesome!

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