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Something rude has been hiding in Dragon Ninja all these years... (and more!)

Started by Xyphoe, 14:28, 15 November 24

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There's been a couple of reports over the years of (Bad Dudes vs) Dragon Ninja swearing at players! Bit sketchy, but I vaguely remember a letter in Amstrad Action magazine back in the day... which came back in my memory when a dude was spamming comments on my Dragon Ninja longplay videos about the exact same thing - when his game crashed as a kid and swore at him! And no-one at school believed him! :D

So I went off investigating... with the help of original game dev James Higgins!

I put it all into my first ever 'YouTube Short' (because not enough content for a full YT vid, and sorry it's crammed into a 1min short because that's the time limit... but hey, it is what it is...)

But I end up finding more than I expected!




So it's pretty much the same sort of thing as various Design Design games (such as Dark Star) which swear back at you if you swear on the high score table?
- Barry Rodewald


Quote from: mahlemiut on 22:31, 16 November 24So it's pretty much the same sort of thing as various Design Design games (such as Dark Star) which swear back at you if you swear on the high score table?

Yes, but this one gives you a cheat mode!


Agreed, great detective work, I remember the Amstrad Action mail back in the day but thought it was a piss take. Great to see it resolved after so many years, thanks Xyphoe.
6128 for the win!!!


Also a thank you to Zoe from Gamehammer for going through the issues of Amstrad Action saving me a lot of time!!


Deserves a wiki entry to preserve the find and its story. 

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