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The Dark Knight [ wip ]

Started by XeNoMoRPH, 06:07, 12 June 24

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The cdt is the cassette.
Roms can be mounted on rom boards or M4.
Different things.


Here is a turbo-loading tape version. Actually, it's only 30 seconds faster because I've used the standard speed writing, in order to make the loading more "secure".
Here is the code of the new binary loader :
org &0040
;;write direct "LOADER.BIN",&40
sub a
call &bc0e      ;;mode 0
ld bc,0
call &bc38         ;;border 0
ld ix,palette1       ;;set 1st palette
call @setink
call &BC65          ;CAS INITIALISE
or 1
call &BC6B          ;CAS NOISY
ld hl,&C000           ;;load screen1
ld de,16336
ld a,&16
push hl
push de
call &BCA1
ld b,190                ;;4 secs wait
call &bd19
call &bd19
djnz wait
ld ix,palette2     ;;set 2nd palette
call @setink
pop de              ;;load screen 2
pop hl
ld a,&16
call &BCA1
ld hl,&400       ;;load game file
push hl             ;;save EP
ld de,39159
ld a,&16
call &BCA1
ld hl,0         ;;setup game data
ld (&0406),hl
ld (&0408),hl
ld (&040a),hl
ld (&040c),hl
ld (&040e),hl
ret            ;;goto 400h
xor a
ld b,(ix)
ld c,b
push af
call &BC32
pop af
inc ix
inc a
cp 16
jr nz,@setink+1
DB 0,1,10,11,14,13,26,23,16,25,4,3,17,12,20,2
DB 0,2,6,17,18,20,10,26,1,3,15,5,24,11,13,25


This one is better : I've compressed the 2 loading screens. Loading is now 7mins 18secs long.


Quote from: VincentGR on 19:52, 29 July 24
Quote from: Jean-Marie on 19:34, 29 July 24Hola Mananuk, thanks for this great game  :)
I've managed to build a tape version using the good old Oddjob.
You needed to append a LD de,buffer instruction in the binary loader. It is needed by the firmware to store a 2 Kb buffer before calling &BC77.
org &be80
write direct "loader.bin",&BE80
ld b,8
ld hl,lbea6
ld de,&9D00
call &bc77
ld hl,&0400
push hl
call &bc83
call &bc7a
ld hl,0
ld (&0406),hl
ld (&0408),hl
ld (&040a),hl
ld (&040c),hl
ld (&040e),hl
db &47,&41,&4d,&45,&2e,&42,&49,&4e

I had to trim the comments in the Basic loader, so that it doesn't overlap offset 400h in memory, which is the beginning of the game.

20 MEMORY &7EFF:IF PEEK(&BB5B)=0 THEN p=45530 ELSE p=47061
30 n$="!LOADER1":GOSUB 130
40 FOR a=1 TO 4000:NEXT
50 n$="!LOADER2":GOSUB 130
60 LOAD"!loader":POKE &BE8E,0:CALL &BE80
70 'LOCATE 6,19:PEN 2:PRINT"Cheat? y/n"
80 'n$=UPPER$(INKEY$):IF n$=""THEN 80
90 'IF n$="Y"THEN POKE &4A1D,0
100 'LOCATE 4,19:INPUT"Level(1-4)";l
110 'IF l>0 AND l<5 THEN POKE &478C,l
120 CALL &400
130 LOADn$+".pal",&7F00
140 MODE PEEK(&7F00):FOR a=0 TO 15:i=PEEK(&7F03+a*12):POKE p+a,i:POKE p+a+17,i:NEXT
150 LOADn$+".scr"
The loading is quite sluggish. I'll try to speed it up using calls to BC83h/BC98h.
Also, it's a WAV file. CNG has made a tool to convert WAV to CDT (CSW2CDT), but his site is down for the moment.
Now waiting for the sequel  ;D

Thanks for this.
Btw the archive seems broken, at least on my pc  :-X
Hi Jean Marie, Merci pour le fichier, je vais le télécharger sur itchio et vous ajouter aux remerciements, nous l'utiliserons pour créer la version physique ;)

[color=var(--COEmY)]Icono de Validado por la comunidad


Dark Knight - Reward Edition

if you have purchased the game you will receive this special version by mail
-new character
-new vehicle
-increased difficulty

your amstrad news source in spanish language :


Quote from: XeNoMoRPH on 06:40, 11 September 24Dark Knight - Reward Edition

if you have purchased the game you will receive this special version by mail
-new character
-new vehicle
-increased difficulty

Sorry, how purchase, do you mean in itch io? or was there a physical version?


Quote from: asertus on 10:59, 11 September 24
Quote from: XeNoMoRPH on 06:40, 11 September 24Dark Knight - Reward Edition

if you have purchased the game you will receive this special version by mail
-new character
-new vehicle
-increased difficulty

Sorry, how purchase, do you mean in itch io? or was there a physical version?

your amstrad news source in spanish language :


Is there a minimum to pay to ensure we get a physical edition of the game? I assume there is a cost (production + shipping) to all this for you & I certainly do not want to make you lose money in the process.


Quote from: ldaneels on 04:31, 12 September 24Is there a minimum to pay to ensure we get a physical edition of the game? I assume there is a cost (production + shipping) to all this for you & I certainly do not want to make you lose money in the process.

I think you are getting confused, I am not the author of the game... this game can be obtained for free on the itch-io page, but if you pay the minimum which is I think 1 euro for the digital version, the author will send you free this new version.
I don't know if the physical edition of the game will come out later, but in any case it will cost much more, logically, you can ask the author on his page, although he also posts here.
your amstrad news source in spanish language :


Ah yes, indeed. Interesting information just the same. 
Hopefully Mananuk will end up releasing a physical edition, the render on his page is just too tempting :)


Bought it last night !



I must say, its a very impressive game.
I had to watch the YouTube Video however to understand , there is a "double-jump" possible.
Fun to play, and Mananuk even 'upgraded' the
game with Robin  ;D ...


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