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General Category => Other retro => Topic started by: mr_lou on 17:51, 29 April 18

Title: 3 new chip tunes by yours truly
Post by: mr_lou on 17:51, 29 April 18
Never really thought about sharing my non-CPC music here, but since my latest 3 tunes are very chippy, I thought I should.

Despite having bought one of them modern music trackers a decade ago, I keep using the oldskool approach when creating music.
These 3 tracks are thus composed in Milkytracker.

"Ode to you" - [xm (http://indiegamemusic.com/diskspace/mr_lou/Ode%20to%20you.xm)] [mp3 (http://indiegamemusic.com/diskspace/mr_lou/Ode%20to%20you-160kbps.mp3)]
Created in 2017 for 8-bit Memoirs, but only released today.

"Dead Link" - [xm (http://indiegamemusic.com/diskspace/mr_lou/Dead%20Link.xm)] [mp3 (http://indiegamemusic.com/diskspace/mr_lou/Dead%20Link-160kbps.mp3)]
I think this sounds somewhat Kraftwerk-like.

"Back to Basics" - [xm (http://indiegamemusic.com/diskspace/mr_lou/Back%20to%20Basics.xm)] [mp3 (http://indiegamemusic.com/diskspace/mr_lou/Back%20to%20Basics-160kbps.mp3)]
Short chippy intro tune

I enjoy doing these oldskool tunes, trying to make something sound good while keeping a relative low filesize. Thus, these tracks are only 291 kb, and 662 kb and 381 kb.

Anyone else tracking oldskool here? I mean with trackers like Milkytracker or OpenMPT or Schism Tracker?
Title: Re: 3 new chip tunes by yours truly
Post by: Arnold on 12:18, 02 May 18
Great :) I really like all 3 of them and gonna include them and play them also in the taxi for customers . . . ;)
Title: Re: 3 new chip tunes by yours truly
Post by: mr_lou on 12:40, 02 May 18
Quote from: Arnold on 12:18, 02 May 18
Great :) I really like all 3 of them and gonna include them and play them also in the taxi for customers . . . ;)

That's an awesome concept...  "The Chipxi".  8)
Title: Re: 3 new chip tunes by yours truly
Post by: VincentGR on 12:44, 02 May 18
I don't have a taxi but I play them in my car and at the bar I work in summers.
Title: Re: 3 new chip tunes by yours truly
Post by: Arnold on 17:52, 02 May 18
So I shall help spread the good chiptune vibes too . . . :) a very familiar 'concept' so to speak actually since I am sort of doing this as for Shamisen music already for years . . . So far though I never got around to actually get into it seriously like to organize a good library of tunes I absolutely like but I feel now the time has come . . . one Arcade High album and 3 MR LOU tunes so far available in the car :) Shamisen in case you are unfamiliar with that is featured in the clip btw and that song actually happens to refer to me . . . :)

Title: Re: 3 new chip tunes by yours truly
Post by: mr_lou on 11:29, 03 May 18
I was just looking through my tracks to see when was the last time I created a chip-tune. 9 years ago!!!  :o
I can't believe it was 9 years since I did a chip-tune last time. Well, obviously I've done CPC tracks since then, but still.

Anyway, this is also worth a share.

"Calm Streams" - [xm (http://indiegamemusic.com/diskspace/mr_lou/CalmStreams_Chip24kb.xm)] [mp3 (http://indiegamemusic.com/diskspace/mr_lou/CalmStreams.mp3)]

Only 25 kb!

Worth a share because of the story:

Zeboyd Games (http://zeboyd.com/) bought a license for this track to be used in their game "Breath of Death VII (https://store.steampowered.com/app/107300/Breath_of_Death_VII/)". And because this game became rather popular, so did the track. Before I knew it several people had created cover versions. You can even find a video on YouTube of people playing this tune using real instruments.
My favorite cover version is the one Mordi did (http://mordi.ziphoid.com/data/music/work_in_progress/Mordi%20-%20Calm%20Streams%20%28Orig.%20Mr%20Lou%29.mp3). Absolutely stunning.

