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#CPCtelera 1.4.2. release

Started by ronaldo, 11:59, 11 May 15

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Quote from: ronaldo on 21:31, 19 November 15
Could you please look into the C:\cygwin64\bin directory and check for files with the pattern "cygwin1.dll*"? Could you please tell me which ones are there?

Only one "cygwin1.dll" 3312ko


After a long period of time, we are slowly returning and continuing development of CPCtelera. We hope to release 1.4. version in a not too distant future (say some weeks). Then, we hope to be able to attend most of the requests for new features that have been formulated during past months.

But, the most important thing is that we may have fixed an important problem thanks to the collaboration of @SyX. Some people experienced problems installing CPCtelera under Windows/Cygwin on Win7, 8 and 10. @SyX identified a problem related to Cygwin failing to dinamically link against libstdc++ under some circumstances. This seems to be happenning on Win7, 8 and 10, and producing void executables after compilation. That was probably causing some random problems to people installing CPCtelera.

Our latest master version at Github includes a fix for this problem, statically linking against libstdc++. In our test, this seems to solve the issue. However, we need more confirmations. So, please, it would be really useful if those of you that had problems installing CPCtelera could download latest github version and test it under Windows/Cygwin.

Thank you very much in advance to those of you that are collaborating/have collaborated with CPCtelera :D 


Now, all works perfectly on Cygwin x64 with Windows 10 x64. 

Problem solved, congratulation !




I have trouble installing cpctelera on a cygwin64 (Win10). There's a missing library (libboost-devel), despite the fact I have installed it?!
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


@Arnaud, @ervin, @HAL 6128, thank you all for testing and reporting :)

@HAL 6128: Are you sure you have installed libboost-devel? You may have installed libboost, without the development headers (only the binary files). The test for detecting that libboost is installed compiles a program that requires libboost-devel to be installed. When compilation fails, libboost-devel is not properly installed.

Please, first of all, verify your Cygwin installation, and double check libboost-devel installation.

If you are sure it is installed, next thing to check is your antivirus software, that may be interferring with Cygwin, and ruining CPCtelera installation (that problem is described by Cygwin developers).

If all these steps fail, post CPCtelera installation logs and I'll check them.

EDIT: I didn't properly read your error message. It seems that you are using a previous version of Cygwin and you may have a dependency detection problem, resulting in cygisl-10.dll not being installed. That impedes you to compile anything with GCC. Try installing  libisl10 and libcloog-isl4 (you may use "apt-cyg install libisl10 libcloog-isl4" or the cygwin installer)


Yes, libisl10 and libcloog-isl4 were missing. Now it starts installing. Thank you very much for the hint!
But breaks after 75% of installing. I have to check the log file.

What do you mean with "previous version of Cygwin"? I freshly downloaded the "setup-x86_64.exe" file from "";. Are there differences? Yes, I compiled anything with GCC. Which version of GCC is recommended?
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Well, it may depend on the mirror you have selected. This problem happens because of some untracked dependencies on Cygwin. This should have been fixed on latest versions. In fact, I didn't experience this problem by myself, but seems more likely on Win10. It also may be related to antivirus software interferring (it seems less likely in this case, but it may).

Anyway, are you using latest master version of CPCtelera from github?


Yes, I'm using the lastest master version.

Ok, I deleted everything and have been choosen another mirror. The Installationen process went through without any problem.
Now it works!

...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Much better, then :). Thanks for testing and reporting :D


¿Cual es la sintaxis de la directiva org en el ensamblador que trae cpctelera?

Intento una cosa super simple como empezar un codigo en A000 cambiando el archivo de configuración.

Escribir 3 instruciones.

LD HL,#0xA100
LD DE,#0x006E
LD BC,#0x0050

Y poner una org para que a partir de aqui lo ponga en A100.

No hay manera he intentado de todo, con almohadilla con & con h con dolar.

Y segun que ponga siempre me devuelve: src/main.s:51: Error: <o> .org in REL area or directive / mnemonic error
o src/main.s:51: Error: <q> missing or improper operators, terminators, or delimiters



La sintaxis parece correcta, viendo los ejemplos en ensamblador de cpctelera (aunque difieren del código de abajo; imagino que acepta varias sintaxis).

Yo creo que el problema es poner un ORG en un área de código que no lo permite: Error: <o> .org in REL area...

P. ej., el fichero crt0.s empieza así:

   .module crt0
   .globl   _main
   .area   _HEADER (ABS)
   ;; Reset vector
   .org    0
   jp   init
   .org   0x08 < NEW URL!!!


I found this very useful:

(I don't use cpctelera, but I use SDCC and its assembler is awful and very limited :'()
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

If you like my games and want to show some appreciation, you can always buy me a coffee.


You can't use ORG in source files this way. The memory layout is not defined by the assembler as in traditional amstrad tools, but by the linker.

If you want to change the start address, you will need to edit the linker file instead, to tell where your code segment should be located.


