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Saboteur 2 mod

Started by thealfest, 17:08, 21 October 24

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I can see why "I've been working on improving the speed of Saboteur on the Spectrum and thought I'd bring those improvements over to the CPC version" being met with "The Speccy is rubbish and here is proof" might be frustrating. Does every mention of another platform have to be another playground debate? Do people really not see how it might reduce the desire to bring cool stuff to the CPC?

Quote from: shaymanjohn on 17:04, 31 October 24Shame they've gone, I was curious to understand why the Mode 0 stuff would take more memory and run slower... any thoughts anyone?

At a guess, it stores the images as 1bpp images and converts to colour on the fly. Storing them as actual CPC format graphics (at least for the background) will likely increase memory usage (regardless of which mode you choose) - although I'd expect you could render it faster due to a lot less transcoding.


While the OP was probably "right" technically, I think we can all agree that he started acting like a mod... without being a mod. Not a good communication technique IMHO.

I love what this guy did to the ninjette, astronauts and panthers in Saboteur 2, though. It was my favorite game as a kid even with the slownwess. One of my most "precise" memories from when I was 8 years old is leaving Saboteur 2 music running in my room while going to the kitchen to have dinner. What a waste of resources! Sorry, mum.

Back to the drama, I think it's the most exaggerated reaction I've ever seen to a semi-offtopic (not that the offtopic creator was talking about the fantastic sci-fi series Severance and Silo, which I take the opportunity to recommend!).

But here's the good part: if this mod is never released, we can fake it by increasing the speed in Winape.  8)

(Unless some additional graphical changes were being added... I seemed to spot some different colors and backgrounds here and there?)


Severance is great. Silo, well, it's nice and we watch it because we loved the books* but it's rather wanting, I think.

Oh, wait, we were saying? 

*The books, btw, were very uneven, with one being a money grab not worth the paper it was printed on. Also, the beginning of the saga was like a xerox copy of one of Dick's books (Penultimate Truth I think?)


Quote from: pelrun on 11:09, 31 October 24Guy had every right to ask not to have his conversation stampeded over by the same old pointless argument, and also to walk away when the people involved instead decided to double down. That doesn't mean they're a "sour person".

This is the sort of thing people point to when they say a community isn't welcoming. :(
I made an innocent question about the game timer on first page and got a sour response. So, he is a sour person. د

"And it's fine" = I don't accept any kind of opinion


Really, i'm feeling bad that i somehow become the reason for this very nice thread about a mod of a classic game, to be F@ucked up...
But, on 2nd thought, i don't know if it's really me or @Gryzor to put the blame for it, or it's a case of a liiiitle "sour" person as Gryzor put it... If someone read the posts, it would be pretty obvious, that there were no "aggressive" or "holy war" attitude by me, but rather an excessive passion for spectrum that obviously arised from thealfest responses.  ::) 
As i'm an old member and the creator of quite a few threads in the forum, i would say that it's not uncommon for the discussion to "derailed" from the original subject. And if all of us, every time this happened, would respond like our friend @thealfest, then i'm afraid the forum  would be out of members in no time! :)
Apart from infection of various retro-virueses, the MAIN reason we got in here is to forget about the daily routine and relax with Amstrad nostalgia! And pardon me if i say that, but if you are REALLY in that mood, the retro-spirit mood, you would NEVER respond like thealfest...


Quote from: andycadley on 17:20, 31 October 24"The Speccy is rubbish and here is proof" might be frustrating.
You completely lost the point my friend.
And the point i was referring to, is NOT that "Speccy is rubbish", but rather how CPC games were F@CKED up by spectrum porting!
Sorry if you don't see or understand the difference between these two...


Quote from: abalore on 19:26, 31 October 24I made an innocent question about the game timer on first page and got a sour response. So, he is a sour person. د
"And it's fine" = I don't accept any kind of opinion
Hey, i didn't noticed that...
Well, i'm afraid this is typical of a... "God" person with the addition of the dogma: "Spectrum is the best home computer of all times, and anyone denies that.... DIE!"  :picard: 


Quote from: ikonsgr on 20:23, 31 October 24
Quote from: abalore on 19:26, 31 October 24I made an innocent question about the game timer on first page and got a sour response. So, he is a sour person. د
"And it's fine" = I don't accept any kind of opinion
Hey, i didn't noticed that...
Well, i'm afraid this is typical of a... "God" person with the addition of the dogma: "Spectrum is the best home computer of all times, and anyone denies that.... DIE!"  :picard: 

To disassemble a game and replace some routines doesn't make you a god. Specially when you are using tools and knowledge not available by the time the game was created. But yes, it seems like the typical guy that keeps the old scene mentality of boasting and entering flame wars. Needs to be updated ;)


hopefully the lad carries on  working on the project and doesn't just abandon it over what happened here tho. He's doing a great job, it is very promising and many people were where looking forward to having it completed


Quote from: trocoloco on 20:53, 31 October 24hopefully the lad carries on  working on the project and doesn't just abandon it over what happened here tho. He's doing a great job, it is very promising and many people were where looking forward to having it completed
Agreed, totally.


your amstrad news source in spanish language :


your amstrad news source in spanish language :


Did you guys notice the additional graphics?

Some tables now have a computer and a flower pot.

Other tables have what it looks like a telephone and some books/folders (same graphic from the existing cabinets that appear in very few rooms).

And finally, there's a cute little world map in one of the walls where all the countries are RED... except for Australia, North and Center America! (I suspect the creator is trying to tell us something here).

Also, the text screen before each mission has multi colored text.

I personally think they're cool... Except for a couple of details: 1) The colors make them stand out too much and 2) The flower looks like a crosshair, I initially thought it was a bug.


your amstrad news source in spanish language :


Version 1.0.2 released
Added game map (shift+m ingame) for 128k models.
your amstrad news source in spanish language :


Nice. Thanks to this game map, and M4's snapshot functionality, I may finally try finishing the game. Decades later.. :D


Nice job. Are some other releases/improvements planned ?

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