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Anyone else getting dissillusioned with modern gaming?

Started by Dr Tiger Ninestein, 19:46, 03 July 14

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Dr Tiger Ninestein

Hi guys, it's been a while since I've posted here. Really glad to see the place still going strong.

Anyway it just feels like modern gaming is becoming such a ripoff.

I ended up getting a release day xbox1 and can't tell you how disappointed I am with it, tbh I could do a whole other thread on that topic but that disappointment has definitely contributed to the way I'm feeling about gaming.

Every game now you seem to be expected to spend so much extra money now on season passes, dlc etc. It just feels like they are milking us.

Titanfall has been the worst so far. They release a multiplayer game with no real campaign for the price of a normal game and then have the cheek to charge £20 for a few extra maps. Wankers.

Anyway I'm having a break from the xbox1 for a while and I'm getting back into retro gaming.

I've got my snes out, I'm going to buy a nes and I'm also on the hunt for an amstrad 464 plus.

Btw way anyone heard any news from malc or about the zone making a comeback? Also what about the book that was being written a while back, any news on that?


Welcome back. Yes the games are decidedly samey now, and for some reason a little dull. The graphics are just so good though, but its not worth the money and you do just feel like you're playing an advert sometimes.

Alas I believe the zone is gone. The book was I fear also will never see the light of day.

Bad news on the retro gaming front too... If you wanna buy mission the new for Roland on the Ropes that's gonna cost big bucks too :P


last game that really got me going, modern one, was Skyrim

Dr Tiger Ninestein

Quote from: Trebmint on 20:16, 03 July 14
The graphics are just so good though

The xbox1 seems to have taken a step back in regards to graphics. I swear the graphics were better on the 360.

Dr Tiger Ninestein

Quote from: dcdrac on 20:17, 03 July 14
last game that really got me going, modern one, was Skyrim

Same here. Skyrim was so good. So were the fallout games, can't wait for the next one.


Divinity Original Sin has me hooked!
Shovel Knight has me hooked

Not yet ;)
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Sykobee (Briggsy)

I haven't been too bothered with this generation so far ... but that also goes hand in hand with having a two year old I think.

Maybe next year I'll get a PS4, but stupidly it's looking like the Wii U is getting some good games now - new Zelda, Smash, Kart...


Personally the next game I'll buy will be Elite Dangerous and I will play it on my Oculus Rift :)


I dunno.  I don't care for first person shooters and rpgs and such but I'm a big fan of several PlayStation series such as Uncharted, The Last of Us, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper, inFamous and LittleBigPlanet.    I usually steer clear of stuff by Activision, Ubisoft or EA though with a few exceptions.  I don't trust those companies.  And anything by Bethesda tends to send me to sleep.   Sometimes though I get surprised by a game I think is gonna be a bit crap but then find myself playing it to completion such as TMNT: Out of the Shadows, Lord of the Rings: War in the North (i loathe lord of the rings, but downloaded it cos it was a PS Plus freebie and had co op multiplayer and found it a lot more addictive and playable than the big RPG type games) and Lego Batman 2 (that game totally abused my OCD... I platinumed it within 3 days cos of that.. grr). 

Certatinly find myself 'disillusioned' with indie-gaming though.
Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


rayman origins was good.
Sid Meier pirates too.
the main problem is the game interface: if you play a prince of persia, it's the same gameplay for Batman, assassin creed etc..
If you play call of duty, it's the same as Crysis etc..

what I found really cool in the 80's was the amount of different interface, gameplay, etc.. you need to understand before begin to play. modern gamers seems lazy to learn new interface.

sorry for any english mistakes.. I'm french...


Robo did u read AA118 tribute mag by any chance ?

as for myself, i never got into modern gaming ever.....

bah ! u are all saying.

but its true.

when i sold my cpc 6128 around 1995 / 1997 cant remember exactly i just couldnt get into modern gaming and still cant.

my friend who i grew up with at school and had many heated debates over the 8 bit wars - he owned a c64 and i a cpc.  i was outnumbered heavily most of the kids we hanged around with had c64s because commodores marketing and much cheaper price was what swayed them.

i saw through the bs though and stayed loyal to cpc.

i even did a project in year 11 with my friend on the impact of video gaming in Australia from its earliest form of entertainment to looking at the future of where it was heading.  We both took our computers into school for an oral class presentation i never forget carrying the ctm644 colour monitor around bloody heavy it was hahah

later on when we left high school he had up graded to a PC and i stayed loyal to cpc.

he showed me all these cool looking pc games but i never liked them at all.  i was disillusioned them and i remain so about modern gaming.

everyone else was upgrading to something better - amigas, sega and nintendos

i just kept playing games i had on my cpc and used it for alot of job applications and resumes.

i later played some games on a ps1 that my brother in law got but it really sucked in my opinion

i later played a friends xbox and was blown away by Halo, tiger woods, red card, dead or alive and rallisport challenge those games blew me away i was hooked for a while but it faded for me i really only play cpc games and thats not often these days because of work.

you're right these modern games u feel ripped off no matter what you do they seem to have a plan in place to make u spend more money than you should be.... to me thats what i would call a con man !!!


