
Wanted Photo of Boot up screen of a 464 with ddi and fd1 standard rom Please

Started by Audronic, 05:38, 25 April 17

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Hi All

Wanted Photo of Boot up screen of a 464 with ddi-1 and fd-1 with a Standard Rom Please.

Thanks     Ray

Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.


There's no difference, the boot screen doesn't change when a DDI-1 / FD-1 is connected.




Thanks I only have a 464 DDI-1 FD-1 with Parados.
and the Parados banner comes up under the normal wake up screen.

Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.


I only remember this because as a kid my DDI-1 had a very dodgy expansion connection and when booting you only knew if the DDI-1 had connected properly when you typed |Disc and hoped not to get an error.  :)



Just disconnect your DDI-1, and take the picture. As Bryce said, it looks exactly the same, the AMSDOS ROM does not print anything at init.


Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.

Zoe Robinson

Quote from: BryceI only remember this because as a kid my DDI-1 had a very dodgy expansion connection and when booting you only knew if the DDI-1 had connected properly when you typed |Disc and hoped not to get an error.

Sadly I can confirm this is the case, as I have this problem to this day. Sometimes I feel like I spend more time connecting and disconnecting my disk drive (and the memory expansion block, to be honest) than actually using the bloody thing. :(


My memory expansion stopped working one day. So you say I should have disconnected/connected it even more often???
But I threw it away, thought it was dead  :doh:

Zoe Robinson

A lot of the time it's just dust/dirt/gunk on the connections that prevent the device from working. I've taken to irregular cleaning with electrical contact cleaner, to maintain a decent connection.

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