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DEVPAC80 v2 and missing files

Started by Robbizz, 00:53, 21 July 24

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Hi all, I'm new to the CPC world and recently got a 6128. I'm juggling the various development programs available on this computer and saw that the DEVPAC80 v2 development package is available. I downloaded it from these two sites:

Comparing the versions I found that they are the same. 

So I made the floppy dedicated to CPM Plus (I remember that DEVPAC80 was made with both CPM 2.2 and COM Plus in mind, on both sides of the floppy). I successfully followed some examples of compilation mentioned in the manual, but in some points of the manual itself, some utilities and programs are mentioned that are not in the Floppy, for example:

LINK.COM (it is mentioned to carry out LINKING between object codes on page T-23) 
UNLOAD2.COM (Page I-5)
ERA.COM (Page T-23)
REN.COM (Page T-23)

Among other things, when I access the PMON.COM program in the program info I see ProMON 2.4 while in the manual I see written 2.7. Do I have an obsolete or corrupt version of the floppy? Thanks to anyone who can help me. 

PS: In the photo what is inside the DEVPAC80 floppy on the side dedicated to CPM PLUS (on the side dedicated to CPM 2.2 there is the same list).


Those missing files must be found on the original CPM+ disk.
LINK.COM is on the side 2 :  SectorView v1.22 (
REN & ERA are on side 1, but have been renamed RENAME & ERASE :  SectorView v1.22 (
I couldn't find UNLOAD2.COM though. So i guess you'll have to copy the needed files on your Devpac disk, that is if there's enough room on it...
Anyway, if you wanna dabble with ASM programming, you'd better off using WINAPE emulator and his built-in assembler rather than this antiquity.


Thanks Jean-Marie for your reply. 
Now everything is much clearer. The UNLOAD2.COM program seems to perform a conversion from a .COM source file to a .HEX one, so for the moment I don't need it, although this utility seems completely unknown despite the manual talking about a program public domain utilities. 
I took a look at WINAPE Emulator and it seems well done. also because it has an integrated Assembler and Debugger.


Quote from: Jean-Marie on 21:24, 21 July 24Those missing files must be found on the original CPM+ disk.
LINK.COM is on the side 2 :  SectorView v1.22 (
REN & ERA are on side 1, but have been renamed RENAME & ERASE :  SectorView v1.22 (
I couldn't find UNLOAD2.COM though. So i guess you'll have to copy the needed files on your Devpac disk, that is if there's enough room on it...
Anyway, if you wanna dabble with ASM programming, you'd better off using WINAPE emulator and his built-in assembler rather than this antiquity.
Sadly WinApe will not run on CPCs.  ;) :)
Take a look at orgAms or Maxam in case you want to work on the real machine.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)

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