Hey guys, I've not posted for a long time either  but I started lurking again over the last couple of weeks and just felt I had to reply to this topic.
Since my last CPC in the mid 90's I have always found myself coming back to play CPC games. While it has been emulators for me since then, I've been thinking more and more about getting a real 6128 again and even learning code.

The point is, modern gaming does not do this for me. I never bothered with XBOX or PS3 onwards as the games on offer just never clicked with me.
I brought my first Nintendo products with the Wii and WiiU and have found their games very satisfying and sad that it took me this long to notice them. Their games are so similar to the old 8bit days for me (platformers / bright colours / use of mascots) and they don't mind being different. I have always wondered if it was because they have been around since the 8bit era and still cherish those "golden" days as much as we do.

I'm waiting for Smash and Hyrule warriors to arrive in a few months and I'm going to fill up the time with more CPC while I wait.

Keeping it Kiwi since 1977


I only play Stick Cricket, which is funny cause people beg me to play other iPhone/Android games along with the occasional popular one which I'm not interested in.  ::)
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Quote from: Carnivac on 21:20, 03 July 14
I'm a big fan of several PlayStation series such as Uncharted, The Last of Us, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper, inFamous and LittleBigPlanet.

These are great games (haven't played The Last Of Us yet, but I have the rest).

QuoteI usually steer clear of stuff by Activision, Ubisoft or EA though with a few exceptions.  I don't trust those companies.

Ubisoft is not too bad, not sure about Activision, but I've vowed to never buy another EA game (especially EA Sports) as they keep shutting down the servers before I can complete them. Problem is they do have some good games (eg. Mirror's Edge II soon).


What bothers me with modern gaming (or modern gamers) is how insane everyone goes with graphics. I don't say I can't enjoy some really good graphics, but people argue so much about it and forgetting the gameplay. I was looking at videos of the new Wolfenstein, trying to read some youtube comments to hear opinions about the gameplay, is it too linear? Is it too small? Is it really classic FPS coming back? I was looking and a lot of comments where like "graphics, graphcics, graphics,. oh graphics sucks, not next gen, bad game because of bad graphics" and it surprised me because I found the graphics good. Not something you haven't seen before but really nice. I have said it again, graphics are so abundant now, that if you went 5 years ago and grabbed a random game, aesthetically they would still be pleasing and doing it's work. So good are graphics now, that developers might not need to always spend time for the state of the art and can finally focus on the gameplay with an engine that is 2-3 years old or something. Afterall, sometimes graphics is not the last tech but how you design/model your world. Borderlands 2 might be outdated for some people but the cell shading and colors and character design is lovely! And it's a very damn addictive game (ok, some friends disagree, speaking about the gameplay) but I know some graphics hogs who hate it because it's too cartoonish, aka not realistic enough. At the same time, they love some Call of Duty or Battlefield or whatever military shooters with depressing themes, which is ok they can love whatever they want, but too me it's bland and boring and if you get random screenshot from different military shooters it seems like the same game. And then you also have a lot of games in the last XBOX/PS3 generation, where it's linear gameplay, cinematics, linear gameplay holding your hand, cinematics. Because it's glorified graphics, many gamers will forget how linear the gameplay is because they will be blinded by the graphics. And yes, Elder Scrolls did it right, it's open like crazy and just too addictive, I am currently playing Oblivion and Fallout 3 again (and soon Skyrim too).

