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Robotron 6128 WIP

Started by lachlank, 08:53, 26 June 09

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Cool thanks, I'll have a look later. Right now I have to go to the hospital and see my newborn son!


Quote from: lachlank on 00:02, 24 July 09
Cool thanks, I'll have a look later. Right now I have to go to the hospital and see my newborn son!

congrats to your "selfmade" product of a humanoid ;-)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

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JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Ooh!!! Gonna name it Robo? Tron? Something in-between?

Congrats, mate, all the best :)


Hi Lachlank

Many congratulations on the birth of your son.


Quote from: lachlank on 00:02, 24 July 09
Cool thanks, I'll have a look later. Right now I have to go to the hospital and see my newborn son!


Congratz from me also!!


Quote from: Ygdrazil on 11:58, 24 July 09
Hi Lachlank

Many congratulations on the birth of your son.



Thanks for the well wishes, the "humanoid" is doing well ;)

I've updated the Robotron WIP page with the latest version, with some cool "new level" SFX by Mr Lou that are uncannily close to the arcade machine.

Note that the Java emu seems to run a bit slow, download the .dsk image instead.



Hi I have pretty much done all I want to do on "Robotron 6128", so all that is left is for a couple of hardy volunteers to give it a bit of a play and tell me what is wrong that can easily be fine-tuned!! i.e. things like difficulty, bugs, crashes, major ommissions from arcade game etc. Not things like "the sprites need to be 2 pixels wider"!!!

Once done, it will be released, and I will be looking for a new project!

As usual, the .dsk image can be downloaded here : I don't recommend playing online as the speed seems to be variable (on my PC at least).

Look forward to hearing your feedback...Cheers, Lachlan


Hi Lachlan,

great to read about your progress with this game.

I'm going to check it now...

Quote from: lachlank on 11:02, 12 August 09As usual, the .dsk image can be downloaded here : I don't recommend playing online as the speed seems to be variable (on my PC at least).

A suggestion:
- You can attach your file also in postings -> simply click on "Additional Options" above your posting.
- You can also setup WebCPC to make it playable in forum.

I will show you this feature:


Simply rename "robotron.dsk" to "robotron2.dsk" (To avoid double attachments)
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Hi Lachlan

I had time to test the final release version of your game, haven't completed the game yet though. But the final version is a great improvement compared to the preview versions. Very nice variation of opponents and the game plays much better with sound effects.

I think you have made the final game less difficult than the preview versions - this is good! (Or maybe I have played the preview versions to much)

I will keep playing ROBOTRON 6128 until it's completed!

Keep up the great work!


Quote from: lachlank on 11:02, 12 August 09
Hi I have pretty much done all I want to do on "Robotron 6128", so all that is left is for a couple of hardy volunteers to give it a bit of a play and tell me what is wrong that can easily be fine-tuned!! i.e. things like difficulty, bugs, crashes, major ommissions from arcade game etc. Not things like "the sprites need to be 2 pixels wider"!!!

Once done, it will be released, and I will be looking for a new project!

As usual, the .dsk image can be downloaded here : I don't recommend playing online as the speed seems to be variable (on my PC at least).

Look forward to hearing your feedback...Cheers, Lachlan


Quote from: Ygdrazil on 09:17, 27 August 09
I will keep playing ROBOTRON 6128 until it's completed!

Keep up the great work!


Haha good luck completing it, there are many (repeating) levels!

Anyway, thanks for the positive feedback, I'm working on another game now (no WIP this time), it is quite addictive writing 8-bit software for some reason! Perhaps more challenging than writing for modern CPUs and RAM in high-level languages...



Repeating levels!!

But Robotron 6128 can be completed then?


Quote from: lachlank on 10:07, 27 August 09
Haha good luck completing it, there are many (repeating) levels!

Anyway, thanks for the positive feedback, I'm working on another game now (no WIP this time), it is quite addictive writing 8-bit software for some reason! Perhaps more challenging than writing for modern CPUs and RAM in high-level languages...



Quote from: Ygdrazil on 10:16, 27 August 09
Repeating levels!!

But Robotron 6128 can be completed then?


You'll just have to keep playing and find out ;)


Only thing I would like to be different, is the shoot-sound-effect. I think it should sound more like the original instead. But I realize that's tricky.
Do you need music for your Amstrad CPC game project?
Take a look at - that's where I put my tracks.


I just played it after a long time!

-Intro music: sweeeet :)
-Cute, cute gfx. I think the fire graphic could be improved. I know you were going for the original feel, but I never liked that :D
-Difficulty is just about right at the beginning, but it gets very hectic, very fast. I think this is because not a high enough resolution was used, so there's less space in there.
-Did the original Robotron have diagonal firing?
-Sometimes the player sprite moves faster when moving in diagonals?
-We do have the emu incorporated into the wiki, you know, so you can make it playable in the game's page!

Thanks for a lovely game. I wish someone gathered those smaller games and created a compilation on tape or disc... :)


Quote from: Gryzor on 14:28, 27 August 09I wish someone gathered those smaller games and created a compilation on tape or disc... :)
That's actually a bloody good idea - wonder if any of the retro publishers would be interested in such a project (Chronosoft etc - are any of these still active?)

I'm thinking a retro theme for box art fashioned after the old compilation boxes of the 80s...


looking really damn good at the moment!!! graphics are spot on. shame nobody did this back in the day

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