Quote from: dragon on 18:42, 26 January 16
¿Cual es la sintaxis de la directiva org en el ensamblador que trae cpctelera?
Intento una cosa super simple como empezar un codigo en A000 cambiando el archivo de configuración.
Y poner una org para que a partir de aqui lo ponga en A100.
No hay manera he intentado de todo, con almohadilla con & con h con dolar.

Lo que tienes no es un problema de sintaxis. El problema es que el código que escribes es considerado "RELocatable", lo que quiere decir que el linker tiene la posibilidad de moverlo y/o ajustarlo como considere oportuno. Por ese motivo, una orden ORG no tiene sentido, porque dejaría el código en posición absoluta, y es contradictorio con darle libertad al linker para moverlo.

Si lo único que quieres es definir la posición inicial de tu binario, lo que tienes que hacer es cambiar la variable Z80CODELOC del fichero de configuración del proyecto de CPCtelera (en cfg/ Esa variable es la que se le pasa al linker al compilar para indicar la posición inicial del binario generado en memoria.

Si más adelante quieres tener varias zonas de código ubicadas en posiciones absolutas de memoria, tienes que definir zonas de código de posicionamiento absoluto, utilizando las directivas .area con el calificador (ABS), como te han dicho arriba. De todas formas, de eso podemos hablar cuando lo necesites, si lo prefieres.


Your problem is not related to syntax. Your problem is due to your main code area being RELocatable by default. This means that the linker has the right relocate and/or adjust parts of your code as it considers. Because of this, an ORG command does not have any meaning inside this area, as it will locate code in an absolute location, and that is contradictory with the "RELocatable" property.

If your desire is just to place your binary at a given location in memory, it will be enough with changing the value of Z80CODELOC variable, which is located in the configuration file of your CPCtelera project (cfg/ That variable is passed to the linker during compilation to state the initial location of the generated binary in memory.

Lately, if you want to have several code zones in different absolute locations in memory, you have to define ABSolutely located code zones using .area directives and the (ABS) qualifier. Anyway, we can discuss about this later, when you need it.


 CPCtelera 1.4.2. is finally out!

This version is an important update, mainly because SDCC 3.5.5 codebase was showing some important compilation issues under different circumstances. With this new release, many compilation and Mac OSX compatibility issues should dissapear and make live easier and happier to many of you. Hope it actually does! :D
Features included in this release:

  • Updated SDCC compiler from version 3.5.5 to newest version 3.6.8 (revision 9946). New version is much more efficient, generates better code and solves some bugs from previous one.
  • Added automatic Arkos Traker 1 AKS music conversion. It is done through the makefile macro AKS2C, which is easily added in config file cfg/
  • Added project support for Visual Studio Code IDE. All CPCtelera projects can now be opened and compiled in VS Code. Moreover, intellisense and keyboard shortcuts for automaticly running games are easily added.
  • Documented VS Code integration, with plenty of information for users on how to set up projects.
  • Documented Automatic Conversion Tools for Music, Graphics and Tilemaps. This will greatly help users on fastly and comfortably integrating asset production in their projects without having to bother to convert them when they change.
  • Added support for drawing tiles using gray code order and making use of the stack. Really fast method for advanced users.
  • Added troubleshooting section to the documentation in order to help users with common issues.
  • Fixed issue in iDSK: it was overwritting files with same name but different extension.
  • Added Support for Paged Memory and use of memory beyond 64K.
  • Added z88dk speculative optimization peepholes for advanced users wanting to experiment with advanced optimization.
  • Added new asm examples with animations, music and data structures: greetcardmusic/ and structs/.
  • Updated RGAS to latest 1.2.2 version.
  • Added bitarray support for tiled Tilemap TMX-CSV conversion to C.
  • Fixed getRandom to output predictable random sequences.
Hope you all enjoy it much while we continue towards 1.5. Release! :D


Quote from: ronaldo on 14:53, 17 July 17
CPCtelera 1.4.2. is finally out!

This version is an important update, mainly because SDCC 3.5.5 codebase was showing some important compilation issues under different circumstances. With this new release, many compilation and Mac OSX compatibility issues should dissapear and make live easier and happier to many of you. Hope it actually does! :D
Features included in this release:

  • Updated SDCC compiler from version 3.5.5 to newest version 3.6.8 (revision 9946). New version is much more efficient, generates better code and solves some bugs from previous one.
  • Added automatic Arkos Traker 1 AKS music conversion. It is done through the makefile macro AKS2C, which is easily added in config file cfg/
  • Added project support for Visual Studio Code IDE. All CPCtelera projects can now be opened and compiled in VS Code. Moreover, intellisense and keyboard shortcuts for automaticly running games are easily added.
  • Documented VS Code integration, with plenty of information for users on how to set up projects.
  • Documented Automatic Conversion Tools for Music, Graphics and Tilemaps. This will greatly help users on fastly and comfortably integrating asset production in their projects without having to bother to convert them when they change.
  • Added support for drawing tiles using gray code order and making use of the stack. Really fast method for advanced users.
  • Added troubleshooting section to the documentation in order to help users with common issues.
  • Fixed issue in iDSK: it was overwritting files with same name but different extension.
  • Added Support for Paged Memory and use of memory beyond 64K.
  • Added z88dk speculative optimization peepholes for advanced users wanting to experiment with advanced optimization.
  • Added new asm examples with animations, music and data structures: greetcardmusic/ and structs/.
  • Updated RGAS to latest 1.2.2 version.
  • Added bitarray support for tiled Tilemap TMX-CSV conversion to C.
  • Fixed getRandom to output predictable random sequences.
Hope you all enjoy it much while we continue towards 1.5. Release! :D

Thanks for all of your hard work!


