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New free ebook: Retro Compendium

Started by seanmcmanus, 15:45, 03 December 24

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I've just published a free 94-page ebook, compiling my articles about retro gaming and programming, mostly on the Amstrad. The ebook includes feature articles from Amtix CPC (including 'Can ChatGPT write Amstrad games?' and my brave re-appraisal of Cassette 50), game reviews, and listings previously published in Amstrad Action and Amstrad Computer User.

It's free to download here:
Retro Compendium - Free 90-page PDF of Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum and retro gaming articles and listings

Enjoy with your mince pies, and bring back memories of gaming Christmases past!



Nice! I'll have a look for sure :)
** My website ** Some music

My hardware: ** Schneider CPC 464 with colour screen, 64k extension, 3" and 5,25 drives and more ** Amstrad CPC 6128 with M4 board, GreaseWeazle.


Hey, nice eBook. Thank you.
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Great content and very nice layout. 
Did you consider a hard copy edition via Amazon's print-on-demand service? I'd buy it.


Many thanks for sharing. I'm from Germany and so, my old thoughts were more focused on Commodore and Atari. A friend from my brother had a ZX Spectrum...this was the only person I remember in the 80ies. I've got a Schneider CPC 6128 a few years ago, but I don't know what to do with this machine, so I gave it away after some short experiments. Last year, a friend called me by phone, that I could buy two defective CPC's (464 and 6128) in my I bought both machines, he took the 464, and a new journey begun...this time, I've learned a lot about the hardware and the work I've done was only to desolder the RAM-Chips, because there were two defectice chips in the lower and upper bank. The next task was the installation of a Gotek-Drive. Now I own this machine with also an U.L.I.F.A.C. and have alot of fun with experimenting with this machine...I think, this machine isn't a gaming machine like C64 or Atari's a little bit more professional.

...the good old times...

Best regards



Ohh thanks so much for this!

So, can it? I must read the article about ChatGPT :D


Thank you for your support, everyone! I can't take credit for most of the layouts: they came from the magazines that originally published the articles.

I have no plans to make a hard copy of this ebook. For the authentic paper reading experience, I'd encourage you to seek out the hardback 2023 Amtix Annual (only £6 now, plus postage) and Amstrad Addict. Some of these articles appeared in those titles, and there are also lots of great reviews and features by others in them.
See the following links:

 The Amtix CPC magazine back issues appear to be sold out, but you can find back issues on Readly, I believe.

As to whether ChatGPT can actually write Amstrad games... no spoilers!  :D

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