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Started by ComSoft6128, 17:28, 04 November 19

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I found this small program on a disk at the weekend.
Not being a programmer means that unable to assess how useful this would have been.

A practical program for day to day use?
Or just an interesting curiosity?

Not emulated - original hardware and software.
Please note that the aspect ratio for this YouTube video is 16:9 but the CPC monitor has
an aspect ratio of 4:3 so you may wish to adjust your viewing device accordingly.


Programs like this are handy if you're learning programming and need a visual way of working out how Bin/Hex are related... though the windows Calculator is easier for most purposes.

I wrote a program a while back that does Bin/Dec/Hex and allows for various alterations to the values to be shown realtime... though these days I guess I should improve it to add octal support.

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I use a program named SpeedCrunch which is quite nice for a lot of things, and incredibly useful for converting numbers between bases.


Thanks for the replies.

Quote from: robcfg on 08:26, 05 November 19
I use a program named SpeedCrunch which is quite nice for a lot of things, and incredibly useful for converting numbers between bases.

For anyone interested:


That reminds me those programs that were used to encode hexadecimal listings from magazines like Amsaisie from Amstrad Magazine and Micro Mag. I remember encoding the game Zone 2 with it. What a time to be alive :-)


I like the idea of entering the Binary Number, though I would love it even more if it took the Binary Number and Poke it into Memory and allow for storage for a Maze Style game. I was trying to do that with this code the other day, but wasn't producing the correct results when I was trying to calculate the High and Low Bytes from a 16bit Binary Number, grrr!  >:(
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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