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Saboteur 2 mod

Started by thealfest, 17:08, 21 October 24

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Hi there!
Earlier this year I released Saboteur 2 mod for ZX Spectrum and now I'm working on porting it to Amstrad CPC.
It is already playable but there's still a lot of work to be done.

about the mod: ShowHide

-Performance optimizations and adjustable game speed
-Double buffering with vsync (with limitations)
-Added some visual elements from 2019 remake
-Added new sound effects
-Added game pause
-Improved game balance
-And more...

Fixed bugs:
-Android or puma receives damage when ninja hits the flame of his flamethrower
-Ninja receives damage when flame covers a projectile(even one shot\thrown by enemy)
-The lift bug
-Slow climbing up \ lifting up
-The fall damage bug
-No 'bike arrived' message when using teleport
-The flame clipping bug
-The Infinite tape pieces bug - now this stash has 2 pieces of tape
-The walking underwater bug
-The throwing objects trough the wall bug
-The glitchy android bug - now he looks different and is stronger
-Fence terminal no longer controls lifts in missions without the fence
-Single fire key press on the terminal could cause several activations
-Throwing projectile at electric fence could kill ninja
-Puma on the left side of the screen could damage ninja at the right side of the screen.
-Lift position now resets when starting new game
-Enemy status \ position now resets when starting new game
-'Health' is now properly stored for each enemy and is not reset when the ninja leaves the room
-The androids misalignment bug
-The android remote attack bug
-Redundant screen updates when the flame is clipped
-Flame rendering bug caused by android being on layer #2

Game balance changes:
-Ninja's kicks and throwables deal more damage:
  Throwables and kick make 2 damage points, flying kick - 2-3
-Remaining HPs are now properly stored for each enemy. Also enemy 'health' now slowly regenerates.
-Reduced bat damage by 1 damage point
-Ninja takes less damage when falling from a small height:
  no damage if height is less than 15 tiles, half damage if less than 2 floors (36 tiles)
-Android sits longer after shooting the ninja


Look at that sprite run!


Impressive. What has changed because of the mod?
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


@HAL6128 Whad do you mean? Changelist is under the spoiler.


Oh man, thanks.  :picard:

I was so impressed by the demo that I didn't realize it. :D

...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Great work, I'm looking forward to play it. Is the countdown timer speed related to the selected game speed or it is real-time?


Time unit = 20 game frames. The faster the game - the faster the time. And it's fine.


Quote from: thealfest on 17:08, 21 October 24Hi there!
Earlier this year I released Saboteur 2 mod for ZX Spectrum and now I'm working on porting it to Amstrad CPC.
It is already playable but there's still a lot of work to be done.

about the mod: ShowHide

-Performance optimizations and adjustable game speed
-Double buffering with vsync (with limitations)
-Added some visual elements from 2019 remake
-Added new sound effects
-Added game pause
-Improved game balance
-And more...

Fixed bugs:
-Android or puma receives damage when ninja hits the flame of his flamethrower
-Ninja receives damage when flame covers a projectile(even one shot\thrown by enemy)
-The lift bug
-Slow climbing up \ lifting up
-The fall damage bug
-No 'bike arrived' message when using teleport
-The flame clipping bug
-The Infinite tape pieces bug - now this stash has 2 pieces of tape
-The walking underwater bug
-The throwing objects trough the wall bug
-The glitchy android bug - now he looks different and is stronger
-Fence terminal no longer controls lifts in missions without the fence
-Single fire key press on the terminal could cause several activations
-Throwing projectile at electric fence could kill ninja
-Puma on the left side of the screen could damage ninja at the right side of the screen.
-Lift position now resets when starting new game
-Enemy status \ position now resets when starting new game
-'Health' is now properly stored for each enemy and is not reset when the ninja leaves the room
-The androids misalignment bug
-The android remote attack bug
-Redundant screen updates when the flame is clipped
-Flame rendering bug caused by android being on layer #2

Game balance changes:
-Ninja's kicks and throwables deal more damage:
  Throwables and kick make 2 damage points, flying kick - 2-3
-Remaining HPs are now properly stored for each enemy. Also enemy 'health' now slowly regenerates.
-Reduced bat damage by 1 damage point
-Ninja takes less damage when falling from a small height:
  no damage if height is less than 15 tiles, half damage if less than 2 floors (36 tiles)
-Android sits longer after shooting the ninja

Really cool, but maybe IS a little bit too fast?


Game speed is adjustable.


Wow amazing !!  :o 8)

And the changelog list with new features and bugfixes is impressive !

Great work...  ;)
Looking forward to discovering a playable version.  8)


Amazing. Hope the controls are now more responsive, less laggy.


@dodogildo  i don't see any problems with the controls in the original, just a general slowness.


Quote from: thealfest on 18:23, 22 October 24@dodogildo  i don't see any problems with the controls in the original, just a general slowness.
the slowness results in missing keys (keyDown+keyUp between 2 keyboard scans). It's ...         ...clearly a bug from a user point of view


Quote from: roudoudou on 19:04, 22 October 24
Quote from: thealfest on 18:23, 22 October 24@dodogildo  i don't see any problems with the controls in the original, just a general slowness.
the slowness results in missing keys (keyDown+keyUp between 2 keyboard scans). It's ...        ...clearly a bug from a user point of view
I prefer this way over input buffering.


Added palette swapping, fixed some bugs.


Extremely cool!
A high-speed walkthrough in real-time and might be also a high programming and analysing effort behind.
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Does anyone know if Clive Townsend is aware of this effort to improve Saboteur II? I'm sure he would approve of it. :)


@Nich  When I announced my mod for the Spectrum in March, Clive got in touch with me.


If this had been available to me in 1988-1992 when I was 8-12 and playing the original, I would have shifted my pants.

Holy Moly, the girl runs like forking Flash!

Indeed, I would rename the game Flash Girl Mutant Ninja Avenger (heroine in a hand gilder).



This looks great, honestly I dismissed the game back in the day as I considered it a crappy speccy port and awfully slow(no offense to fans it was just my kid impression), bit this is lovely and fast, great work.
6128 for the win!!!


Added double buffering, made some minor changes.
Currently the mod runs ~3.9 times faster than the original.


Noob question... Could these results have been achieved somehow back in the day?


@cwpab  I think so, if the developers spent enough time optimizing the code.


Fixed speed control

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