As for current gen consoles, I am not considering buying one because to me they are just branded boxes with PC (AMD) hardware inside. That's how I felt about the previous gen too (ok, as an exception PS3 had the Cell processor which was unique). And it's not just the hardware, but nowadays there are not many exclusives, you find most titles that is PC, Xbox and PS3, and the console versions are trying to tell me I should play an FPS with controller instead of mouse and keyboard. So, most of the time I was like "Why should I get a PS3/Xbox or now a PS4/Xbox1? I have already a proper PC to play all those games more properly and if I want graphics at HD and everything at full, but if frame rate is not good I can still compensate with more options, also there are MODs from community and much more cool stuff on PC". Ok, PS3 had some sweet exclusives (Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Last of Us, Beyond two souls, although they suffer from the same things, glorified graphics, too linear reactive (press X/O to do the next thing, I hate quicktime events), not feeling like playing, but I'll pass because they are supposed to be "adventure games" and maybe I can just enjoy like this being an interactive movie more then a game) and might get a cheap one soon just for these. But right now, I am playing games in old consoles (yep I started collecting everything from SNES to PS2 and f****g 3DO, haha) and reading tech/specs about them out of curiosity of the past, what was possible and what was achieved, and I am surprised so many unique exclusive games you couldn't find on PC, and every hardware was so unique, you had Jaguar with programmable blitters, Saturn and 3DO with quad rasterizer only, PS1 with non perspective texture, N64 with too small texture cache, and unique processors/GPUs, not a generic PC hardware on a box branded Sony/Microsoft. The old consoles were more interesting, it made sense buying one for a lot of cool exclusives and unique tech different from PC. And some of the games are still amazing to play no matter the graphics!

Oh, an exception I forgot is Nintendo. Wii was unique, you couldn't "emulate" it on your PC screen (in fact you can, but it's not the same) so you felt like it made sense buying a Wii even if you have a PC. I even think about getting a WiiU too, because you can't emulate the gadgety things nintendo does, so it won't feel like "hey, I could use mouse/keyboard and just buy the exact same game that is also ported on PS4". And there are more exclusives, even if it's the same reharshed "oh another mario. And another zelda. And another mario kart". I hope for some 3rd party games too.

Also I love handhelds. This is an exception, while I was never a big fun of consoles (even though I decided to collect some now), handhelds are an exception to this. I love them more than consoles. You can take it with you in the metro, in the toilet (hehe) or everywhere. You can't take your PC (unless a laptop but still too big). So, they provide something unique. And I love openhandhelds especially, something most people snob nowadays because it's not sony/nintendo, like gamepark, dingoo or now gcw zero. Also good for hobby programming.

p.s. Also XBOX ONE & PS4 Fans Flip Out About Call of Duty Ghosts Resolution (Just Shut up


Personally I got disillusioned with the previous generation. I couldn't get into the Last of Us which seemed to meander on and some of the graphics were a bit on the iffy side probably due to the aging PS3 hardware. Don't get me wrong, I love those sorts of survival horror games. Last night I finished System Shock 2 with the hi-res packs installed and loved every minute of it. It was well paced, diverse and the ending and plot twists were proper sci-fi horror cheese, and I can now say thanks to that game I no longer need to wonder what it's like going through an Alien Sphincter (not that I'd ever wondered before playing the game  :laugh: ). So much better than the Bioshock games (of which I've played the first 2 and need to play the third).  The only interesting bit in Last of Us was in the town playing as Ellie.
The few games I did enjoy playing were Fallout 3, Bayonetta, the Batman games and Bulletstorm. Mirrors Edge had potential but it was a shame nothing else came of it.
I also tried the PSN Plus for €49. What a waste of money that was. I downloaded the free games and never got the time to play them, and now I can't access them and I don't want to renew my subscription. I think I'd rather have bought the games I downloaded second hand probably for the same total price and then I could play them at my leisure.
All this probably explains why I got into retro gaming. I'm going through a Japanese phase at the moment with my FM Towns Marty and PC Engine (and I guess Wondermega although it's only a Megadrive at the end of the day).
Like others I am not really interested in buying a PS4/Xbox One although the Wii U is tempting. I think I am going to have to take the plunge in the next few months  :laugh:


There is a new Mirror's Edge game in the works.  ;D


Being a game-developer (or creative mind in other areas like e.g. film production) was just easier in the good old days, it seems.

Nowadays the "customers" talks like they own it all. There's no pleasing them. None.
They are spoiled. Gets everything thrown in their face.

I'm very much into movies, and just hate when a movie gets dissed because of a few elements, when the rest of the movie was great.
There's just no appreciation for all the hard work people put into it anymore.

In their defence though; the average world IQ is falling.... I sometimes think the author of the movie "Idiocrazy" got the year wrong...

I can't say much about the modern games or game-developers, other than modern games just don't appeal to me. Never have. Can't say why exactly.
But retro games just keep being interested for some reason.


Quote from: McKlain on 11:45, 04 July 14
There is a new Mirror's Edge game in the works.  ;D

Fantastic  :D I remember reading an article a few years back saying the company had planned 4 or 5 new original games but scrapped the rest because of disappointing Mirrors Edge sales.


Quote from: beaker on 11:53, 04 July 14
Fantastic  :D I remember reading an article a few years back saying the company had planned 4 or 5 new original games but scrapped the rest because of disappointing Mirrors Edge sales.

