
CPC 6128 Plus - keyboard key problem (really weird)

Started by willow3411, 18:46, 01 December 24

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Quote from: Bryce on 14:55, 03 December 24there's not much you can do to fix it.
If it's really just a single pin that is failing, would it be possible to replicate the functionality of this pin with e.g. a ATF16V8? Basically whenever there is a OUT &f6xx,&46 then activate the keyboard lane. 


Quote from: eto on 19:10, 03 December 24
Quote from: Bryce on 14:55, 03 December 24there's not much you can do to fix it.
If it's really just a single pin that is failing, would it be possible to replicate the functionality of this pin with e.g. a ATF16V8? Basically whenever there is a OUT &f6xx,&46 then activate the keyboard lane. 
Yes, I've done it once, but it's a bit more complicated than what you describe. Each Y pin goes low in sequence for a certain time while all other Y pins stay high. By "NANDing" all the other Y pins (ie: if all others are high then output should be low - If any other Y is low output should be high) you can replace the missing pin with external components. Of course, this only works if only one Y pin is defective.



Next step: Check signal coming from ASIC, but try not to do a shortcut ;-)
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Hello everyone!
Okay, here are the results of my tests:
ASIC HS on keyboard inputs.
I'm disgusted.
Thank you all for taking the time for me.
@Bryce you can put the post as solved.
see you soon


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TYPICAL :) TV Funai 22FL532/10 with VGA-RGB-in.


My experience  : open the CPC+, remove and fix again the the cable that connects the keyboard and the motherboard.  It works for me
CPC 6128+ / CPM+/ Turbo PASCAL v3

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