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Started by Keith A Goodyer, 04:08, 25 February 10

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A photo of a modern console, sitting on an old computer, running an emulator playing a remake of a port from Spectrum. Huzzah!


Merry Christmas from Easter Egg!

You will find a big present on the R-Type web site...


  EE Team.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: TotO on 21:05, 24 December 12
You will found a big present on the R-Type web site...

This is amazing, thank you all for sharing this with us! First an amazing game and now this! You guys are too generous!
How about releasing it on POUET? Share your project with the world-scene!


I'm not getting it; what new is there??


I wondered, too, but then I realised that the "Happy Christmas, CPC!" is clickable.

Click to spoil Christmas:
Spoiler: ShowHide
It's a ZIP containing the game, source, assets, soundtrack, artwork, manuals, etc.
Quote from: Devilmarkus on 13:04, 27 February 12
Quote from: ukmarkh on 11:38, 27 February 12[The owner of one of the few existing cartridges of Chase HQ 2] mentioned to me that unless someone could find a way to guarantee the code wouldn't be duplicated to anyone else, he wouldn't be interested.
Did he also say things like "My treasureeeeee" and is he a little grey guy?


Ahhh it's the extras. Nice present, I must admit. And top-notch work, of course!

And I feel a little dumb for not clicking on the title.


Not only the extras, but the full R-Type source code and resources, on the Xmas link ! :)
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Wow, this is really f**ing cool!  :o :P
Thanks a lot!




Absolutely. Going to print a couple of pages of code and put them up my office wall, then take some of the resources and make a nice t-shirt or a hoodie out of it!


Great thanks a lot ! take a picture if you do this  ;) (btw thanks for the tweet ;) )
"NOP" is the perfect program : short , fast and (known) bug free

Follow Easter Egg products on Facebook !


Well, here you go, though it doesn't look very good in the photo. This is the beginning of renderer.asm, but will make something prettier and more permanent during the vacation :)


So you block the view of an ancient Greek temple thingy with some A4 pages of code? :D Way to go. Who said the Greeks don't appreciate their past architectural masterpieces? :D



Wellll, I look at that old thing day in, day out. Time for a little change.

Plus, in reality you have to move a bit to the side to really block it, so I'm ok.


Is it THE Acropolis??  :o



No, actually it's a spare one we put on for Christmas; it's made in China, so it's cheaper :D

Wait, here's a better photo from my office:


Wow, that's cool! Really sad, that they crashed this great building 300 years ago after it survived for more than 2000 years... (I am a big fan of the Akropolis and its history)
Sorry, back to topic...  :)



Ah, got there last a couple of months ago, always feels nice. Hope you visit some day, give me a call and we can tour the new museum :) And yes, it was a real pity. If you believe the descriptions, it was pretty much intact!


Is that a burning cop at a riot too ? :P

nice view indeed... still I would have prefered it restaured as good as new than keeping it in its old state.

To me it's always a shame those antique temples are keepts in this decayed state... We have the right and the legacy to rebuilt them as they were, with the exact same materials by the almost same civilisation.

Those temples weren't supposed to be abandoned to begin with. :(

Same goes for Roma and Venezia...
Venezia is litterally sinking into the swampy laguna because "we" keep all those manors and mansions and palace in their decaying states, while they were all supposed to be destroyed after one or two centuries and to serve as a base for a new palace higher, so the city would still be over the sea...

That's how they builded Venezzia... re-built a new building on the ancient one so you don't sink.

I mean, it's not like we can't rebuild them now at identical (yet with a few modern method for a few basements)


Well they've been restoring it for several years now - a very difficult and time-consuming process -, putting back the various elements to where they belonged. But it's not going to get anywhere near as complete, given that the Ottomans used the building materials for other purposes.

Also, I dislike the notion of building it with new material - that's just emulation :D


Not emulation, re-creation...

Emulation would be to have a poster of the theorically reconstitued acropolis in your room...

re-creation is more like having a genuine CPC but with a HxC floppy disk drive.


So... the Parthenon with electric fixtures and air-conditioning? Oh, and a handy elevator too!


@MacDeath: I totally agree with you. Why should old, great, historical masterworks left as a heap of dust, only because there were a few idiots somewhen in the past who crashed them?
If you would leave them in the crashed state, you would honour these idiots.
If you restore them, you honour the masterpiece of work which had been done.



Gryzor, I don't know if I am missing something but I don't see the problem myself, the restoration is designed to be completely reversible if needs be according to Wikipedia.

It's not like they've gone all American and decided to stick a theme park next to it with a roller coaster going through the Parthenon, or have they????  :o


@Beaker: oh yes, I know and agree; I've been following the restoration progress (heck, every now and then I just zoom in from my window :D) and it appears it's a very serious piece of work. And yes, it tries very hard to draw a balance between restoration and authenticity.

Prodatron, the issue of restoration is not that simple. It is, of course, lamentable that so many ancient masterpieces all around the world are in pieces, but co consider that this is also part of their history. Fully restoring them using modern materials  would amount to totally destroying what's left. If there's interest in full restorations (of which interest there is none), one could build a new building, or do a thing in software. Lots of detailed models exist, for the viewer to see what it was like, but noone ever seriously suggested rebuilding on the ancient ruins. Well, the Americans maybe.

And then, it's not always so clear, what to restore. Last summer I was on the island of Naxos, and there was a gorgeous, very ancient temple (or the ruins thereof). This temple had passed through various phases, eventually becoming a proto-christian temple. Each phase radically changed the look of the temple. So the restorers (the University of Salonica I think) documented, on site, their dilemmas and process as to how to decide what to restore and to what era. The result was fantastically interesting as you could see and imagine what it was like in each era, while basically looking at rocks and ruins... 


Quote from: MacDeath on 15:37, 28 December 12
Not emulation, re-creation...

You can't ever re-create anything close to what the original was. And to make a cheap copy with modern technology, when the original was made with bare hands, some wood and a few ropes is just an insult to the mastery of the original.

It's not like the entire building is lying there on the ground waiting to be re-assembled. The remaining stones are only about 10% of the building, so 90% would have to be made new.


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