Mirror's Edge - Official Site


Quote from: mr_lou on 11:48, 04 July 14
Being a game-developer (or creative mind in other areas like e.g. film production) was just easier in the good old days, it seems.

Nowadays the "customers" talks like they own it all. There's no pleasing them. None.
They are spoiled. Gets everything thrown in their face.

I don't know, I feel the companies make a rod for their own back in regards to mainstream games. A game costs so much to create these days that a company can't afford to have a flop so they won't take any risks and you end up with endless sequels or identi-clones (tm). OK, clones are nothing new, for example the 16-bits had endless platformers, but there just doesn't seem to be the visionaries around anymore; the Trip Hawkins and go against the market and release something like the 3DO to try and move the market on (just don't talk to me about Android machines or trying to redo VR headsets  >:( ), or the early Spielberg, Lucas and Cameron who have a real passion for film making and inject new life into their fields. I also think films are suffering these days because TV over the last decade has just got so much better with the likes of Sopranos, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones.


Must admit I do love the Borderlands series of games and the Batman games are good, however we are now getting the same stuff churned out year after year. Assassins Creed for example, we get a new game that is similar to all the previous games in the series but with a different storyline every year now, I really enjoyed the first 2 games , they then did 2 sideline type games for AC2, Brotherhood was ok and Revelations was just tying up loose ends, AC3 I am around halfway through it but I can't stand the main character which is what has stopped me from seeing it through, I also have the 3 Washington DLC's for it which I haven't even started.

I must admit I did enjoy AC4 Black Flag, the main character on it was enjoyable and it had a decent story.

CoD is another franchise that has been ruined by yearly sequels, I tuned out after the first Modern Warfare game which I didn't get through as just found it tedious, I did however enjoy the 2 MoH games that came out.

Other than that the only game currently on my radar is the new Borderlands game later this year which will be a day one buy, until then due to the bundles and Steam sales I have a huge backlog which I have started working my way through. There are loads of games I own on Steam though that after playing for a few hours I won't go back to, tedious, boring and just can't be chewed with them.

I think now that I own the enhanced Baldurs Gate games due to the recent Steam sale I will play through them again, haven't played them in a few year now, last time was after I purchased them from GOG around 4 year ago. Thing is though these games are quite old now and should not be compared to modern even though they are enhanced.

I find even some of the Indie devs now are just churning out crap to make a bit of money, there are good ones though like Basilisk Games who have done the Eschalon series.


Quote from: beaker on 11:13, 04 July 14
Personally I got disillusioned with the previous generation. I couldn't get into the Last of Us which seemed to meander on and some of the graphics were a bit on the iffy side probably due to the aging PS3 hardware.

Actually I consider it one of, if not the most gorgeous 3D games around.  Almost perfect blend of realism, subtle detailing and lovely colour schemes.  And it (along with Naughty Dog's other current series Uncharted) are pretty much the ONLY games where I actually enjoy the story and don't rush to skip the cutscenes.  Their mo-cap, voice acting, story and setpieces are often superb and I've never felt them take over too much from the gameplay like I've found with other games (Assassin's Creed being a huge offender there).  In fact I did two consective playthroughs of that one which is something I've never ever done before.  I'd quite happily pay again for the Remastered PS4 version  (though the main game which will make me buy the console is Uncharted 4... and LittleBigPlanet 3, I'm keen to see what those guys do with the added power and features of the PS4).

The few games I did enjoy playing were Fallout 3, Bayonetta, the Batman games and Bulletstorm.

Fallout 3 was my single biggest purchase regret of the last generation.  I truly, truly hated that game.  I tried to like it.   I gave it 20 hours of my life and it chose to give me not even one minute of enjoyment (and graphically I think I had already been spoilt by the Uncharted games cos the NPC movement was so archaic and zombie-like in Fallout 3 and visually it was abysmal).   There were just so many things I shook my head at found to be a waste of time and I'm not really fond of non-linear games.   I find the Batman games quite overrated too.  Owned the first two and could only be bothered to finish the first and that was a chore in itself, far too clunky to play and tedious and the damn camera turning everytime I'm trying to hit people gave me a headache.  I still enjoy the old NES game (and it's awesome soundtrack) far more.  Bayonetta I found pretty average but Bulletstorm surprised me.   I got that free on PS Plus and despite my dislike of first person shooters I actually found that one pretty entertaining.  I think mainly cos it didn't take itself too seriously, the weapons were kinda neat but most of all I just liked pulling people to me and kicking them into things.  I prefer melee attacks to constant shooting when in 3D games.   Perhaps because you have to actually get close to them and see their faces.   I hate snipers, the cowards (whether they computer controlled or some cheapass online player).  Come down here and fight me like a man!   ;)

I also tried the PSN Plus for €49. What a waste of money that was. I downloaded the free games and never got the time to play them, and now I can't access them and I don't want to renew my subscription. I think I'd rather have bought the games I downloaded second hand probably for the same total price and then I could play them at my leisure.

