
Which replacement of AmsDOS is the best / favorite, and why?

Started by ZbyniuR, 01:52, 26 February 16

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I'm just curious which ROM or RSX you consider as necessary or most useful.
Which is most popular in real machines and between emulators users?
Because I didn't decide yet. So many choices and I wish to know what I missed.
In STARS, TREK is better than WARS.



Have a look at Parados Version 1.2 (ROM).
Excellent for handing a range of Disk Formats.

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It's been a long time, but at one stage I was using ParaDOS, unfortunately I don't remember which version I was using. My 6128 has 2 x 5.25" Disk Drives, which were rigged up and get detected when a Custom made  CP/M Plus is used, I was using AMSDOS and discovered the C Drive in CP/M could be used as an B Drive in AMSDOS, the problem was finding the Right Format because it didn't like standard DATA or System Formats, that all changed when I found DU51.arc which had a particular format definition that AMSDOS could read, because it's a Double-Density Drive & the nature of the format, the Programs appear bigger than what they actually are when CATalog is done, I just presumed it was the way the Disk was structured. So once I had my 6128 sorted out, I wanted to be able to sort out how to just transferring a whole disk image in an emulator. At the time I don't think Winape was around, I was using a 386 computer which had a 5.25" Disk Drive along with a copy of RWCPC (the precursor to Winape), but the main problem with RWCPC was it didn't read DSK formatted files, it has it's own Disk Format which still exists today in Winape. So I was obtaining Parados & Xexor which was somehow able to convert a DSK into a RWCPC Format, I might of been using another program to extract the contents of a Disk Image, unfortunately it's all a blur now, though I think I was able to transfer the contents of a Disk Image to a 5.25" Disk Drive and just use my 6128 to load the stuff from it.
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I use Parados for the Plus range, and run from cart, it's great, allows you to do all sorts, my Amstrad would feel inferior without it.

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Yeah, Parados as I hear is most popular replacement everywhere except Germany, which prefer V-DOS.

As I read both have new version: Varados can read 704K from V-DOS, and X-DDOS can read 796K from Parados too.

Both have some good point, but in some reasons not everybody love it.

Parados of course give us nearly 800K from DD disks, and copying program, but not intuitive at all. So many unnecessary format makes confuse, but none of them have 820K. None new RSX, and acting wierd with simple DATA disk in B drive.

X-DDOS offer a lot fine RSX, and welcome us fastscreen printing, what makes good impression faster CPC. :)  And the same thing makes crush  some programs. So you have typing |slow or modyfy those programs. :(
And 20MB HardDrive, really?

What else?  Utopia have fantastic RSX, copy by tracks and memory/disc editor. I LOVE IT, but what it doing with function keys is not acceptable for me, it just make me angry why RUN" doesn't work and why KEY 11 is Improper argument?  aghhh

Recently I found Amsdoc - nice RSX, nice look |WB, but doesn't work, (or i doing something wrong), and no DD disk.

What else is worth consider? What I missed?
And please don't get me wrong, I admire authors of those ROMs, I mean it,
but after 30 years we don't have something more useful and less annoying....  Or I miss something?
How many ROMs and switches we need to enjoy all advantages?

In STARS, TREK is better than WARS.


From my side, I use the FW 3.1x at boot and Roms like GOS and multi mark 1.2a are installed permanently on my X-mem ;)


In STARS, TREK is better than WARS.


Quote from: ZbyniuR on 14:57, 26 February 16
acting wierd with simple DATA disk in B drive.

This only happens if the format definition byte is set up to support Electro formats (as used very commonly in Australia since the early 80's). By default, the latest versions of ParaDOS have this option turned off.


I use version 1.1 of Para Dos ROM. What features in the new 1.2 version of Para Dos ROM ?


Quote from: cherkasy on 20:20, 22 March 16
I use version 1.1 of Para Dos ROM. What features in the new 1.2 version of Para Dos ROM ?

A small bug fix in the file copy routine, support for a few more formats (ie. Vortex and PCW), and the implementation of the Backup command. For the Plus, there's also support for |GAME etc. to launch Burnin' Rubber.


Quote from: Executioner on 22:49, 22 March 16
A small bug fix in the file copy routine, support for a few more formats (ie. Vortex and PCW), and the implementation of the Backup command. For the Plus, there's also support for |GAME etc. to launch Burnin' Rubber.

Are you planning feature updates for ParaDOS or is bug-fixing your only involvement in it?


Quickly going to link to the ol' Megaflash thread as there is a lot of really good Rom suggestions in there:

Lately ive been disturbingly lazy tho. If you have a 6128+3,5" drive like me all i do is load Symbos from disc & you have 720kb pc formatted floppy compatability right there .. no roms or hardware required. Really cant beat the seconds it takes transfering data from pc<>cpc if you have a 720kb floppy in both. Dosnt hurt that Symbos has a DSK extractor as well.

Anyway if i have to choose one, id probably go Parados as that is the one i have the most experience with. Still, all the extended dos's are good.


Parados 1.2(+) is the one and only amsdos replacement worth considering in my opinion.
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I use Parados 1.1 (included in the the Piort's ddi1 clone) with the setb.com utility for cp/m (xexor)

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Quote from: CraigsBar on 01:20, 23 March 16
Parados 1.2(+) is the one and only amsdos replacement worth considering in my opinion.

This one for sure. But it's more an extension than an replacement. [nb]Which makes it the most compatible DOS of course, just to explain.[/nb]

My favorite replacement is still X-DDOS 2.10, because it supports 0.7 MB format and B and has this super neat !COPY command for all drives and users. Well, I grew up with it.  ;) :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Executioner on 22:49, 22 March 16
A small bug fix in the file copy routine, support for a few more formats (ie. Vortex and PCW), and the implementation of the Backup command. For the Plus, there's also support for |GAME etc. to launch Burnin' Rubber.

And that's great! Still having hundreds of discs and even more DSKs in Vortex format. Thank you for the great work you made and all the effort you put in!!!  :) :) :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus

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