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DES/Genius mouse

Started by Gryzor, 11:00, 12 February 14

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Thanks to Redbox I just tried the Genius mouse and DES as it was intended :)

Just beautiful!!! DES is quite nice, actually, and doesn't need a mouse for all the functions (hot keys are very neatly defined), so running it by ROM you can actually do work! Really nice working with it...

Two questions: does anyone have the extra programs mentioned in the wiki article (Desktop Environment System - CPCWiki)? And, anyone knows of a way to speed up the mouse, or is one stuck with the default (very low) speed?


PS Is 1.4 indeed the last version of DES?


Have you tried using DES with my AMX Mouse adapter? Is it faster or the same with that?



Unfortunately my AMX is in some box somewhere... :( All I have now is the Genius mouse with a dk'tronics interface (was Genius done by DK? Or is it just a chance encounter?)



1 - Go to Box
2 - Take AMX adapter out of box
3 - Test it




Mmmyeah.... I'd rather suffer :D



I have the disc with DES applications  :D
Got it from Peter Campbell when I ordered my DES Roms 20 years ago, along with the Rombo Rombox and DES Text.

Unfortunately I' just about to leave for work, so I can't upload it NOW. I'll have a look at it tonight ! ! !

- Are You sure there is a DES v1.4 ? ? ?

I got my Roms at a late stage (due to the fact that we needed to find a Romboard) and my version is 1.1B ! ! !


Terje Grind


[ot]DES is nice, Genuis mouse also, but does that really belong to the CPCWiki Discussion category ? :P [/ot]


Hello Terje!

It'd be nice to have these, do you remember if you got all the progs mentioned on the wiki? Thanks :)  And no, it's 1.1b indeed, I was remembering the "4" from "1994" probably :)

@Gerald: errrrrm.... oops.



Have made a small search for the disc, and I found it. Unfortunately it wasn't the right version  :(

The one I found did contain the DES Demo version, and FOUR of the FIVE DES Applications made (6 if You do include DESText)
I know I have a version containing ALL (plus the source code for some of them). It was on the B-side of the DESText disc. I think I have seen it lately ! ! !
(Unfortunately it might take some time to go through my over 2000 3inch discs  ;) )

If You could send me Your mail address Gryzor I'll mail You the HFE-file before I go to bed.


Terje Grind


Email sent (twice I think, apologies).

Source code would be awesome if you ever come across the disk!

I wonder if these programs can be converted to ROM...?

Thanks again!


Hi (again),

I was both right and wrong at the same time  :-\

RIGHT    : I knew I had the discs, and I found them after a small search.
WRONG : It wasn't on the back of DESText, and I hadn't seen the discs for about 5-7 years.

Have sent the disc images to Gryzor (untested)

He'll probably have a look at it tomorrow.


Terje Grind


Quote from: Gryzor on 22:46, 12 February 14
I wonder if these programs can be converted to ROM...?

DES on ROM? Doesn't it already exist?

TFM of FutureSoft
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No, I meant the programs, not the DES itself :) As I mentioned in the OP I'm already running it from ROM, but thanks anyway!


Quote from: Gryzor on 08:55, 13 February 14
No, I meant the programs, not the DES itself :) As I mentioned in the OP I'm already running it from ROM, but thanks anyway!

Are you running them from your MegaFlash? Or is that lost in some box too so you've resorted to ROMBO! :D



No, from Megaflash, because my programmer is, um, lost in some box :D

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