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Amstrad NC100 Control Codes

Started by Vela025, 12:09, 23 November 24

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Hey all,
I've been using my NC100 as a monitor (connected via serial) to my BBS which is customised for ANSI, ASCII and Acorn Mode 7 (Teletext/Viewdata on a BBC Micro). I've been adding NC100 support, which at the moment is just standard extended ASCII (CP437) for a 800 x 8 screen. However the NC100 can at least support Bold type as for some reason between menus it cycles between displaying menus in bold and normal font.

The only way I've been able to replicate this intentionally when creating menus is to use ASCII 01 (SOH - Start of Header) to reset the font attributes and ASCII 12 (FF - Form Feed) to switch between Bold and Normal. The problem I'm having is using FF is adding an extra character causing the line to spill over to the next as well as an extra LF (line feed) at the end of the menu.

(SOH)(FF)bold(FF) not bold(FF) gives:
bold not bold

Without the SOH each time the menu is displayed it will alternate between:
bold not bold 
bold not bold

Does anyone know the actual control codes I'm supposed to be using to achieve the different font attributes (bold and underlined), I understand that itallics isn't "officially" supported and is a software trick within the word processor. Inverse would also be amazing at the moment the menus are looking like this: example of BeeBS NC100 Menu I've looked though the manual and used the BASIC type in to display all the BASIC VDU/CHR$ supported characters but this only shows the standard extended ASCII set.

Any help welcome!


The control characters aren't the same as the VDU list?


Quote from: pelrun on 17:30, 23 November 24The control characters aren't the same as the VDU list?
Unfortunately not, if I was running a terminal program from within BBC Basic I would assume these would work, however from within the built in terminal program no (apart from 7 as ASCII 7 is also bell).


In the Advanced User Guide it gives these addresses for programming described as jumpblock entries:


But again no mention of the terminal aspect.


Hey all,

A small disappointing update, I hooked up the NC100 to the BBC Micro and wrote a small program to send every combination of ASCII control codes as 2 character sequences from 0 to 256

10 *FX7,6:*FX8,6:*FX3,23
20 FOR I%=0 to 256
30 FOR J%=0 TO 256
40 PRINT CHR$(I%)+CHR$(J%);
50 PRINT " TEST:";I%;",";J%;" ";
60 IF J%MOD25=0 A=INKEY(150)
70 NEXT J%
80 NEXT I%

and can confirm the only attribute the build in terminal supports is Bold.

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