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Started by 42k, 19:42, 21 November 16

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Hi all,

I'm Christophe and I'm new here. There was a Schneider CPC 464 sitting in my living room when I was a little boy and had much fun with it :-) It had a 64K RAM extension, a 3" external floppy drive, a DMP 2000 printer and at a time, a speech synthesizer and even a modem and of course a bunch of games. The computer was also used to print the paper cards for the clock card machine of the factory where my father used to work. There was a Schneider computer club in a village nearby where my father was teaching BASIC programming. What a time! Unfortunately my CPC has been sold years ago. All that remains of it is the DK'Tronics 64K extension. I regret it. Like I miss my good old 386DX40 :-(

Well, I'm currently busied to reconstitute virtually my game collection. I've retrieved most of them (about 140) but at least two.
The first one is a simple game with a hen eating earthworms... I won't be suprised if it the a game was typed in from a magazine.
The second one is a snake-like game. The presentation screen was quite cool: with -- a punk or a skin head or a crane -- smoking a cigarette from my recollections.



Welcome here mate  ;)


[size=78%]Sounds like you had the same kind of "Dads work hand-me-downs" CPC as I did[/size]

I also had a 464 with the add on disk drive, and the dot matrix printer as a result of my fathers programming work... we didn't have the memory upgrade, and the Speech synthesizer was the never seen stuff of legend!

Can't complain too much though, as most people I knew didn't even have a disk drive.

The games you mentioned sound very strange, Wasn't there a section of "its a knockout" which had a worm eating section?

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Sorry for the late answer. Some events distracted me from the CPC and this forum.

@kris: thank you!

The floppy drive was convenient but not indispensable in my opinion. I remember eating chocolate-filled pastry with my friends, offered by my mother, while waiting for a game to load before we acquired a floppy drive :-) I have compassion to the owners of the green screen though.

The game with the hens is probably a type-in from a magazine. May be from the excellent French magazine "Hebdologiciel", which gave to us "Donald and Riri", "Burger Time" and, I think, "La ville infernale".

The other game I mentioned was looking more professional in my memory. I mention
ed a crane, in fact I meant a skull (crâne in French).

When I will have more time, I will try to write a game in BASIC and assembly, maybe just a Space Invaders to get acquainted with the machine.



Welcome! :D
Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


Quote from: 42k on 16:03, 19 January 17
The game with the hens is probably a type-in from a magazine. May be from the excellent French magazine "Hebdologiciel", which gave to us "Donald and Riri", "Burger Time" and, I think, "La ville infernale".

Reading the description in your first post, I'm guessing this game may be Chickin Chase.

I've no idea what the second game is, though.


Quote from: 42k on 16:03, 19 January 17

The game with the hens is probably a type-in from a magazine. May be from the excellent French magazine "Hebdologiciel", which gave to us "Donald and Riri", "Burger Time" and, I think, "La ville infernal".

I typed in a game called "Chocky Chick", but it was from "Home Computing Weekly" which is UK based magazine.

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Quote from: Nich on 21:02, 20 January 17
Reading the description in your first post, I'm guessing this game may be Chickin Chase.

I've no idea what the second game is, though.

No, it was definively a typed-in game. Thanks for your suggestion :-)

Quote from: AMSDOS on 21:29, 20 January 17

I typed in a game called "Chocky Chick", but it was from "Home Computing Weekly" which is UK based magazine.

It's this one, thank you! I had forgotten that the worms were also radioactive haha



Do you know if the snake like game you were referring to also a type-in?
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D   * with the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Ahhh ... Schneider CPC 464 ... what else ?

Willkommen !


Quote from: AMSDOS on 21:53, 21 January 17

Do you know if the snake like game you were referring to also a type-in?

It's possible but I don't think so as the presentation screen was quite elaborated. If only I could remember the name of the publisher or the author!
I've just pulled the cpc games screenshot gallery but found nothing.

Quote from: SRS on 22:28, 21 January 17
Ahhh ... Schneider CPC 464 ... what else ?

Willkommen !

Ah yes, so great memories!
Danke ;-)


Quote from: 42k on 19:15, 22 January 17
It's possible but I don't think so as the presentation screen was quite elaborated. If only I could remember the name of the publisher or the author!
I've just pulled the cpc games screenshot gallery but found nothing.

A while ago when I was typing in some programs from an UK magazine called Your Computer, I discovered I had a game from an European magazine called Alien. I typed in that game as CPC-Power didn't have it, but I then discovered it was a game out of the Your Computer magazine called "Trap'em", the only difference with it was the program from the European Magazine had a fancy opening screen. Another program I typed in from the Home Computing Weekly magazine is a Snake/Tron clone called "Grid Warrior", which kind of sounds like the game you described, but without the fancy presentation screen, I'm just wondering if perhaps it also made it into an European Magazine with that added onto it, though I could be so wrong.  :D
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D   * with the Firmware :P
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Mmm, it's not Grid Warrior but what you said makes sense. It just remains for me to skim through magazines until I found it or to take a hypnosis session :-p


One of the good things with CPC-Power is you can specify the style, this link I hope should bring up all the games with that Tron theme, it hasn't got Grid Warrior in that list, though there's 3 pages of games (with screenshots along side the program), which will hopefully make it easier to track down.
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D   * with the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Quote from: AMSDOS on 09:51, 25 January 17
One of the good things with CPC-Power is you can specify the style, this link I hope should bring up all the games with that Tron theme, it hasn't got Grid Warrior in that list, though there's 3 pages of games (with screenshots along side the program), which will hopefully make it easier to track down.

Thanks for the link! Unfortunately, I haven't found it. I've also tried other categories like 'snake',  but nothing...
I feel like I've done all what I had to do, so, well, move on. The next step is to find a decent CPC emulator for Linux.


This link will take you to a bunch of Linux Emulators on the CPCWiki. Don't know what to recommend though. Caprice was a good one when I was using DOS & Arnold should be worth looking at.
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D   * with the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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