Quote from: ronaldo on 14:53, 17 July 17
CPCtelera 1.4.2. is finally out!

Great ! Nice to see CPCTelera updated.


Great !!

Just in time for the CPCRetroDev.


Quote from: ronaldo on 14:53, 17 July 17
CPCtelera 1.4.2. is finally out!

This version is an important update, mainly because SDCC 3.5.5 codebase was showing some important compilation issues under different circumstances. With this new release, many compilation and Mac OSX compatibility issues should dissapear and make live easier and happier to many of you. Hope it actually does! :D
Features included in this release:

  • Updated SDCC compiler from version 3.5.5 to newest version 3.6.8 (revision 9946). New version is much more efficient, generates better code and solves some bugs from previous one.
  • Added automatic Arkos Traker 1 AKS music conversion. It is done through the makefile macro AKS2C, which is easily added in config file cfg/
  • Added project support for Visual Studio Code IDE. All CPCtelera projects can now be opened and compiled in VS Code. Moreover, intellisense and keyboard shortcuts for automaticly running games are easily added.
  • Documented VS Code integration, with plenty of information for users on how to set up projects.
  • Documented Automatic Conversion Tools for Music, Graphics and Tilemaps. This will greatly help users on fastly and comfortably integrating asset production in their projects without having to bother to convert them when they change.
  • Added support for drawing tiles using gray code order and making use of the stack. Really fast method for advanced users.
  • Added troubleshooting section to the documentation in order to help users with common issues.
  • Fixed issue in iDSK: it was overwritting files with same name but different extension.
  • Added Support for Paged Memory and use of memory beyond 64K.
  • Added z88dk speculative optimization peepholes for advanced users wanting to experiment with advanced optimization.
  • Added new asm examples with animations, music and data structures: greetcardmusic/ and structs/.
  • Updated RGAS to latest 1.2.2 version.
  • Added bitarray support for tiled Tilemap TMX-CSV conversion to C.
  • Fixed getRandom to output predictable random sequences.
Hope you all enjoy it much while we continue towards 1.5. Release! :D


your amstrad news source in spanish language :


Problem with development branch.

Hi, these holidays I have decided to try out the new release, 1.5, but when I try to run, I get these errors:

./ línea 19: $'\r': no se encontró la orden
./ línea 27: $'\r': no se encontró la orden
./ línea 33: $'\r': no se encontró la orden
: No such file or directory/User/cpctelera
./ línea 36: $'\r': no se encontró la orden
./ línea 39: error sintáctico cerca del elemento inesperado `$'{\r''
'/ línea 39: `function usage {

It is in cygwin, and previous version 1.4.2 works perfectly fine. Does anyone else have this problem?



Yes and I call this "newline hell" :) Looks like issue is that wrong newlines are used (not unix, but windows or macos) or system/unzip/git client ... changed them.

I remember I had to convert some shell scripts and make files (.mk extension) but this should work fine on Linux (or maybe even Cygwin if you extract or clone repository in a different way - not sure).

To convert to linux newlines I used: (from the cpctelera folder)

find . -iname '*.sh' -exec flip -u {} \;

but you should be careful if you are not sure of course.

This should replace all newlines in .sh files (same should be done on .mk or any other files which you see a problem during compile)

If I remember, I needed even to open some files manually from Emacs because they were detected like binary files by flip tool.

So, backup and good luck :)

And sorry if there is better way, I just needed to quickly do the job. (didn't investigate the problem in more detail)


I see, thank you. Problem is that the same problem is also in other script files, i.e., running  cpct_winape, etc..

I understand there should be a version without this problem, or some workaround better than "fixing" every script file...


Hi, @asertus, @teopl,

you should create an issue here :

Effectively the problem shall be resolve for everyone under linux.


Quote from: asertus on 16:40, 13 August 19
Problem with development branch.

Hi, these holidays I have decided to try out the new release, 1.5, but when I try to run, I get these errors:

Hi asertus. Where did you download 1.5? From git? From tar.gz? mentions 1.4.2 , and github offers versions only up to 1.4.2 .

I'm willing to help finding a clean solution and it will depend on your answer.
Had a CPC since 1985, currently software dev professional, including embedded systems.

I made in 2013 the first CPC cross-dev environment that auto-installs C compiler and tools: cpc-dev-tool-chain: a portable toolchain for C/ASM development targetting CPC, later forked into CPCTelera.

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