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Started by jevicac, 09:58, 27 February 20

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Hello to all users of the Amstrad PCW. We are preserving all possible material from this computer. Games, programs, software, hardware, etc. We need all possible help. For now, we leave you an updated list of games of what we have preserved. If you want to collaborate, get in touch with us. Greetings.


It's great to have a wiki in country specific languages. For example: There is an German Wiki for the CPC too. - But this was done after the Wiki in the World language English.

So the PcW wiki is nice for the Spanish users, but useless for anybody else.  :(

IMHO it would be great to establish an English PcW Wiki first. This would boost the number of people being able to contribute by an order of magnitude or so.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 10:23, 27 February 20
So the PcW wiki is nice for the Spanish users, but useless for anybody else.  :(
Maybe try this :  ;)
Don´t know if it´s an auto translation but it works really well  :D 


The good is that wiki seems to be related to Habi, a spanish great PCW master...

Just check "PCW in color" and you'll see the magic (CPM/Box, Pacmania, La Abadia del Crimen and other are also famous).

The wiki has also translations in English, German and French so it's easy for a non Spanish speaking person to understand.

Spain had great game developers for CPCs and PCWs back in time, and I personally had lot of games for my PCW from Opera Soft and OMK.

¡ Muchas gracias por eso trabajo increible !



Hello again, we are slowly translating the PCWwiki, Spanish, English, German and French. We need collaborators and translators. It is a lot of work that is done. In principle we are three users who maintain the PCWwiki, among which HabiSoft, one of the best teachers and connoisseur of the PCW, author of several works for this machine. Robcfg, another great teacher of the PCW and I "Jevicac". So if you dare, it would be extraordinary despite preserving material, having it in several languages with possible extension to others. Many of our material is collected on other websites, we only ask that our site be mentioned. All our material has an identification filter. Thank you all for your collaboration and revive the PCW.


Quote from: SkulleateR on 10:48, 27 February 20
Maybe try this :  ;)
Don´t know if it´s an auto translation but it works really well  :D

Ah, that's the English skeleton. Good start, but nearly nothing in sadly. Hope that people will focus on this and contribute. --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: HigashiJun on 10:55, 27 February 20
The good is that wiki seems to be related to Habi, a spanish great PCW master...

Well, that's a trap. There are (and this is true for CPC as for the PcW) few people doing software and/or hardware. The majority is not creating anything. Now if somebody like Habi has to care in addition about the Wiki, then he lacks time doing real PcW work (hardware f.e.).
So it would be great if people who actually don't code or make hardware would care about the Wiki. Because anybody can write a text. Also there are experts out there, who could have the time to write a Wiki page, but maybe not to create a new soft/hardware project.
But sadly it's (again true for PcW and CPC world) usually the same small bunch of guys doing all the work.  ::)

I can only encourage everybody to add to the English section of the PcW wiki!  :) :) :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Thank you for your words Gunhed, I hope you are really encouraged and contribute as much as possible to keep this computer alive. Little by little I prepare the material and upload it to the PCWwiki and translating the German with Google.


Quote from: jevicac on 15:08, 27 February 20
Thank you for your words Gunhed, I hope you are really encouraged and contribute as much as possible to keep this computer alive. Little by little I prepare the material and upload it to the PCWwiki and translating the German with Google.
Thanks. Well, I do what I can, but usually this is software. Of course stuff like manuals (or whatever else I produce) will get put to the corresponding wikis.

EDIT: The succession of the posts seem to have been mixed up.  ??? --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


I emailed in November, offering the originals of my PCB scans for the Multilink network card and the Silicon City autoswitch 3.5in drive, but never got an answer. The offer remains open.


Hi John, first apologize. We were very involved with the work and spent little time on PCWwiki. The email was diverted to the Amstrad website and we had no access. Robcfg has already solved it. If you can, send the mail again, we will be very grateful for your collaboration. Regards


I have maybe 100 - 150 PCW magazines in boxes in the "Amstrad cupboard(s) from Hell" - mostly 8000 Plus/PCW Plus with (I think) a few of CWTA(?) - if any are missing/not archived let me know and I'll see if I have them.


When you can verify it and let us know, we will be very grateful. The 8000 Plus and PCW Plus we have complete in the absence of poster, discs or any manual that was attached.


I'll see what I can do.
If/when I find anything that is PCW related I will let you know.


Thank you very much ComSoft6128 from the PCWwiki team, for collaborating in the preservation of the Amstrad PCW, one of the most forgotten Amstrad machines. Regards


Good Morning. Today from the PCWwiki team, we want to share this application link (Spanish). Inform you that after the published applications, you have the list of the applications that are pending your scan. If you want to contribute with any that are not on the list, you can send us an email to PCWwiki. regards


Good morning, for PCW users, we have published a new English program "The Network". This program is a desktop utility, where we can load any program without having to go to CP/M. Your load in CP/M+. Let's enjoy it.


Very good,

I will enjoy rereading this.


Thanks to the friend @ComSoft6128 who has donated to the PCWwiki the magazine "PCW Today nº4" you can enjoy it in the following link. Regards.


I'll get issue 3 off to you next week, there may be other issues but(!) I'm not sure of this.


Quote from: ComSoft6128 on 14:55, 11 March 20
I'll get issue 3 off to you next week, there may be other issues but(!) I'm not sure of this.

Hello again, if you prefer to wait a bit and if more numbers appear, send them together. Thank you very much for your help. regards


Good morning, for PCW users, we have released a new program in English "Label Printer". This program is a utility to create and print labels. Your upload via CP/M+. Let's enjoy it.


From PCWWiki, we leave you with another program for the Amstrad PCW. This is "Money Manager Plus" a financial control program. Let's enjoy it.


Hello again, we leave you with another program for PCW, this time in Spanish. It is a commercial management program that is complemented by other programs from the same company. Let's enjoy it


Good morning, for PCW users we leave you with Masterfile 8000 from the company Campbell Systems, a database program for CP / M +. An easy and simple to use program for creating a database for individuals or companies. Hopefully you enjoy it.

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