That was for a years sub and you didn't find any time to play any of the games in the whole year?   Seriously I consider PS Plus to be the biggest bargain in gaming in years.  I've been a subscriber for about 3 years and have saved hundreds and hundreds of pounds on free games and discounts and found enjoyment in games I wouldn't normally have tried but did so cos they were free.   I even liked getting games that I already had on disc because I was switching to all-digital and disposing of physical media.   I even activate (but don't download straight away) the games I don't want just in case I may want to give them a go in later months.  Also got a ton of Vita games activated on there I can't play cos I don't yet own one but I take the games anyways for when the time comes that I can play them.  Also the secure feeling that my game saves get automatically backed up to Sony's servers is nice in case I have another hardware failure (my first PS3 was a second hand one I got cheap way before PS Plus existed and it yellow lighted one day and I lost eeeeverything.  Wouldn't be a problem now as I could just redownload all my saves). 

One thing I do detest about modern gaming is the assumption game devs have that we all want voice chat in games.  I really, really don't.  Most of the time it's some guys shouting obscenties or playing their godawful taste in music through their mic or the other week when playing Uncharted 3 I heard some couple arguing going on in the background of some guy's mic.  I find it creepy as hell to be suddenly hearing voices of complete strangers while I'm sat wanting to play a game.  And also players just assume you have a mic and that you should be turning it on.  And most games don't let you have mute set as standard.  Uncharted 3 I'm having to mute people every single match and it's a pain in the butt.  I just want to hear my own music, and the game sounds (so I can hear what's going on) or be singing along while I punch folk.  I even got kicked from a team cos I didn't want to turn my mic on (I don't have a dedicated mic or headset, I simply use the one in the PlayStation eye camera which I do use for keeping in touch with PS3 owning friends and family abroad.  So much easier than trying to get Skype running on my laptop). 

edit:  i typed more than i meant to. sorry. I guess I'm babbling a bit cos it helps take my mind off the grieving over the loss of a good friend who passed away a few days ago.    Anyways I guess it's not so much modern gaming that's the problem as perhaps we just have our own ideas of how we enjoy gaming and what we want games to be.   The PlayStation offers me the best value, hassle free, gaming experience with mostly the kinds of games I like so that's what I game on (other than using my laptop for emulation purpose, no actual PC games thanks.. not my thing.)  For others it's a PC, for others it's a Wii... 

I think we can all agree some companies take the piss when it comes to charging for DLC though.   EA especially but Activision's prices are often insane.    Oh and EA's recent Dungeon Keeper mobile game... holy crap... it's like they actually turned the act of greed into a product.   
Favorite CPC games: Count Duckula 3, Oh Mummy Returns, RoboCop Resurrection, Tankbusters Afterlife


Well I am a driving game fan, and as such I bought the dreamcast on launch day to get MSR, the Xbox on launch day for Project Gotham and a Xbox 360 on launch day for the MSR series.
Having said that for a 4 and for a horizons are so close to perfect I see no reason in getting an Xbox 1.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Hmm I don't think I am disillusioned I just don't play many new games because they don't provide enough interest or there are just so many other PC or CPC games to play that if I am only kindof interested I won't really bother.

Heh generations all seems funny to me cause they mean nothing to me because I've never owned a console. It does mean that in say indy games that deliberately go for a particular retro look like the NES I have zero appreciation for it and it almost seems silly to me. Why play a game that is retro inspired when I can play something of the same era on CPC or PC.

That said I am probably somewhat disillusioned with FPS because almost all of the recent ones are terrible modern military shooters which are so uninteresting compared to the FPS of old which were fast and had interest weapons not just more weapons that shoot bullets on maps from map packs you have to pay for (how gamers were conned into buying map packs I don't know when to me maps are user generated content and not solely dictated by the developer)

I will say about graphics I came to the conclusion I don't care about how a game looks as long as they put the effort in at the time to make a great game and didn't result in something that looked awful. Basically I would be fine monochrome games on a ZX81 because thats a limitation of the hardware but a monocolour spectrum port on CPC I'm not as happy about although I might just play it on greenscreen so I might not notice so much but yeah gameplay is king but graphics are nice to have.

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