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The Greatest Games You've Never Played

Started by Darran Lee Jones, 18:58, 15 December 15

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chase hq 2

I think this game has only been played by two people. I've never played it.
But is it great?
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Quote from: Puresox on 20:42, 16 December 15
I just don't know how the article would work lol if it was games you never played , but were really good? :P :D . It would work on the forum but not in a magazine . Maybe His lordship will clarify .

IMHO it wouldn't work. Back the day a new game was full of excitement and wonder. Today we are flooded by 3D super-realistic PC games f.e. that this sense of wonder got killed during time. Duet is just one example, back the day I've been fascinated by it, today it's just another speccy port.
TFM of FutureSoft
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It's funny, it seems like everyone has a different interpretation on this question ? I'm lost now


Quote from: TFM on 20:56, 16 December 15

IMHO it wouldn't work. Back the day a new game was full of excitement and wonder. Today we are flooded by 3D super-realistic PC games f.e. that this sense of wonder got killed during time. Duet is just one example, back the day I've been fascinated by it, today it's just another speccy port.
You were taken by Duet as a youngster? Wow , (No problem of course) But it's strange how things appeal to some. How old would you have been at the time? If you don't mind me asking


See, that's the point I'm driving at. It was one of my first game, there was nothing I could compare it to. Nowadays we all (if we want or not) have seen so many games that something made on an 8 bit computer has it really hard to make an impact.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Zoe Robinson


  • Sorcery+ since it's superior to the other versions (I heard of a Speccy guy claiming otherwise but he was wrong)
  • Croco Magneto (which I still can't complete to this day but which I adore)
  • Lemmings (the closest 8-bit version I've seen is the C64 version and that has a tiny game area to make it run well)
  • Freddy Hardest (no other version comes close)
  • Game Over


Great list, some games I didn't know.

I rememembered "Frankie goes to hollywood", it was somehow weird surrealistic, when you investigated a house and those windows opened where you could enter in minigames.


1: Starion - it has amazing vector graphics and the speed is incredible as it's very smooth.
2: Sub Hunter - parallax smooth horizontal scrolling and great gameplay.
3: Martechs Nigel Mansell Grand Prix - The pseudo 3d road is the fastest and smoothest I have ever seen on a cpc.
4: Mission Genocide - Budget priced horizontal shooter with quality scrolling and very strange enemies.
5: Lemmings - It defines the Amiga, but to attempt this on the CPC shows that it can handle a lot sprites quite well.
6: Bubble Bobble 4CPC - This remake is exactly how the game should of played in the first place.
7: Catastrophe - A 2 player Amsoft game where you play as helicopters making a building out of blocks battling the weather conditions. Brilliant!

Zoe Robinson

Quote from: sigh on 02:01, 17 December 15
7: Catastrophe - A 2 player Amsoft game where you play as helicopters making a building out of blocks battling the weather conditions. Brilliant!

Oh man, how could I have forgotten about this classic? My friends and I loved that game!! :D

Shaun M. Neary

Trailblazer (amazing scrolling for it's time)
Renegade (Arcade conversion that often gets overlooked for it's successor)
Deflektor (I still haven't played anything like this to this day)
Sir Lancelot (A platformer that can still tax your brain)
Auf Wiedersehen Monty (Really has to be played in a particular order in order to finish, I still have yet to finish it!)
Bounder (Requires timing which threw a lot of people off, but I loved it)

Currently playing on: 2xCPC464, 1xCPC6128, 1x464Plus, 1x6128Plus, 2xGX4000. M4 board, ZMem 1MB and still forever playing Bruce Lee.
No cheats, snapshots or emulation. I play my games as they're intended to be played. What about you?


Quote from: Nich on 22:36, 15 December 15

  • Chevy Chase - car racing game

Could have been turned into a movie-license game for "Driving Miss Daisy".  :D
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I believe the title to be a game which is great fun but very few people have played it. So something not known well. It may not be graphically good but it plays well and is very fun.

Catastrophe could be one of those. I never heard of this game. Never played it, but sigh and Zoe claim it's fun, so I believe it qualifies.

There are many good games on cpc which almost everyone has played (renegade, gryzor etc) but I don't think these qualify.

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Quote from: arnoldemu on 07:39, 17 December 15
I believe the title to be a game which is great fun but very few people have played it. So something not known well. It may not be graphically good but it plays well and is very fun.

Catastrophe could be one of those. I never heard of this game. Never played it, but sigh and Zoe claim it's fun, so I believe it qualifies.

There are many good games on cpc which almost everyone has played (renegade, gryzor etc) but I don't think these qualify.

Agreed. In that case I will tweak my list:

Had never heard of these until joining this forum:

Starion - it has amazing vector graphics and the speed is incredible as it's very smooth.
Martechs Nigel Mansell Grand Prix - The pseudo 3d road is the fastest and smoothest I have ever seen on a cpc.

Owned these, but believed to have not much coverage:

Catastrophe - A 2 player Amsoft game where you play as helicopters making a building out of blocks battling the weather conditions. Brilliant!
The Scout Steps Out - lovely platformer (again by Amsoft) where you play as a boy scout who has to collect badges. The levels are quite big.

Zoe Robinson

Ballcrazy. The game is really, really good fun and it only shines on the CPC.


