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Quick question on Renegade/Target Renegade graphics

Started by sigh, 17:17, 07 December 10

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damn! i cant stop watching the punching! its like some kind of weird hypnotism  :laugh:

great looking sprites tho!


@trocoloco: me too! Must have seen that loop a hundred times by now. Superb!!!

@sigh: amazing job... how are you doing, memory-wise? I have never tried dragging and dropping, why would you think this would work?


My memory must be fading! I thought I was dragging and dropping the anims in before :-[ .

I didn't get to touch this for the past 2 weeks as I was investigating on special effects (for a different project) but this weekend sunday should see more developement. Although the male character is pretty much finished, I do need to get the female and some enemies done before giving it to arnoldemu.


Hahaha! Apologies, I wasn't referring to your memory, but the memory usage of your project! :D :D


Quote from: Gryzor on 12:43, 14 August 12
Hahaha! Apologies, I wasn't referring to your memory, but the memory usage of your project! :D :D

Ahh - sorry :D !

On the project - I finished the female stomach punch grab move yesterday. The male has the "knee" equivalent followed by a headbutt. The female character also needs a follow up move but I'm not to sure what to do as it was going to be the elbow, but I've decided to use the elbow as the "attack from behind move" (aka Double Dragon).
I'm thinking of a kick to the face.

Regarding the memory - I've been keeping the female sprite animation timings exactly the same as the males. This should hopefully eliminate any extra code that would of been needed if there had been extra frames or a different set of timings added for the female. To be honest - we wont really know about the memory until I've got the female set done and the enemy sprite torsos complete. The enemies will be using the same legs which will save a lot of memory.


Hello people!

Amongst the work deadlines and a short holiday break - things are moving on.

I finished the annoying-to-animate grab move for the female character in which she does finish with an elbow to the face. For the behind move - she now stomps on the enemies foot which then can be comboed into the back kick to knock him/her onto the ground. I need to animate the enemy reaction to getting his foot stomp which will result in 2 frames of him hopping about on one leg (similar to the anim when he gets kicked in the groin.) The animation shown below is moving at 18 fames per second.

I'm changing thing around a bit regarding the moveset. I originally had the guy having the ability to sit on top of a KOed opponent and doing the face pummel. This I'm now going to have the female though which should hopefully just be a simple trace and a head swap. I'm going to have the guy do a headlock/choke hold on the enemy instead when on the ground. This should only be 3 frames for the choking loop.

It's been rather difficult in keeping the frame timings the same for both characters, while also trying to inject as much difference in fighting styles and characteristics withing each character. I want the characters to fight dirty (I have already done the front kick animations which will be used to kick dust in the enemies face; also I would like the female to bite the enemies arm if held from behind) but this may result in extra code work which I wanted to avoid....

Today I will pixel the 1 frame reaction of her getting hit in the stomach (easy)and then, will have to prepare myself to finish her punch animation and the uppercut, which I've put off completing as it's a pain in the ass(not so easy!)



The last animation is brilliant. Not only is it lovely to look at, but it's also pretty original and full of character. You, Sir, got talent!


Quote from: Gryzor on 18:04, 12 September 12

The last animation is brilliant. Not only is it lovely to look at, but it's also pretty original and full of character. You, Sir, got talent!

Cheers! Was in the middle of doing a "Double Dragon" hair grab knee to the face. I love that move so damn much and trying hard not to just stick it into the game. Sooooo damn tempted! :P

Punches, uppercut and weapon swing animation is finished and have now moved onto her throw move. I think I may have 6 more animation left to do on her which is the dodge, sitting on opponent pummel, throwing an object, kicking dust into the opponents face, being kicked in the shins and arm biting. (Arm biting is going to be very tricky!)

On the guy - strangle hold on floor, being kicked in the shins and elbow to the gut when being held from behind. I'm also giving him a new back kick animation and a backfist animation.

I've been looking into doing some sort of "rough fighting" such as pushing, shoving, and swinging an opponent around while they are grabbed or in a headlock. I think that some of these could work as idle/aesthetics animations when the 2 players are in the grab or being grabbed poses, with the swinging around animation happening when the player taps forward on the joystick. It would make things feel more alive in the grab poses and give it a raw and dirty fighting feel.


