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PCW Screen High Pitch Screen Whine?

Started by dreamscape, 13:26, 26 May 14

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Hey all

My PCW has a rather high pitch whine coming out of it when its on. Is this normal or does it have a potential fault? I tried to do a video see here:

But i don't think you can actually hear it...

Just curious if it can be sorted as it give me a headache  :laugh:


This is fairly common in older CRTs, and it's generally the flyback transformer - the oscillating current through the transformer coil makes it vibrate at the same frequency, which is in the audible range for 50/60Hz screens. If the coil isn't mechanically secured well enough (it's usually potted in resin in the transformer body, which can break down over time) then the noise can be quite loud :(

Unfortunately there isn't too much you can do about it, except wait a few years until you lose the high end of your hearing and don't hear it anymore  :laugh:



Make sure you clean the inside (dry air blows is what you want) and check for some dubious looking components...

also remove the wasp nest...  ;D

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