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Memory Full: a book about the history of Amstrad CPC demoscene

Started by Hicks, 21:56, 24 March 23

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Quote from: Titi on 22:04, 03 October 23PRINT "Memory Full 1" !
Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que l'ouvrage vient tout juste d'être envoyé à l'imprimeur. Celui-ci annonce un délai de livraison d'environ 10 jours. Ce sera alors à notre tour d'investir le bureau de poste le plus proche pour expédier vos exemplaires.

L'ouvrage sera diffusé sous le label 3 Thumbs Publishing, créé pour l'occasion. D'autres publications pourraient ainsi voir le jour sous cette bannière.

Je ferai une petite présentation du livre à la Benediction Coding Party #3, organisée par Eliot / Benediction, du 27 au 30 octobre 2023 à Gavray sur Sienne (en Normandie). Il s'agit d'un rassemblement de passionnés de CPC, auquel vous êtes tous conviés, quelle que soit votre implication dans le domaine. Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur le site dédié à l'événement :

On se retrouve donc dans une dizaine de jours, dès la réception des imposants colis contenant les 200 exemplaires imprimés !

Hicks et Hwikaa
Sehr geil, sehr sehr geil!
** My website ** Some music

My hardware: ** Schneider CPC 464 with colour screen, 64k extension, 3" and 5,25 drives and more ** Amstrad CPC 6128 with M4 board, GreaseWeazle.


Is the book still available to order and is an English version still a possibility? If not, maybe a PDF version would work so people unable to read French could run it through a translation program.


Quote from: CrookieMonster on 15:31, 15 October 23Is the book still available to order and is an English version still a possibility? If not, maybe a PDF version would work so people unable to read French could run it through a translation program.

Yes, there are still a few copies in French that you can order. To do so, send me a message at my address: hicks.vanity (at) gmail (dot) com

The English version is still planned, yes! You'll have to be patient, but it will come :)

Thanks for your interest!



I just received mine today!

A big thank you David (Hicks), Hwikaa, and everyone who was able to participate directly or indirectly. 👍

The book is really, really super complete !

I skimmed over it to look at the format and I see that there is a lot of research and details on this Volume 1.
We see (and we imagine) the enormous in-depth work that went into transcribing this entire first story of the 1984-1997 demo scene...

A great job, well done!

And given the number of pages, texts, and articles, it will take more than a week to devour it because the content is so substantial.
Not to mention that we will definitely come back.

THANKS !  :)



Woo hoo!!!! Got it! Haven't read any yet, but the production is just beautiful!!!


i finished reading the book yesterday
nice illustrations
some anecdotes we all knew, some we didn't know about
i discovered truely innovative productions (games or demos)
great job


I've only read a few dozen pages, and so far it's really great. Very well written, well designed, and very well documented. It's a masterpiece! Well done @Hicks and @Hwikaa !

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FDC Tool 1.1 - Read Amsdos files without the system

Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


I'd love to order one if there is still a copy left :-\


Quote from: Hicks on 21:30, 23 October 23
Quote from: CrookieMonster on 15:31, 15 October 23Is the book still available to order and is an English version still a possibility? If not, maybe a PDF version would work so people unable to read French could run it through a translation program.

Yes, there are still a few copies in French that you can order. To do so, send me a message at my address: hicks.vanity (at) gmail (dot) com

The English version is still planned, yes! You'll have to be patient, but it will come :)

Thanks for your interest!
Will wait for a English version (need years to read the French one :))
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


@Hicks I received mine yesterday. What a nice surprise! The content is really substantial, while being very pleasant to read. It looks like it was a lot of work to put everything together.
I have two questions:
- You mention in the first part specific techniques used by game programmers, prior to the demos. Did you reverse engineer the games? Or is it some kind of common knowledge within the scene?
- You also mention Logon's internal fanzine, that was used to disseminate technical knowledge within the group. Do we have scans or copies of this fanzine?
Thank you for this terrific work!


Hi @gougoutt!
Thanks for your kind words.
- Yes, except for visual evidences (multimode/rasters), I take a look at the code of each game I mention. It was quite long, but very interesting. I specifically wanted to go beyond the common knowledge.
- At time (2007-2010), Longshot didn't want to make Logon System's internal fanzine public (which is his right). I don't know if he has changed his mind now.

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