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software not given permission to distribute in here

Started by zhulien, 17:26, 07 January 17

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Hi Gryzor. Because the childish moderation in relation to toto and brice I have requested you disallow distribution of software by me in these forums unless I have given explicit permission... in which I haven't. It is also fair to copyright holders that you disallow people publicizing cds with their software distributed without permission here. Thanks Gryzor. I am Julian Cassin.

Ps I hope you don't ban me for requesting my lawful copyright.


You don't really request "lawful copyright" but instead choose to insult and cause problems to a whole community to promote your personal agenda and opinions.

But, anyhow. As far as abandonware is concerned, and as I said before, I welcome any copyright holders to point out contents on the server that should be removed, and this applies to you, too.

By the way, the only software by you that I'm aware of is the Alyssa DB ( which you happened to be giving away on your own site (, along with - wait, was that a program by Siren Software? Also, the readme file of the program says it can be freely copied, soooo... I'm really not sure what you're talking about.


I agree: if there is a copyright AND people that "OWN" that software complain it should be removed. As Gryzor says he'll do in those cases.

And if you know there is "pirated" software here - just tell the mods. They'll act.


Well, can I delete/lock this ridiculous thread, or does @zhulien have something to add? You certainly sounded very eager to discuss it before...


Quote from: Gryzor on 14:53, 25 January 17
Well, can I delete/lock this ridiculous thread, or does @zhulien have something to add? You certainly sounded very eager to discuss it before...

I maybe totally missing the point with this thread, though if their so worked up regarding what's happening on the forum, why they don't just remove their own attachments? I've checked the attachments and found 2 JPG files (no software there), still that's copyrighted material which we presume they own the rights to.
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I think up until now the CPC Wiki has been lucky to have a lack of people who think that we should be making all the 25+ year old software even harder to obtain than it currently is. Although there is a lot of officially copyright material on the net, most of the stuff that's of the age we're talking about is published by companies and individuals that have either long since passed or retired and have (or should have) no interest in making it harder for us to enjoy.

I certainly have no interest in making it hard or making a fuss about anyone copying my stuff which still has "Copyright 1993" in it somewhere, all that may achieve is to ensure that it gets lost completely and no-one can use it in posterity.



Quote from: Executioner on 10:59, 22 February 17
I certainly have no interest in making it hard or making a fuss about anyone copying my stuff which still has "Copyright 1993" in it somewhere, all that may achieve is to ensure that it gets lost completely and no-one can use it in posterity.

I agree.  If you read the original post, it was taking a poke specifically at Gryzor for what I thought (my opinion) of unfair behaviour towards ToTo.  Why can't everyone here get along instead of fighting?


Quote from: zhulien on 00:31, 01 November 17Why can't everyone here get along instead of fighting?

Humans are greatly flawed, in that any person will always insist that his opinion is the one sole truth, and most people simply can't see reality any other way. We each live in our own reality, and most of us are very fast to act on it.
Go any place, and someone will dislike you just for being you. Just for having a certain opinion that they strongly disagree with.

This will never change.

But if you think it's bad here on CPCwiki, I strongly advice you to stay away from Facebook! At CPCwiki everyone at least shares one big interest, which actually reduces the conflicts (I think). Facebook in contrast is just one big mess.

In my experience though, the only "solution" to this is something like the Block option on Facebook. I know many people will disagree (and thus dislike me) for saying this, but blocking / ignoring certain people actually works. Just block and move on. Doing this will make the forum a pleasant experience for everyone, including the people you block.

So that's my advice: Stop expecting everyone to get along. Instead just block certain people and move on. I know how it sounds (to some people), but it works.

Having said this, I must admit I don't actually know if CPCwiki forum has a block option.


Quote from: mr_lou on 05:19, 01 November 17
Humans are greatly flawed, in that any person will always insist that his opinion is the one sole truth, and most people simply can't see reality any other way. We each live in our own reality, and most of us are very fast to act on it.
Go any place, and someone will dislike you just for being you. Just for having a certain opinion that they strongly disagree with.

This will never change.

But if you think it's bad here on CPCwiki, I strongly advice you to stay away from Facebook! At CPCwiki everyone at least shares one big interest, which actually reduces the conflicts (I think). Facebook in contrast is just one big mess.

In my experience though, the only "solution" to this is something like the Block option on Facebook. I know many people will disagree (and thus dislike me) for saying this, but blocking / ignoring certain people actually works. Just block and move on. Doing this will make the forum a pleasant experience for everyone, including the people you block.

So that's my advice: Stop expecting everyone to get along. Instead just block certain people and move on. I know how it sounds (to some people), but it works.

Having said this, I must admit I don't actually know if CPCwiki forum has a block option.
And sometimes a forum become difficult to read if you have blocked 2 or 3 active people. It's not a good solution, and i talk by experience.

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Quote from: zhulien on 00:31, 01 November 17
Why can't everyone here get along instead of fighting?

Absolutely!  :) :) :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)

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