The architecture of every 80s and 90s console, explained (+pics & game examples)

Started by cwpab, 17:56, 23 April 24

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Hey guys, I just found this website:

The author is 20 something, but he's analyzing the architecture of every single console from the NES to the PS4 (I guess the 70s consoles will be added at some point!).

There are lots of images of the inside of the machines, component "map" diagrams... An what's best is that he explains what each component produces in terms of graphics providing game examples, and what problems do some bottlenecks cause.

The articles are very comprehensive and easy to understand. I recomend checking them out.


Just went through the SMS one. It doesn't really go very deep but it's still well written and very interesting to read!


Sorry, after a quick look it seems like the CBM Colecovision is missing. That shall not be. --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2024.10.27) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)

Anthony Flack

I read through the SMS one as well; I quite fancy doing a SMS game sometime. Looks like it would be a piece of cake, although all access to graphics RAM having to go through the VDP is a bit of a shame. No wonder all those games that tried to do software sprites on the tile layer (like you would expect from any good British coder) had a hard time. 

Looks like a nice site. It's all laid out and written very clearly.


It may be so that the articles are written using a bit of AI help. Then edited by human hands.
(There are many copywriting tools: etc..) That may be why the copy is somewhat tasteless and missing some information here and there.


Quote from: dodogildo on 09:26, 25 April 24It may be so that the articles are written using a bit of AI help. Then edited by human hands.
(There are many copyrighting tools: etc..) That may be why the copy is somewhat tasteless and missing some information here and there.
It might also explain why some of the details seem off. Although language barriers and possibly a lack of deep technical knowledge could also account for that.

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