I like the way that this thread is called "Quick question" and we're now on page 16 :D



Quote from: Bryce on 22:55, 14 September 12
I like the way that this thread is called "Quick question" and we're now on page 16 :D


Heh, it's expanded quite a bit since the first question:)

Almost done working out her throw, though I couldn't reuse the legs from her walk and punches and had to create new poses for the throw (apart from the last frame.) Now I just have to create a new torso frame for the mid pose and hopefully that should be it. I'll move on to doing the guys back kick animation AGAIN!!!



I may do and extra frame for with the enemies legs up in the air when landing on the ground after being hit.

Now for the male back kick....


And another brilliant move. There's quite some sense of motion in it!

Quick question: is this ever going to turn into a new game?
16 going on 17...


Quote from: Gryzor on 18:23, 15 September 12
Quick question: is this ever going to turn into a new game?

It will remain a scrolling beat em up; though I have been wondering whether to have less screens as to fight in an area like in Renegade, or just stick to scrolling from one end to another like in Target/Double Dragon. Renegade enemies are by far the toughest of any beat em up as the game is all about controlling space and timing of kicks/punches in a given area of maybe only 3 screens wide, in which the enemies will frequently dodge and duck your moves which means there is no room for button mashing. This is what I really like about Renegade.

Nicer looking male back kick is done. Now moving on to the hopping on one leg animation after being stamped on the foot/kicked in the shins.


Well, even scrolling beat-em-ups are usually essentially the same in that every few screens they stop - and baddies catch up with you. If proper scrolling can be done then I'd say go with it since we're missing those...


Go with the one you find most playable. I loved games nonscrolling games like Yie ar Kung Fu and  Renegade


Well - we'll know what will be the better option when I give arnoldemu the rest of the anims.

Today's tasks:

Female face pummel.
Hopping on one leg (male/female)


Quote from: sigh on 11:13, 16 September 12
Today's tasks:

Female face pummel.
Hopping on one leg (male/female)

If you take this out of context it sounds really weird and suspicious.


Been away for a bit... come back and see this. I love fighters, will this be playable on the CPC?


Quote from: ukmarkh on 16:10, 16 September 12
Been away for a bit... come back and see this. I love fighters, will this be playable on the CPC?

Yes, it will be playable on a CPC.

Pummel is now finished and in the middle of doing the last set of legs for the hop before moving on to the torsos.


Quote from: sigh on 18:02, 16 September 12
Yes, it will be playable on a CPC.

Pummel is now finished and in the middle of doing the last set of legs for the hop before moving on to the torsos.

Can we have a special move like in Final Fight haha...


...or Mortal Kombat? Call it "Amstradality" :D


Quote from: ukmarkh on 18:05, 16 September 12

Can we have a special move like in Final Fight haha...

Special moves seem to work better when there's lots of enemies you can get rid of at once. In Final Fight for instance were most of the enemies just walk into your punches, special moves work wonders. With this game, we can only have around 4 enemy sprites at once, so to make it challenging they will need to have a greater awarness in regards to distance and positioning making the game more tactical like Renegade (despite the back kick abuse!)

I've been looking into animating more ground fighting for each characters so they are kind of special moves in their own ways.

Progress Update:

Being kicked in shins have been done for both characters. At lunch time I will redraw the block pose. The blocking would be activated by holding down the fire button. You can still walk in this state but you will obviously be facing in one direction and the walk speed would slow down. I'm thinking that while holding down the block button that double tapping forward or backwards on the joystick/joypad would make you duck or sway :)


So how was lunch? :)

I would say, double-left or -right while blocking should make the character leap a bit forward or backward?


Quote from: Gryzor on 13:13, 21 September 12
I would say, double-left or -right while blocking should make the character leap a bit forward or backward?

Yes - I was thinking about this, but it's something that I wouldn't want to see abused all the time like in a lot of other beat em ups with double tap run/dashes, as it end up as one huge leap fest!
I'm thinking that as well as having a health bar, there should also be a stamina bar (aka dark souls/boxing games), so you can't keep spamming/mashing moves unecessarily.
This again would make the game more tactical:)

But yes - a small evade step would be good to have.

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