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Who is Roger Jowett

Started by Executioner, 01:33, 28 May 10

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Does anybody know who he is, why he's requested me as a friend on Facebook, LinkedIn and others, and then posts some half-relevant message to the Symbos group with 157 attachments?


I also got this mail.
Well, 157 nice screenshots. But wtf has this to do with Symbos?

(I missed some nude girls here  :police: )

Don't know, who he is...

And I had no f-book request :D (I am no VIP  :'( )
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Hey guys, it seems that this Roger Jowett is some nice spammer.

Check this post by "Roger Jowett" in the MESS forum:

[font='trebuchet ms'][/size][/font]
Quote[font='trebuchet ms']hi mess?[/font][/size][/size][/font]
sam coupe support?
does it read actual compact flash cards from an atom lite and allow me to use the software thereon?
does it support zx spectrum 48/128 mb-02+ dma support?
is there an art package for the cpc+ - does the + make any difference to the art other than 4096 colours and would the incredibly small 16x16 sprites with their own 15 colours be usable? is there no interlace mode?
have tyou seen any russian spectrum clone with 14mhz processor running spectrum 128 or 48 software using te faster processor pelase?
can you replay rzx files in mess? can we accelerate the processor to speed up replay like in zx spin please?
can you choose processor speed for playback? could the processor speed emualte the functionality of the msx turbo r800 processor?
does mess support general sound neo for russian clones? - does any software use the z84 (they told me it was 24mhz - although zilog dont even make such a chip - nor is there any info on a dma at 24mhz either - what a shame zilog didnt make a z84 24mhz with dma and r800 core compatiblity!

if you ahve made mess to be compatible with so many machines and their individual video configurations how long before you can create a hardware version of mess compatible with most home computer systems? surely a vitrual video environment could emualte most home computer video chip modes adn you then only need the device to support the z80 or 6502 instruction sets as these were pretty much the only processors in most micros - with a faster version z84 24mhz or is there a 20mhz 6502? surely support for both is possible and accelerators could replay rzx style files faster then youtuibte can replay low quality uncompressed video files! - or crash when you try to install flash player into a 64bit browser or crash when you select one of the tv tuner video inputs as a webcam in the settings

below files are for fuse emulator video screen playback with ay 8912 hopefully soon to be converted to sam - but we could do with mode 4 16 colours and maybe interlaced if atom lite+ or velesoft datagear dma or mayhem quazar or vleesoft accelerators can handle it

[/size]Edited by R. Belmont (Yesterday at[/i]03:44 PM)
Edit Reason: Spam links deleted, enjoy the rest!


Quote from: robcfg on 11:19, 28 May 10
Hey guys, it seems that this Roger Jowett is some nice spammer.

I've seen a few messages over quite some time related to Sam Coupe. He seems to go to quite some trouble to make his spam posts seem relevant.


Yeah... some time ago I got some emails from him with some relevant attachments as well. Well, I'm not sure about the name but it does sound like I never replied to him because his messages were so hard to decrypt. But what is he advertising after all? :D

Very, very targeted spam...


Quote from: Gryzor on 17:06, 30 May 10
But what is he advertising after all?

He´s a vampire with a huge thirst for blood.
He wants to drink us!  :o

* based upon secret information


I think Leonie might possibly be legally insane...


She probably bought sme of Jowet's stuff, I take it :)

cpc+ software

whoops big apologies to anyone who got the invites
3000 addresses in my contact list i enjoy watching the social networking sites crash im afraid they are so badly designed
screen resolution font size - if you dont detect these before you start dumping rubbish on the screen what was the point of designing your website?
if you are not using itu t v44 v92 standard like none of the uk isp
you are wasting our time
but hey why not write an email to someone and then have youtubes wonderful website tell you that you cannot send the email you have just written because teh person you are trying to contact has turned friend lock on? seems a tad daft for two 2ghz 64bit processors with larger l2 cache on them than a 4½mb sam koop system no

any how sam was 20 years old i am trying desperately to use a retro x pc avi video converter to get a video running on the sam but no program allows the video frames to be converted to simple screens in a usable hdf compact flash atom lite mass storage device easily accessible file
so looks like ive pissed everyong off-
never realised pressing the delete button was sucha  big deal...
very sorry

has anyone seen any cpc+gx4k software that actually uses the features of the +
is the robocop2 cartridge using hardware scrolling - why is the score board still obscuring ⅓ of the screen wasnt that a processor only cheat technique
crickey the thing has hardware scrolling and 16 hardware sprites they cant scroll the whole screen for pities sake?
also the z80 shouldnt need to do to much fot he music as there are three dmas handling the ay8912
pity they didnt just add a single dma like teh mb-02+ interface for the speccy surely this would have been able to perform scrolling and sprites and audio without being tied to one or the other?
cant see what the hardware additions would do for 3d vectors or freescape? any patches for original software being produced?


...and the fun continues :D


"NOP" is the perfect program : short , fast and (known) bug free

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And now he's here? A few lines sort-of make sense...


Yeah... I actually allowed his post because it's so intriguing. Maybe if he could introduce himself to us...??


This lines "his lines" are composed by a machine, way sophisticated, but not written by _one_ human beeing. Reasons: Different styles, sentences not completed, jumps in the topics.

Looks like a combination of sentences taken out of Z80 related texts.

And with my TFM powers I can feel if a message is human made or machine made ;-) Just be sensing the energy signatures ;-) (Ok, the last sentence is posted to early in this dark times, few will understand).
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Yea, but the question remains: why??? Cui bono?


Quote from: Gryzor on 11:25, 08 July 10
Yea, but the question remains: why??? Cui bono?

Nothing good!
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Gryzor on 11:25, 08 July 10
Yea, but the question remains: why??? Cui bono?

Just for the fun of it.
Machines just wanna have fun!
Is that morally reprehensible?


cpc symbios
not related? operating system? even the symbios crew reckoned theyd add sam to the list msx turbor already there?
was there any cpc+ software? is there a list somewhere?
does your server offer itut v 44 connection please?
if not why not?

Numbers of KB on a standard CPC464?:
doesnt this depend on whether its spanish or not?


Quote from: roger on 12:43, 05 August 10
cpc symbios
not related? operating system? even the symbios crew reckoned theyd add sam to the list msx turbor already there?
was there any cpc+ software? is there a list somewhere?
does your server offer itut v 44 connection please?
if not why not?

Numbers of KB on a standard CPC464?:
doesnt this depend on whether its spanish or not?
cpcwiki answer all.
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All the more reasons why I don't do Facebook!
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Oh wow. The plot thickens...


Hehe, there's a whole thread about him on WoS somewhere too from what I recall. General consensus seems to be that he is a bit of a nutter, basically. Spamming anyone and everyone of note in the retro community with unintelligable comments, social networking requests and odd questions.

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