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Electronics and water... A bad combination.

Started by Bryce, 08:55, 30 May 16

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Hi guys,
       to those who were about to send me hardware for upgrade / mod / repair, please wait. Since friday nights storm my house became a very expensive paddling pool with a 5cm stream running through the lower level (including my electronics room :( ). Due to this, there's obviously not a lot of electronics getting done. To those who have already sent me stuff, don't worry, nothing has got damaged, but work has been suspended until things get back to normal. To @CraigsBar  I will try to finish your MegaDrive in these conditions anyway, because you've been waiting so long.

Soggy regards,


What a nightmare!

I hope the damage is manageable and wish you the best!
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How awful. I hope you manage to get it sorted without too many issues.


That must of been some Storm, I heard about it on the News here. Tragic a bunch of kids were caught under a Tree in a park in France.
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Luckily our house has kind of been designed to take it: All stone / tiled floor and border downstairs, all sockets above the level water could make it too, but it's still a lot of (dirty) water that needs to be removed / cleaned and the furniture usually suffers the most (it's not the first time this has happened). I hope that we'll be back to normal within a week.



Good luck getting back to normal Bryce! My uncle has the electronics room in the basement and, since he lives in the country side, this happened once as well  :picard:


Quote from: ||C|-|E|| on 12:12, 30 May 16
Good luck getting back to normal Bryce! My uncle has the electronics room in the basement and, since he lives in the country side, this happened once as well  :picard:

Thanks, Luckily I blocked some of the water with a big parcel that arrive just this week via GLS.... Oh wait, I shouldn't be telling you that!  :D




Oh no. Sorry to hear that Bryce. Hope that you can get it all sorted soon and that there is not too much damage.


Quote from: Bryce on 12:38, 30 May 16
Thanks, Luckily I blocked some of the water with a big parcel that arrive just this week via GLS.... Oh wait, I shouldn't be telling you that!  :D


It seems that you made some good use of the parcel! Perfect time for the delivery!  :laugh:


That's one of my worst fear. We live in a a flat now, but if we ever move in a proper house I know the consoles and electronics and stuff will be above ground. Basement is for storage of non water-sensitive or perishable stuff. Even when not living near a body of water, a storm can easily fuck your stuff up.


We are actually on relatively high ground and the river (The Rhein) is about 1500 Metres away. Our problem was lack of maintanence to the water canals in the street (not our responsibility) and a heavy storm that caused local flooding (only two houses effected in the street). As the ramp to my garage leads into the lower portion of the house, a natural river formed and the only way to stop it building higher in the house was to open the rear doors and let it flow through. Eitherway the current status of "Operation soggy silicon" is the pumps ran for several hours yesterday so the water is gone. The drainage has also been cleared too, so that it won't happen when the storm (expected tomorrow) hits. I have reconnected the power and there is now a battery of de-humidifiers running to dry everything back to normal (probably take a week for that to complete). It's loud, but necessary.



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After having my town flooded recently, no electricity and water (it seems odd saying you had no water during a flood) for 3 days I can attest to how annoying things can get but that's without my home being flooded.

I'm in a top floor flat so I was safe that way.
At my work we still haven't gone back into our main building because of repairs happening for a flood that happened 6 months ago.

It'll pass and you'll be fine. People are oddly resilient whilst being incredibly fragile.
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Quote from: seanb on 12:52, 01 June 16
After having my town flooded recently, no electricity and water (it seems odd saying you had no water during a flood) for 3 days I can attest to how annoying things can get but that's without my home being flooded.

I'm in a top floor flat so I was safe that way.
At my work we still haven't gone back into our main building because of repairs happening for a flood that happened 6 months ago.

It'll pass and you'll be fine. People are oddly resilient whilst being incredibly fragile.

I had the same issue a good few years ago when there were floods here and work was flooded. Took nearly a year to get everything back in order.


Well the next storm is due within the next few hours, so I'll soon know how good the repairs have been :)



Sounds like you are a true beta tester in real life too  ;D


We all know how is going to end...




Well, that is literally a nightmare  :-X


Quote from: ||C|-|E|| on 18:08, 01 June 16
We all know how is going to end...

Totally inaccurate. There aren't 5 CPC's balanced on the canoe!  :laugh:
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Ouch !

We had twice such storms and rain that the sewer was flooding back into our basement. First time I went in and tried to stop it with sandbags when I realized it was getting to the
wall sockets. I nearly flew to the fuses ...

Hope you don't get it worse tonight.


I missed this thread; I hope everything is back to normal now and that your basement didn't suffer any permanent damage... what a drag :(


I finally removed the sandbags last night. The driers are still running, but they go back tomorrow too. I may need to touch up the paintwork in a few spots, but generally everything is back to normal. Soldering has recommenced :)



You do even your paintwork with soldering irons? I'm impressed.

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