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AMX Mouse's slowness

Started by norecess464, 19:41, 14 December 23

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I recently acquired an AMX Mouse. Not disappointed with the nostalgic feeling, it's the same as in my memories...

Excepted that I completely forgot how "slow" is the mouse. I tried both Advanced OCP Art Studio and AMX Art, and moving the cursor on screen is so slow that it requires several physical hand movements on the mouse mat to reach both screen left/right edges. To a point it's barely usable, actually.

Please could you tell me if this is the normal behavior. And if yes, is there a patched version of the Advanced OCP Art Studio software with faster cursor movement? Something else I should investigate?..

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My current project is Sonic GX, a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog for the awesome Amstrad GX-4000 game console!


Did you select AMX mouse in OCP + fast cursor?

Because AMX is "like" a joystick, it works without selecting it but if you tell OCP you have an AMX, it will pool inputs faster


Yop I tried all the available options in the "input devices" section.

But now I have a doubt - the "fast cursor" did not do anything to the cursor movement. Could it be the (patched) version I'm using? I will try another version of Advanced OCP Art Studio, just to see if it changes something.
My personal website:
My current project is Sonic GX, a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog for the awesome Amstrad GX-4000 game console!


OK so I tried with the original version of Advanced OCP (the one that asks for the password in the manual :doh: )

Input Devices -> I select AMX Mouse -> Fast Cursor

Yes sorry I was wrong in my previous post, the "Fast Cursor" accelerates slightly the mouse process - I would say the cursor movement now goes from "Super Slow" to "Slow" :)

I'm pretty sure I'm a victim of the modern days. I bet it was the suggested workflow back then.

Or not? Did someone else experience this ? Is there a special version of OCP that "patches" Fast Cursor to accelerate x4, x6, x8 ??! something that permits to move the mouse cursor to the 4 edges of the screen without traveling the hand several times on the mouse mat ?

My personal website:
My current project is Sonic GX, a remake of Sonic the Hedgehog for the awesome Amstrad GX-4000 game console!


ancient mouses are not as fast/precise as modern ones ;D


As mentioned before the AMX mouse works as a Joystick emulator. If you poll it at 50Hz you will get this slow behaviour. In fast mode it is polled at 300Hz (every interrupt), which could make it 6times faster in theory.

I don't own an AMX mouse, but a Reisware mouse, which is in fact an MSX mouse. These can be switched to Joystick mode as well (by holding the left mouse key during powering on). My experience is, that if you move the mouse slower/more carefully the pointer is moving faster. I don't know exactly why, but when you move the mouse too fast, not much happens on the screen as it seems, that some input signals get lost.

A mouse with joystick emulation only will never give you real good results, but it's better than nothing. It makes much more sense, if the mouse is sending real X/Y differences, not just little left/up/down/right steps.



Been using various bits of hardware including with Amiga mouse converter


Both need 5v adaptor. Also useful for autofire

Have a similar issue with symbos since it uses joystick inputs. Speed adjustment helps a little but nothing like proper amiga/PC mouse

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