Is no one else tracking oldskool???
Title: Re: 3 new chip tunes by yours truly
Post by: Arnold on 20:19, 05 May 18
obviously another classic . . . ;) also I found your two websites . . . ;) unfortunately though I neither have a dvd nor blue ray player these days and frankly don't plan on buying any one of those in the future and also I cannot download 23 gb of 8bit sure bliss to my currently only phone shaped computer ;) what I could do so far though was download all of your chiptune tracks I understand I can play to unsuspecting taxi customers for free . . . of course whenever I might come up with another app or game likely I am looking forward to looking first at your tracks and possibly licensing them for your fair charges too . . .
Title: Re: 3 new chip tunes by yours truly
Post by: mr_lou on 20:36, 05 May 18
Quote from: Arnold on 20:19, 05 May 18
Unfortunately though I neither have a dvd nor blue ray player these days and frankly don't plan on buying any one of those in the future and also I cannot download 23 gb of 8bit sure bliss to my currently only phone shaped computer ;)

When Kodi 18 is released, (assuming the bugs has been fixed by then), you can view 8-bit Memoirs remotely by adding a HTTP source in Kodi: It'll stream the project via HTTP.
You can test this already now if you want, although you should expect a crash, because they haven't worked out all the bugs yet.
Simply download the nightly build of Kodi 18, and then add this HTTP source: http://www.8bitMemoirs.com/online/Disc (http://www.8bitmemoirs.com/online/Disc)
Then right-click that source and select "Play". In the next popup, select "Play with Blu-ray menus".
(Remember to download the bit-version of Kodi that matches the bit-version of your Java installation. Otherwise it won't work).

Alternatively, you can buy a 32 gb USB drive from me. See list of possible playback devices on http://www.8bitMemoirs.com (http://www.8bitmemoirs.com)

For now though, there's no way of viewing 8-bit Memoirs from a phone - although there's a good chance it will become possible with Kodi some day. All they need is some way of including a JVM, and they're actually looking into a few options to do that these days. If successful, that would mean you'd be able to stream 8-bit Memoirs from your Android device; phones, tablets, and even TV's! That would be awesome.  8)

Quote from: Arnold on 20:19, 05 May 18What I could do so far though was download all of your chiptune tracks I understand I can play to unsuspecting taxi customers for free . . . of course whenever I might come up with another app or game likely I am looking forward to looking first at your tracks and possibly licensing them for your fair charges too . . .

Yes, my music is free to download and listen to. Only when you're using it to make money will you need to pay a license.  :)
Title: Re: 3 new chip tunes by yours truly
Post by: Arnold on 21:21, 05 May 18
wow well ordering a 32 gb usb drive I did not find as an option on the site actually and of course the idiot I could imagine I might be I am completely unfamiliar with that Kodi business as of now . . . anyways though the link you shared might have provided an opening for peeking into your memoirs for a bit for now as it seems the vlc player app on the phone could possibly even render some of those files so I am looking forward to looking into this . . . saying this so vaguely so far cause the mobile internet access seems to have hickups again . . . seriously in this day and age can't we have a solid internet mobile connection? a disgrace . . . sure isn't solar flares to blame . . .
Title: Re: 3 new chip tunes by yours truly
Post by: mr_lou on 05:12, 06 May 18
It's true that the USB option isn't listed on the site. Maybe I should add it.

Regarding VLC - it's a decent free option for viewing 8-bit Memoirs on a PC. But the Android version of VLC isn't able to handle the Java stuff (which means you won't be able to read all the stories - you can only see the videos). This is because Android doesn't have a JVM app you can install, like almost all other platforms does.

Unlike Kodi devs, VLC devs have rejected the idea of embedding a JVM, so it doesn't look like Android VLC will be an option to play 8-bit Memoirs on Android.

But I'm very excited to see what will happen with Kodi. If the devs succeed in embedding a JVM, it'll be utterly awesome. You would be able to stream the whole project from your phone if you want - I don't think 8-bit Memoirs requires a lot of broadband.
But in theory you should also be able to plug in a USB to your phone, and play it from there. (You'd of course need one of those USB sticks with a small USB plug though).

Not sure how to navigate the project on a phone though. The project itself has been coded to support mouse / touch. E.g. clicking the right side of the screen goes to next page and such. But neither VLC nor Kodi has implemented mouse support yet, so...
Maybe it's possible to popup a virtual remote control or something? I don't know Kodi that well myself either.
Title: Re: 3 new chip tunes by yours truly
Post by: mr_lou on 07:20, 26 May 18
Another chippy tune released today: "A belated farewell" [xm (http://indiegamemusic.com/diskspace/mr_lou/A%20belated%20farewell.xm)] [mp3 (http://indiegamemusic.com/diskspace/mr_lou/A%20belated%20farewell-160kbps.mp3)]
Dedicated old friends who aren't here anymore.
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