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Revision 2013

Started by Hicks, 11:30, 24 March 13

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The next week, Revision will take place in Saarbrücken (from 29/03 to 01/04) (remember you the last year). See the official website.
A little group of CPC users will be there (Offset, Toms, Eliot, maybe Grim, Rouquemoute, me and others). Is that one of you planed to come?
It will be easy to find us, just follow the CTM screens...
And the next Vanity demo will be presented saturday night, in the oldskool category... Batman ending :)
See you at the party!


I'll be there too... :)

Just wondering if anyone is taking a 6128 along - I won't be taking real hardware along but they want to see competition entries running on real hardware as well as emulators. Hopefully I'll manage to finish a little thing I suddenly decided to start last week.


Hicks, when I look your avatar I see that swaped!

"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


For those of us who are sofa sceners, SceneSAT will be delivering their "usual quality" live stream. (ie prepare to lose connection just before the Oldeskool compo starts... AGAIN!)

Everyone is welcome to join perennial anti-demoists (myself, MaV & rexBeng) in the CPCWiki ShoutBox during the four day event!

P.S. It's bring a bottle, sorry! ^_^

(anti-demoist; English, noun; someone who doesn't care for 99% of the world-scene demo releases as well as the same-olde music and badly photo-shopped graphics and so vocally makes their position known via an online media that's not party to the world-scene!)


Quote from: tastefulmrship on 12:55, 25 March 13
Everyone is welcome to join perennial anti-demoists (myself, MaV & rexBeng) in the CPCWiki ShoutBox during the four day event!

P.S. It's bring a bottle, sorry! ^_^
To explain the term anti-demoist a little bit more precisely: We (almost) exclusively destroy the bland PC and Amiga demos. It gets on my nerves when the run-of-the-mill fly-through in OpenGL or DirectX wins 1st place on the PC when there is one or the other demo that at least tries a creative approach (all in the hopes that another the asshole programmer gets a job in a game company to deliver us the next 1st/3rd person shooter in a sea of myriad games of the same type).

Hopefully Amiga is NOT present in Old-Skool this year, those suckers have their own category!!1!eleven!!
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Quote from: MaV on 16:22, 25 March 13
Hopefully Amiga is NOT present in Old-Skool this year, those suckers have their own category!!1!eleven!!
It will be, or at least Amiga ECS but not Amiga AGA. Anything 16-bits or smaller is considered Oldskool at Revision: Oldskool | Revision 2013

Personally, I think that there are enough 8-bit demos released each year to warrant a separate category, especially as Amiga OCS is much closer to Amiga AGA in power than the 8-bits (i.e. AGA is about double the power of OCS, OCS is at least 4 times the processing power of a typical 8-bit).

That said the voters do tend to favour innovation on the 8-bits to yet another Amiga demo IMHO, althought the majority will think of things in terms of "impressive for a C64" and "impressive for an Amiga" as that's what most of them are used to.


Thanks, ralferoo. That is what we were talking about last year in the chat. The OCS and AGA Amiga are closer in style to each other for various reasons (size on disk in memory, Amigas having a bunch of coprocessors that the 8-bitter simply don't have etc) than the 8-bit Systems to OCS.

Since there's so many Amiga enthusiasts at this event especially, one should expect that they can judge OCS and AGA demos on their own merits when presented in the *same* category. Therefore Amiga has no place in Old-Skool when the term itself mostly mean 8-bit.

I'm baffled by the decision to mix 8- and 16-bit in one category when back in the days the jump from 8- to 16-bit was in everyone's experience a "revelation". The same could not be said for the jump from 16-bit ('286) to 32-bit ('386); the benefits offered by 32-bit were long-term. The first 386s were almost the same speed as 286s.
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Quote from: Hicks on 11:30, 24 March 13
And the next Vanity demo will be presented saturday night, in the oldskool category... Batman ending :)
See you at the party!

Oh man, I really really really really really really really really really wished to be there and watch it ;-)))
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: ralferoo on 16:44, 25 March 13
It will be, or at least Amiga ECS but not Amiga AGA. Anything 16-bits or smaller is considered Oldskool at Revision: Oldskool | Revision 2013

Well, it's known that even the oldest 68000 cpu in an Amiga works with 32 bit registers. Nothing more to mention, right!  :P

Quote from: MaV on 17:13, 25 March 13
... The first 386s were almost the same speed as 286s.
Right! In fakt the first 386 did run with 16 MHz while the 286 was already sold with 20 MHz. Computer magazines suggested the (a bit more quick) 80286 with 20 MHz instead of the more expensive and a bit slower 80386 with 16 MHz... and then there was the SX trick....
However a CPC was still superior - when using the right software ;-)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM/FS on 20:37, 25 March 13
Well, it's known that even the oldest 68000 cpu in an Amiga works with 32 bit registers. Nothing more to mention, right!  :P
Well, it's bus width that's the criteria for this competition. So pre-68020 it's considered as 16-bit, even though the CPU is  obviously more capable.

To be fair, 8-bits probably still stand more of a chance in this oldskool competition that the wild competition where things like the Raspberry Pi and FPGA entries are becoming common now. Mind you, lft's FPGA demos are always awesome... ;)


Anyway, just to ask my question again...

Is anyone taking a real 6128 with them to Revision?

I'm still not 100% I'll have finished this little 4KB intro in time to release at Revision (I've only got the bare bones of a demo so far and not even any music yet), but currently it works on all CPCs, but I'm thinking of making a change that'll make it look a lot nicer at the expense of making it work on 128KB machines only.

I'll be bringing my FPGA emulator along with me (either the new or older version, depending on whether the PCBs turn up) so I'll be able to run it whatever, but it'd be good to prove it works on a real computer too if I need to. :)

Of course, the danger of starting a demo from scratch a week before a competition is that it's quite likely to not get finished!  :-[


Quote from: Hicks on 11:30, 24 March 13
And the next Vanity demo will be presented saturday night, in the oldskool category... Batman ending :)
Sorry, also meant to mention earlier that I'm looking forward to this! I've heard it's been in the works a while now... :)


Quote from: ralferoo on 23:27, 25 March 13
Well, it's bus width that's the criteria for this competition. So pre-68020 it's considered as 16-bit, even though the CPU is  obviously more capable.
Oh well, 68008, had... 8 bit data bus, 16(?) bit address bus, and 32 registers.... seems that all get's fixed on the data bus... but then pipelining should be taken into account. And you pointed out before that f.e. the 6502 had such kind of thing.
However... I'm not affraid to use a CPC production to compete with an amiga and his bunch of custom chips. It's like driving a car, it does not only depend on technology.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


@TFM: Yeah, I remember the recommendation for a 20MHz 80286. I think I had that in mind when I wrote that comment.

The 68008 had a 20- or 22-bit address bus, thus it could address either 1 or even 4MB.

@ralferoo: Don't post in the forum, finish the demo! There's always time to chat later! ;)

I'm anxious to see what Vanity will show us this year, and I'm positive that it'll win against the competition!

Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


@ralferoo: yes, I will bring some 6128 for me & friends.
Nice to see that new Vanity demo is very expected!


Quote from: MaV on 10:11, 26 March 13
@ralferoo: Don't post in the forum, finish the demo! There's always time to chat later! ;)
Heh, yeah... Sadly, I suspect the majority of my potential coding time before the deadline is going to be during the Saturday in the compohall! Still, at least there'll be plenty of beer and wurst on hand! :)

I'm anxious to see what Vanity will show us this year, and I'm positive that it'll win against the competition!
Yeah, definitely. The last two Vanity demos were excellent! Let's see the CPC totally dominate the C64 and Spectrum this year!

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