
Metr's vids - Le 5eme Axe | The 5th Axis Amstrad cpc HD

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Le 5eme Axe | The 5th Axis Amstrad cpc HD
24 August 2011, 7:06 am


Recorrido completo por Le 5eme Axe | The 5th Axis para Amstrad CPC Loriciels (1985) A diferencia de la versión UK, la versión francesa incluye el trasfondo histórico en el propio juego. Para saltárselo, ir directamente a 08:09, donde comienza la versión UK. A continuación dejare un resumen del trasfondo en inglés que se puede encontrar en las instrucciones de la versión UK. Unlike the UK version, the French version includes the historical background in the game itself. To skip it, jump to 8:09, that's the point where the UK version starts. Following this I'll leave a summary of the historical background in English that can be found in the manual of the UK version. "New Melbourne, Sept 15th 2410 Citizen, You have been selected as the only humanoid capable of succeeding in a mission of vital importance to the survival of the galaxy. All available information on your mission is contained in this communication. Please study it carefully before commencing. Codename for this mission is: FIFTH AXIS For ease of use, this briefing has been divided into two sections. Background information and mission parametres. As time is short, you may wish to ignore the historical background and proceed with your mission. All that remains is for us to wish you success. All that we know depends on it. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------- Six months ago, Professor Chronos of the Vesta Institute of Temporal Studies, reached the culmination of his life's work. The ...
From: Metr81 Views: 8 0 ratings
Time: 58:55More in Gaming

Source: Uploads by Metr81

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This games makes a heavy use of the Rasters.

It also has some good sounds effects and a quite good scrolling.

This concept is not that bad too.

Perhaps a PLUS version could even be good looking.

Even far more rasters, some special effects with Hard sprites, better scrolling... just got to get some proper  masked sprites.

It looks like each raster zone actually uses only 3 colours.

So I guess such concept could be turned into some awesome "Raster pornography" on PLUS...



Thanks but even better can be done on a plus.
let's say :
2 colours for the sprites (black + another...)
and 2 colours for the background (per rasterzones).

According to ths mockup, you get something like 8 rasterzone minimum...
including the upper and bottom HUD...
this alone enable something like 16 colours + 2 (sprites/border...) minimum... Not bad for a Mode1 game.
Properly done on PLUS this could be easily a 32 colours on screen Mode1 game... even more... as a few Hardsprites could even add +15 colours.

As Black is also a common colour, this puts all backgrounds in 3 colours and sprites in 3 colours but the 3rd colours is prone to change according to raster zone (so limited I guess...)

also hardsprites to add a few colours  for some sprites (explosions, bonus)

Even DMA sounds...

thanks to PLUS super palette you may even get vertical raster gradiant effect Atari 8 bit style... but then this can get quite heavier actually...

Here I just simply sticked to CPC and EGA palette... But this is an exemple of what could be done even with just a mod of existing game...

The aim is the easier rasters on PLUS which would be betterly fit to backgrounds and would follow the vertical scrolling.
And of course the engine should include proper Hard smooth horizontal scrolling... which would be better and perhaps CPU friendly compaired to the actual scrolling.

such game engine can really be done easily (perhaps not that easily) thx to Demo methods... And PLUS extra features... I guess.
Even a shame Loriciel didn't released a proper PLUS cartridge version of this game.

This game was supposed to be programmed in Assembly on CPC... this explain the multiple raster effects and smooth and fast soft sprites and scrollings...
Anyway, the game is quite light for the CPC because the sprites aren't masked... (colour clashes...)

If you aim at Cartridge or 128K RAM version, this can keep the smoothness and fast pace...
Few mode1 horizontal games used rasters like this...
Perhaps one James bond game, Crypt of Trogan and Switchblade too perhaps ?

A rare exemple of usefull playfield rasters IMO.

My mockup manage to pull something like 17 colours, not  bad for a mode1... but in mode0 you may even pull a really impressivbe amount of colours too...

The interesting part is that the gameplay is really made for the use of Raster effect.
Why not ?

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