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How long have you owned your CPC?

Started by nicf82, 12:10, 30 November 22

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How long have you owned your CPC?

> 35 years
20 (48.8%)
25 - 35 years
11 (26.8%)
15 - 25 years
3 (7.3%)
5 - 15 years
5 (12.2%)
< 5 years
2 (4.9%)

Total Members Voted: 41

Voting closed: 12:10, 14 December 22


I have still got the same CPC I had when I was about 6! and that is about #$*! years ago now :o


Got mine in 1986, sold it in 1989, got an Atari STE, then an Atari Falcon. Owned the Falcon until 2 years ago when it finally failed beyond repair :'(

But there's light: At the same time I came back to the CPC and I enjoy it pretty much. I would not have the capacity anyway to focus on 2 different systems, and the CPC is my system of choice.

Sykobee (Briggsy)

I got a green screen 464 at the end of 1988, upgraded to a colour screen 6128, and then moved on to an A500 in around 1992, and A1200 later on which I had for a few years before a PC was necessitated by university (late 1997).

All these computers were decommissioned or sold - the 6128 out of necessity to buy the A1200 I think.

I did had a tower PPC A1200 for a year or so in around 2000. Wish I'd kept it, it would fetch a pretty penny now. Unreliable though!

I bought a 464 a few years ago (and an A500, and Atari ST, both in boxes atm) but I really need a monitor for it to recreate the system - large monitors just feel wrong and blocky. I do have a DDI-1 (and DDI-4) and some other stuff I need to set up again after moving. I have a GX4000 too, which is good for playing the newer games (which are ported to CRT).


1986, still my main CPC 464  8)


That one lasted a year or 18 months before I smashed the keyboard up in a blind rage.
The replacement I still have.


Quote from: eto on 12:29, 30 November 22Got mine in 1986, sold it in 1989, got an Atari STE, then an Atari Falcon. Owned the Falcon until 2 years ago when it finally failed beyond repair :'(

But there's light: At the same time I came back to the CPC and I enjoy it pretty much. I would not have the capacity anyway to focus on 2 different systems, and the CPC is my system of choice.
I'll give that Falcon a warm retirement home 😀

Got my first CPC in adulthood back in 2001, when I was studying in Cardiff and eBay was full of cheap stuff... 


Have had my 464 since 1985 and yep still works. Never needed a repair. :)
Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


June 1985 CPC464 and GT65 green monitor. I still have it and it is perfectly functional


Quote from: Gryzor on 13:18, 30 November 22I'll give that Falcon a warm retirement home 😀
It was smashed to pieces by DHL (or maybe also the guy I sent it to for repairs ... not sure). After a hard accident it's remaining pieces have helped other Falcons to continue their retro life.


Quote from: eto on 15:07, 30 November 22
Quote from: Gryzor on 13:18, 30 November 22I'll give that Falcon a warm retirement home 😀
It was smashed to pieces by DHL (or maybe also the guy I sent it to for repairs ... not sure). After a hard accident it's remaining pieces have helped other Falcons to continue their retro life.

What a shame. I'd just *love* even an empty shell. 


CPC464 spanish + CTM644

I have it since 1987 and it still works :P

Takis Kalatzis

Most probably it was 1986 when dad brought the 6128 with green monitor home.

A life changing event, for sure. 

Kept it active until 1993, even did the first year's University assignments on it (Turbo Pascal under CPM). Then it spent several years in the closet and the disk drive stopped working. 4-5 years ago, I read an article about replacing the worn out disk drive belt with a supermarket elastic band. And when I did that and CAT displayed the disk's contents, I was a happy kid once again!

Now it resides next to my laptop (with a color LCD because how much green can you take in your life?) and the small one plays Solomon's Key on it!  


Got my CPC6128 with a CTM644 colour monitor back in 1988 and own it and use it since.
I bought a Plus 464 on ebay in 2010 and upgraded it to Plus 6128 with external 3.5" drives and 6 months ago I bought a nice CPC464 - first generation with tall keys.



I got my green 6128 in summer 88"
Swapped the monitor with a color one the next year.
I still got them both.