Quote from: sigh on 12:56, 17 December 15
Owned these, but believed to have not much coverage:

Catastrophe - A 2 player Amsoft game where you play as helicopters making a building out of blocks battling the weather conditions. Brilliant!
The Scout Steps Out - lovely platformer (again by Amsoft) where you play as a boy scout who has to collect badges. The levels are quite big.

I hadn't heard of those games before, thanks.  :)

I've converted Catastrophe and The Scout Steps Out to cprs in the GX4000 thread.  :D


Super Hero by Codemasters.

A nice 3d game by the same people as Batman and Head over Heels.
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Johnny Olsen

Insector hecti in the "interchange" - You must repair the wall

Guzzler - You need to eat you fat then being bitten by a spider

Xor - A great puzzle


In no particular order...

Orion Prime
BB4CPC (Bubble Bobble For CPC)
R-Type 128k remake
Island Of Dr Destructo
Killer Cobra
Fres Fighter
Invasion Of The Zombie Monsters
Super Cauldron
Prehistorik II
Werewolves Of London
Xyphoes Fantasy
Star Sabre
AMC : Astro Marine Corps
North & South
Navy Seals
Fruity Frank


Remember guys this list is for those people not too familiar with the CPC ... who perhaps only know that 'Chase HQ, Gryzor, Operation Wolf and Robocop were apparently good' or are familiar with the big releases that were often multi platform.

So we're looking for those hidden gems and ones that weren't multi platform where it could be argued 'the C64 version was better because of blah blah'. (And it's why I've included recent homebrew releases and a couple of cart games.)

That's how I read the initial post by Darran.


Quote from: Xyphoe on 23:06, 20 December 15
In no particular order...

Orion Prime
BB4CPC (Bubble Bobble For CPC)
R-Type 128k remake
Island Of Dr Destructo
Killer Cobra
Fres Fighter
Invasion Of The Zombie Monsters
Super Cauldron
Prehistorik II
Werewolves Of London
Xyphoes Fantasy
Star Sabre
AMC : Astro Marine Corps
North & South
Navy Seals
Fruity Frank

Because I didn't read closely enough it's 10 games he wants so here's my 10...

(again in no particular order of preference but with reasons why)...

#1 Orion Prime
The CPC doesn't have many point-and-click adventure games, and it really hurt to leave the excellent B.A.T. off this list, but the 2009 release of the Orion Prime mega game simply surpasses it in sheer size, scale and unbelievable presentation. The most gripping and involving game on the CPC that even arcade gamers that are not inclined towards adventure games can easily and quickly get sucked in and remained hooked for the many hours of gameplay.

#2 BB4CPC (Bubble Bobble For CPC)
Yes it's a home brew remake - I hope this is allowed in the list? But here we have a stunning version of Bubble Bobble that is incredibly accurate to the arcade original that also beats any other competing version on a home 8-bit micro.

#3 R-Type 128k
Another home brew remake? We all know what a stunning job the Easter Egg team did here. It looks the business and any R-Type fan would be happy playing this.

#4 Island Of Dr Destructo
The first of two budget releases in this list. If you want a quick pick up and play blaster, there are none more fun and nicely presented as this Destructo! This is a fantastic simple but hugely fun and addictive budget release. Blast the enemy out of the sky and rain hell on the ships and fortresses below with the debris slowly causing the desctruction and their eventual sinking into the ocean depths! Wicked fun.

#5 Killer Cobra
The second budget release in this list. If you're a fan of Scramble you HAVE to check out this super fast and slick clone, with some of the smoothest scrolling ever seen on an Amstrad.

#6 Prohibition
If you enjoyed Operation Wolf on the CPC then this is a must. You have your cross hairs and you have to gun down your enemy, but rather than fixed scrolling you have to look around to find your enemy before he shoots you! But don't take too long! Features again some of the smoothest scrolling on the CPC.

#7 Megablasters
Dynablasters/Bomberman on the CPC! Need I say more? Oh yea - you can have 4 player co-op on this too!

#8 Fres Fighter
Most 1v1 beat-em-ups on the CPC were dreadful. Here's the exception with stunning presentation and animation throughout.

#9 Prehistorik II
It pained me to leave Super Cauldron off the list which was from the same author and released in the same year - but this is just more fun and better presented. The ultimate platformer on the CPC.

#10 Werewolves Of London
Arguably not the greatest ever game in the world, but if you're looking for a killer concept of a game married with some of the best graphics and music on the CPC - look no further.

Honourable mentions -

Invasion Of The Zombie Monsters
Super Cauldron
Xyphoes Fantasy
Star Sabre
AMC : Astro Marine Corps
North & South
Navy Seals
Fruity Frank

And I know I've missed loads.


Here's another game you may want to consider - Mission Elevator by Micropool. I've played this for the very first time today and I can't believe I've missed out on this gem for so long! :o It's quite similar in style to Elevator Action. You have to explore a 64-floor hotel and search the furniture very carefully to find clues to defuse the bomb on the very top floor, all while dodging gun-toting gangsters.

Zoe Robinson

Croco Magneto, which I submit is far too addictive for its own good, is available as a browser game so if anyone is so infected by fanboyitis that they couldn't bring themselves to play this gem on a real computer (i.e. a CPC) then they can play it in a browser. Monkey X - Croco Magneto


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Quote from: arnoldemu on 07:28, 21 December 15
@Nich: I've never seen that game before!

I have, and the funny thing about it is it's on Nich's Website reviewed by Pug.  :D
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