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GameHammer - Turrican

Started by Zoe Robinson, 23:46, 29 September 15

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Zoe Robinson

I hope having never played Turrican until I did this video doesn't make me any less of a gamer. Given my awful gaming skills, I'd end up in the Nega Realm if that was the case! ;)


I think I got to the second level on the CPC version and then gave up. The game was hard and I never knew where I was supposed to go.


Oh... I played this one to death, and I finished it multiple times. Then I played Turrican 2, Mega Turrican in Megadrive... and I finished all of them many times as well. It is one of my favorite series ever...


I'm having a lot of fun watching your videos!  8)

To my surprise, Turrican is a decent conversion on the CPC, so maybe I'll be giving it a try.


Another great video. I think you missed some of the features though, the bit where you wondered if you "got electrocuted" was actually you firing your secondary weapon. You also get mines and smart bombs as well as the ability to transform into a kind of ball thing.

It's not one of my favourite games, another that I feel was a bit overrated. Shame you didn't get the C64 version working though, as the original it is probably the definitive version.


I was astounded by the effort that they put into the Amstrad Port , they put virtually everything in and did it as best as the machine could do I think , Some of the best parallax scrolling I have seen on the machine , the use of colour make the game and little touches like the light to darkness ,and the  lightening effects .  The multi directional scrolling is pretty good for the CPC, I have a very minor gripe about the players distance to the edge of the screen and not being able to see enemy's due to the cramp size . But I can live with that because I am sure they had to deal with limitations with  screen size. Great game IMO


Quote from: Puresox on 13:10, 02 October 15
I was astounded by the effort that they put into the Amstrad Port , they put virtually everything in and did it as best as the machine could do I think , Some of the best parallax scrolling I have seen on the machine , the use of colour make the game and little touches like the light to darkness ,and the  lightening effects .  The multi directional scrolling is pretty good for the CPC, I have a very minor gripe about the players distance to the edge of the screen and not being able to see enemy's due to the cramp size . But I can live with that because I am sure they had to deal with limitations with  screen size. Great game IMO

I frickin' love the Turrican CPC ports. :D
Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


The ONLY think I do not like about Turrican 2 conversion is the sprite of the main character itself... I like the one used in the first part much more :( .


Quote from: ||C|-|E|| on 14:02, 02 October 15
The ONLY think I do not like about Turrican 2 conversion is the sprite of the main character itself... I like the one used in the first part much more :( .

I far prefer the Turrican 2 sprite (the one in the first game is too skinny to be a guy in the heavy Turrican suit seen on the loading screens and artwork) but I never understood why it was green on the CPC version when blues were available (and an early dev shot shows it in blue).  I'd just really like to know why he got turned green.
Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


I always have had that question as well... to be honest, my main complain is the helmet, I just do not like it. I see that they tried to make the helmet in a proper way (I mean, similar to the drawing) but I do not like the final result. The body is fine, though  :) .


sky is blue, fire is blue, watter is blue... May be to be more visible, like ennemies. (green and orange)
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


I never had any issue with the responsiveness in Turrican? Surprised to hear that in vid

Sykobee (Briggsy)

Great graphics on the CPC, some gameplay issues (too close to the edge of the screen before it scrolls, so enemies are on you immediately; precise jumping can be a little irksome) but a good conversion.

Zoe Robinson

Quote from: andycadley on 21:46, 01 October 15
Another great video. I think you missed some of the features though, the bit where you wondered if you "got electrocuted" was actually you firing your secondary weapon. You also get mines and smart bombs as well as the ability to transform into a kind of ball thing.

Yeah, I got it in the neck from my wife over the secondary weapon thing when she saw me playing. Apparently I am "the biggest noob ever" for not realising there were two firing modes. Also, apparently I suck because I didn't get off level one.  :picard:

Quote from: andycadley on 21:46, 01 October 15
It's not one of my favourite games, another that I feel was a bit overrated. Shame you didn't get the C64 version working though, as the original it is probably the definitive version.

Yeah, I was really annoyed that the C64 version wouldn't load. If I get it working at a later date, I might give it a video of its own.

Zoe Robinson

Quote from: Puresox on 19:10, 02 October 15
I never had any issue with the responsiveness in Turrican? Surprised to hear that in vid

That may have been a screen capture issue, to be honest. I've not experienced it with other games though, which made it noticeable this time.


I purchased Turrican back when I had the original Greyscale Nintendo Gameboy. I knew the game was colourful when I saw the colourful screenshots from the Amstrad version and wondered how Nintendo would tackle this. Unfortunately it was so long ago, I'm unsure how the coloured power ups were treated, but bits & pieces I do remember from it, appeared as if it was dealt with in Shades of Grey. But the power ups might of used Patterns to distinguish each one.
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Thanks for the great vid, Zoe!

I must be the only guy on this side of the universe who doesn't care about Turrican, but it is impressive indeed...


Turrican for me was just such a great game where you had lots to explore and discover , If you didn't want to play to win , you could just mess around finding out new things. Nice variety of weapons and power ups and beautiful scenery, It does seem that there are plenty who don't care for it mind you.


Indeed, I was looking for secrets lots and lots of time. At the end, I managed to know almost all of them in the three Turrican I played. The hidden bonuses make the game much easier. On the other hand, one of the great things about Turrican are the hidden bosses. I never saw anything like that in an Amstrad game before.

They are from the Speccy version but it does not matter. Just look at these maps  :D .

Aren´t they amazing?  :)


Quote from: Gryzor on 16:27, 11 October 15
I must be the only guy on this side of the universe who doesn't care about Turrican, but it is impressive indeed...

That's ok.  I've never cared much for Gryzor/Contra/Probotector but I appreciate the port of Gryzor on CPC is well done.  :)

I love Turrican and it's been a big inspiration for me (the original demo of Cosmic Prison Commando was pretty much Turrican-lite and even though I've changed the game considerably since then there are still aspects of Turrican in it).   :)
Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


I am also a Probotector/Contra fan  :D :D , both in Amstrad and in Megadrive. Great games in their own way!

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