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Started by ComSoft6128, 14:04, 11 January 19

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I find it a very "UK" biased list..  No Abadía del Crimen, or Dynamic's games.., (Army Moves, Fernando Martin, etc...) I cannot even see Match Day 2...  :o

I find this list, with exceptions, as rather based on versions from Arcade machine games.. as the article says, no Barbarian. nor even Sabrina,  :laugh:  (joking, of course..)


Prehistorik 2 is unplayable if there are more than 2 sprites on screen...


I don't remember that but then again it was a long time ago, what I do remember is thinking how gorgeous it looked on the 6128+.


Quote from: asertus on 14:56, 11 January 19
I find it a very "UK" biased list..  No Abadía del Crimen, or Dynamic's games.., (Army Moves, Fernando Martin, etc...) I cannot even see Match Day 2...  :o

Astro Marine Corps is in there (No. 87). The list has been made up out of scores from a whole bunch of magazines (not just English ones), so game averages have been acquired from that by the looks, so for games like Army Moves its going to be difficult for them to make the list when AA gave it a score of 58% back in Issue 22 for example. As for Match Day 2, it doesn't look like AA ever reviewed it, I'm unsure how that reflects if they only count the reviews a game got or if their calculation is set across all the magazines they sourced out.

The only mistake I see with that List is how they've positioned the games, for example between games 65 & 73 all the games there have 87.00% which means all those games should have a share in that 65th position! What I can't work out is how Lemmings ends up with 87.00% when that game was scoring well into the 90% range across many systems, I can only guess one of those reviews bucked the trend and gave it a lower score!

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I don't know how "Last Ninja 2" made the list with 87.75% when AA reviewed it one time on a Budget game release and gave it 31%

Maybe those scores only count on Initial release of a game and not rereleased, it would seem that Last Ninja 2 would have to still score well from the other sources though.
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I think that the list is actually a very good effort... although I personally disagree with quite a few of those titles and miss many others. These things are so personal that I really find impossible to list the best 100 games for a certain machine, at least if you don´t define some categories  :)


Pang and Robocop 2 aren't Amstrad CPC games. They are cartridges for Amstrad GX4000 console and play in other league.

Final Fight one of the best 100 Amstrad CPC games? Oh my...  :picard:


Not entirely as bad as one could have predicted. Lots and lots of really nice games in there. Infact being based on game magazine reviews made by just a few people its actually quite correct in most cases. Of cause the list will automaticly suffer from the "time" issue as well .. aka games we though was brilliant in 85-86 is listed with game 89-90 that has clearly evolved dramaticly. Also critics is obviously harder later on as you'd expect more and more. Then there is the games that only released once & never got a budget rerelease (snuck under the radar or just didnt get reviews).

I guess thats why there is games like Doors of Doom, Zoids, Batman (the isometric 86 one im guessing) and not titles like Robocop, Batman the Movie, Skweek, Trantor, Savage & of cause Barbarian (Palace). Being "a late game" also mean that there is less reviews so no "quantity help" to pump up the score, even though it does look like quite a few good ones made it to the list as well, like Chase HQ, North & South, Lemmings that is "so good its near early 16bit quality"-gaming, where others didnt make it (like Crazy Cars 3, Hostages). There is also the "late bloomers" like Sim City & Donkey Kong where either the gameplay didnt become popular untill later or the game wasnt really recognized as a brilliant conversion untill later.

Only a very few genuine "weird" ones in there (i think and all respect to the devs) like Rocky Horror Show(85)? Certainly a fairly average speccy port with everything being average (or worse) the game being so random that winning/loosing the game is up to pure luck & provide less than a hours worth of fun. How that game got above 80% is beyond me & a bit of a puzzle .. perhaps the massive many budget/compilations has something to do with it?. Then there is Bounder (86) that is certainly no Trailblazer or Light Corridor (but its a ok 86 game, but top 100?). Then there is "Wild Bunch" (85) that ive never played but appear to be a budget firebird game that uhh dont impress with its mode 1 graphics (but i could be wrong, someone tell me if this is a hidden Pirates!/Bards Tale clone). As someone mentioned Final Fight is a little bit weird, even if the review copies didnt have the tape mastering error.

Then there is a bunch of "niche" games that you can discuss. Like can a text adventure really take 3rd overall place? what if you dont like flying or manager sims or single sports titles? (where is all the cricket games, lol). Again not that there is anything wrong with either niche or budget games like im sure everyone would enjoy a bit of Island of Dr Destructo, Footballer of the Year 2 or Star Wars.


Thanks to everyone for your interesting replies to my original post. "Back in the day" I was more interested in the serious software for the CPC and missed most (but not all) of the games scene back then. And a big thank you to Neil Reive for the hard graft required to assemble this list. I imagine that Excel was working overtime!



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