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Assembling Arkos Tracker

Started by ivavilagu, 08:46, 26 December 21

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Merry Christmas to all!

I´m making a BASIC game and want to add some music with AT2. I need to re-assemble the tracker to alocate it in a new memory position. Following the instructions I get the final AT2files.asm, compile in Winape (adding an org &9600 line) with no errors and try to run in BASIC with the code

10 memory 20000
20 load"player.bin",&9600
30 load"1.akg",&6D60
40 call &9600,&6D60,0

It doesn´t work. Song "1.akg" was exported with &6D60 memory direction

No idea of assembler so, what´s I´m making wrong?


That link is for merging player and music for a custom machine-code production, not for the Basic example. You only need to assemble the Basic player example (i.e. players/playerAkg/sources/tester/BasicInterruptions_CPC.asm) by itself to get player.bin, then use the code you posted to load it and the music file and start it playing.


Thank you Pelrun!

I understood something else and complicated the process  ???

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