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Resurrecting my CPC-Games website

Started by Devilmarkus, 10:03, 03 November 11

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I decided to resurrect my old JavaCPC-games website.
(The old one was still very frequented but is absolutely outdated)

So you'll find soon many games to play online on

And I also added something never-seen-before:
CPC-Games which are able to store a highscorelist on the server.
(This is still in the beginning! So who wants to test these games, please register and send me a PM that I can put you into this user-group!)
4 games are already available in this section:
Cauldron 1
Cauldron 2
Death Wish 3

Link to the highscore-list:

So, if anybody wants to add games there, too, please contact me, and I'll explain, how that works (It's possible with a single upload script!)

Have a nice day!
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM/FS on 16:09, 03 November 11
Trantor would be Great!  8)

That will be done.

I'm going strictly in alphabetical order, so it'll take a while to reach "T". Right now, I've added "A", "B" and "C" will follow shortly.

It's - of course - my selection, but suggestions are welcome for any games which are missing.
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


This is great!!! I hope people start using it...

Only note: the screen should probably be larger - the rest of the cpc takes up way too much space!



Quote from: Gryzor on 17:00, 03 November 11
This is great!!! I hope people start using it...

Only note: the screen should probably be larger - the rest of the cpc takes up way too much space!

That's what I told Markus as well. He argues that you can klick on the "Full Size" option to get a bigger screen.

Edit: Dang! Bryce beat me to it. ;)
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Important info: Not all keys work when you play highscore games!
This I did to avoid clever players to use their own "loaders" with nice PEEKs and POKEs inside ;)

But every game *should* autoboot!
So, if a game doesnt startup for itself, just reload the page...

I loved the CPC-display inside a CPC ;)
So just click fullsize to get a larger screen :)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 17:25, 03 November 11
Not all keys work when you play highscore games!

Maybe it´s interesting for you, but on my Mac not one single key is recognized. Is it possible to fix this?


Quote from: villain on 17:36, 03 November 11

Maybe it´s interesting for you, but on my Mac not one single key is recognized. Is it possible to fix this?

I have the same problem. Try klicking 64-bit (it did not help with my MacBook). It's ok on a W7 laptop.
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Seems that some MAC have problems to find the correct focus... Did you click INTO the CPC display?

BTW.: When you move yur mousepointer into the applet or also away from the applet, you'll hear a sound lack. This is because the emu resyncs everytime you enter/leave it with your mouse.
I added this to allow to bring it's speed back if runs out of performance... (Indeed, the sync problem is already best known and especially Linux and Mac users have problems here... Thanks to javax.sound API *grrrrr*)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: Devilmarkus on 17:47, 03 November 11
Seems that some MAC have problems to find the correct focus... Did you click INTO the CPC display?

We've already discussed this phenomenon. I don't think it has anything to do with the focus in the browser in particular. I'm in the screen with the focus on the CPC, but the keys don't respond. Sometimes it even does work, but not at the beginning. Instead, I have to erratically press a lot of buttons, until I get a response. From then on, it works well.

@villain: Do you use Firefox? A friend of Markus' said it worked in Chrome.
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


I tried Firefox and Safari, both with and without 64-bit option. I will try it with clicking in the window again. :-)


Clicked into the display now and it works. Now the problem is, that the recognition lags so much... This could of course also be caused by the weakness of my MacMini (1,66 Ghz).


Quote from: villain on 18:30, 03 November 11
Clicked into the display now and it works. Now the problem is, that the recognition lags so much... This could of course also be caused by the weakness of my MacMini (1,66 Ghz).

On both browsers?

Just one click into the applet window? Do you have a full Apple keyboard, or a small one with the Mac? If the latter, did you click to map the Joystick to the keys?

I also have the lagging even if it works; Mine is a 2.2GHz Intel Core Duo 2.
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Well I also had the keyboard problem here with my Win7 PC.
But if you minimize it and maximize, it gains focus.
Dunno yet where the bug is... Here I encountered it 2-3 times
But I remember I had Skype running...?!?
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Info: The highscore-games are in their own section... ;)
This section is not available for unregistered or normal registered "users".
So, if you want to try them, please contact me via PM and I'll move your account to this group.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Ah - I thought "Full Size" was "Full Screen". My bad!


Quote from: Gryzor on 22:17, 03 November 11
Ah - I thought "Full Size" was "Full Screen". My bad!

ALT + Enter = Fullscreen ;)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Small update:
Anybody can play the highscore games now!
But only for members in the highscore-games group the scores are stored....

Also changed: no keys are blocked longer for score-games.
But the keyboard is locked for ~4 seconds to disallow user input while under BASIC. (The game autoboots)
The autotype feature (F11) is disabled, too and reset also reboots the game and keyboard is locked again for a while.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


3D-Starstrike and Zynaps added to highscore games.
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: MaV on 18:33, 03 November 11
On both browsers?

Just one click into the applet window? Do you have a full Apple keyboard, or a small one with the Mac? If the latter, did you click to map the Joystick to the keys?

I also have the lagging even if it works; Mine is a 2.2GHz Intel Core Duo 2.

Both browsers, one click, full Apple keyboard (das wo Du die Semmelbrösel der letzten 5 Jahre drin sehen kannst ;-)).


Quote from: villain on 11:00, 06 November 11
Both browsers, one click, full Apple keyboard (das wo Du die Semmelbrösel der letzten 5 Jahre drin sehen kannst ;-)).

Thanks. That reinforces my suspicion that the keyboard in my MacBook is to blame. First of all, I have to check the Joystick emulation and then fiddle around with the keys to get it working. grrr.
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."



I updated the GUI today for users with slower PCs.

By default the emulator is skinned with the CPC 464 design.
When you select "Small" the applet turns into a 384x272 pixels applet (Which should be the fastest solution on older systems)
"Large" turns it to 768x544 pixels.
"Full" turns it to the largest possible site (in this website)
"Skinned" (default) turns it back to the applet with CPC 464 skin.

Also important:
When you have sound-lags:
Move your mouse inside / outside the applet. This resync's the CPC and the lag should be over.
(Repead this step if sound is still upset)

Fullscreen is ALT + Enter key (Smiling to Gryzor) ;)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


I still think the FD-1 looks too 2D, it needs some depth :)


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