Well, I got my CPC6128 for Christmas 1986/87 (parents and me payed a part of the needed money). And it had the great CTM644 from beginning. Since that time I work with it constantly. With the time external floppies, RAM and ROM expansions came to it, later spare keyboards and monitors (ebay) and other Z80 computers like the 6128plus (1992). Never ever I touched some unreliable stuff like commodore computers - especially bad are C64 and Amiga (while Plus4 seems to be a bit better). Other Z80 computers are cool (PcW - all kinds, Genie IIIs, Prof 180X, etc...). Also Atari 800XL is ok. But I don't care. There is still so much I want to code on and for the CPC6128 and 6128plus that this will last for the rest of my life. --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Got the Amstrad CPC 6128 xmas 1988 (I was 8!). At the age of 16, I... put my Amstrads to the trash bin :-\ :doh:  :picard2:

But it was a different mindset back then. It's like a PS3 console right now, "an old thing of the past", but "not old enough to bring any nostalgia to it". Same thing for me towards my Amstrads in 1997. I had the new PC world to explore... (and a luck I did! ;D ). Plus, few years later, I had my studies and such, with a clear lack of (physical) space.

In 2006-2007 I created few prods (homebrews) for the PSP, which gave me that great old feeling of making things for fun.. then I decided to get back into the Amstrads in 2008. That was an easy choice back then, the machines were still easily accessible, even on eBay for a quite decent price! And there were lots of support to get back into Z80 programming etc.

I did not vote for "how long have you owned your CPC", because I was 10 years without any Amstrad machines. Otherwise, the Amstrad machines are in my heart from the age of 8, which enters the category "25-35" :)
My personal website:
My current project is Sonic GX, a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog for the awesome Amstrad GX-4000 game console!


Since January 6, 1988. Almost 35 years. 


December 1987, my first OWN computer, still my same CPC today including the monitor.
This thing is exacty 35 years old now and still completely working. I typed-in and coded so many things on this machine and later tested and ran so much more, it's really crazy.

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My memory is fuzzy, but I do know that I've had a few. Some time in the early 90s when my dad got his amiga was the first 464. That soon disappeared when my dad sold it for more amiga stuff.
My second one, I *literally found* in a cricket field. Worked beautifully for about six weeks then died a death.
Third, was a 6128 some time around 2005-2007ish. It got fried somehow and I have no idea exactly how it happened but it was ultimately scrapped (hindsight ugh).

2010 was the holy day - I found another 464 at a car boot. Negotiated the guy down from a fiver to TWO quid. I still have that CPC. For now, it is my baby. Until another 6128 comes along, at least.
CPC464 & CPC6128 + USIfAC II + Revaldinho 512k(universal cpld ver) - Schneider CRT TV
Administrator of Amstrad Discord :


First 464 was in 1984/5 a Christmas present for me and my brother. I can't remember what happened to that one. Then a couple of years later I got a 6128. Used Protext on it, with a Daisy Wheel printer to do some work stuff, and type up a management report for a nature reserve I volunteered at. That one went in the bin when the disc drive failed, sometime in the 90s. :picard:
My current 464 I got off eBay for £120. I have a Revaldinho RAM expansion, M4 and Lambda speak FS with it.
( I also have an original Atari 2600 console ( 6 switch woody) which has never needed to be repaired, apart from the joysticks broke playing DT's Decathlon. And a PS1).


If I count the 464 that I got for Christmas in 1987 (which I sold some time ago) and the 6128 Plus I bought in 1990 at launch with my own money and I still have then it's 35 years!  :o


December 1984 - CPC464 for Christmas which I still have. In the picture the monitor is the original and still works without any repairs. The computer itself has had a new power switch you could still get from RS until a few years ago. I have to confess that I built up a bit of an Amstrad collection when they were cheaper than now!
CPC464, CPC6128, PCW8512, PCW10, BSA & NSP


Cool, I never saw an Amstrad placed in a server rack before! :)



Let me join the club of old geezers :) I got my 464 with green screen in December 1985, so it's almost 37 years ago. I had to do without a disk drive for quite a while (at least it felt like it back then) and got a 3" disk drive around 1987, I think. Later on I also added a 5,25" drive, a color monitor, a Multiface 2 and a dk'tronics 64k memory expansion. Last time I used it, around 15 years ago, everything was working. I feel a bit sad to admit that it has been neglected since I got a 6128 with color screen from Marabu some years ago, but maybe the coming xmas season is a good time to resurrect it. 
** My website ** Some music

My hardware: ** Schneider CPC 464 with colour screen, 64k extension, 3" and 5,25 drives and more ** Amstrad CPC 6128 with M4 board, GreaseWeazle.


Quote from: Prodatron on 17:55, 01 December 22Cool, I never saw an Amstrad placed in a server rack before!

@Prodatron  What do you think of the 464 on the wall mounted swivel arm  8)

It looks like it's floating in mid-air.......
CPC464, CPC6128, PCW8512, PCW10, BSA & NSP

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