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FutureOS corner

Started by TFM, 05:12, 01 October 10

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Hi there,

I thought it might be usefull to open a FutureOS corner. Here you can start to ask questions about FutureOS, report problems or just talk...

Feel free to be the first who starts up  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


I think FutureOS needs a bit of a makeover... and take advantage of the Plus hardware?


Take advantage how, though? It's not as if the Plus has higher resolutions or anything...


Gryzor wrote:

Take advantage how, though? It's not as if the Plus has higher resolutions or anything...

I think they mean using the Pluses Hardware Sprites instead of relying on Software related Sprites! Of course it would be limiting the number of Users who decide not to use a Plus (but I think I'm the only one!  :-[ ).
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Nah - my Plus machines are packed and away, while my 6128 is on show...


Gryzor wrote:

Nah - my Plus machines are packed and away, while my 6128 is on show...

Oh well I guess Grey is the fad at the moment!  8)
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***Better documentation***

Programming examples: A hello world program would be nice!
Also small programs showing how to use the system calls...

I list of the the system calls, In a common modern format! (I want to program not making weird file conversions)

Could be the start of something...



Quote from: Gryzor on 10:37, 01 October 10
Nah - my Plus machines are packed and away, while my 6128 is on show...

That's criminal...  >:(



Yep, I'm talking Hardware sprites, mixed with the 4096 pallette. Image and presentation is everything? I think  :-\


Quote from: ukmarkh on 07:59, 01 October 10
I think FutureOS needs a bit of a makeover... and take advantage of the Plus hardware?

Well, there is a version for the CPC Plus, using a hardware sprite as mouse pointer (!!!.zip   Use the file: Preview_FutureOS-ROMs_.8_Deutsch.dsk).
But I must admit, at the moment there is only a german version, since I had nearly no international interrest on the Plus version.
But good to know, that there is at least some interrest, so I will integrate a English language interface... which takes some time... the more people want it, the faster I'll do it ;)

The Plus version also allows the access of the memory mapped I/O groups.

You can take a look at the mulitcolor mouse pointer of the Plus vesion here:

Quote from: ukmarkh on 13:24, 01 October 10
Yep, I'm talking Hardware sprites, mixed with the 4096 pallette. Image and presentation is everything? I think  :-\

Well, "Image and presentation" is very important if you want to sell a product of if you just want to become market leader. This is also true for the CPC sector, we've seen.
But to use up my time and energy just for the surface was never my intention, I prefer(red) to use my time to do my projects in good quality.
A flashing advertisment doesn't sell you a good car  ;)  I mean finally time is limited, so we all have to choose carfully for what we use it.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Ygdrazil on 11:19, 01 October 10
***Better documentation***
A list of the the system calls, In a common modern format! (I want to program not making weird file conversions)

Well, the documentation is about 500 KB in size. And it's in CPC Proword (Prowort) format. I thought it's good to have CPC related documentation in a CPC format, so people using a CPC can use it on the CPC. However, if I didn't miss the point you want to have the documentation in (for example) Word format, right?

There is the file #E. (actually #E.E is english, #E.D is german), you can open it with Notepad, get it here:
It contains all System Variables and EQUates of the System Calls. The same ZIP folder contains the #D files, which show a kind of memroy map of the OS.

Quote from: Ygdrazil on 11:19, 01 October 10
Programming examples: A hello world program would be nice!
Also small programs showing how to use the system calls...

May I can acomplish this task at once ;-) 
Here the Hello World:

ORG &8000 ;Hello World - File HELLO.MAX

WRITE"HW.64K" ;SAVE assembled file to disc, Autostart at &8000
              ;The extension 64K tells, that the program runs in first 64K RAM

;Prints "Hello World" in the files section of the screen
;Doesn't disrupt the icon section

HELLO LD BC,(&FF01) ;BC contains &DF00 + ROM_select of FutureOS ROM A

OUT (C),C ;Switch FutureOS ROM A on between &C000 and &FFFF

LD  BC,&7F82     ;Selects MODE 2 and Lower ROM = ROM character set
OUT (C),C        ;Switch it on!
LD  (RAMCHAR),BC ;SAVE MODE and ROM configuration to OS system variable

LD   HL,TXT ;Pointer to text, that shall be shown on screen
CALL TERM_2 ;PRINT text on screen

LD   HL,KLICK ;OS call KLICK is used to return to FutureOS with intact icons
JP   ROM_D    ;Switches ON the ROM D and then jumps to HL (here to KLICK)


TXT DB &1E,21,26 ;Control Code &1E works as LOCATE, using 64 x 32 screen mode
                 ;The Y position is line 21, and the X pos. is column 26
DB "Hello World!",0 ;The string is terminated by a 0 byte (or by &1A)

;EQUates of OS variables

RAMCHAR EQU &B847 ;located in first 64 KB RAM

;EQUates of System Calls

TERM_2 EQU &D48C ;located in ROM A
KLICK  EQU &FE9A ;located in ROM D
ROM_D  EQU &FF12 ;located in all ROMs

The source is for the MAXAM assembler. It creates a file, that (one started) will write Hello World on screen. You can download a .DSK image here:

I'll keep it updated with new sources, just tell me what you're looking for  :)

Don't hesitate to ask questions... :)

BTW: A lot of sources can be accessed here:

Ok, you can TYPE the files directly using FutureOS, german and english sources are at Users 0 and 4 (using FutureOS you see them at the same time). For using them under BASIC f.e. with MAXAM you need XD-DOS (or VDOS) to access the 0.7 MB Vortex format.

Take a look at XD-DOS here:
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


TFM/FS wrote:

Well, the documentation is about 500 KB in size. And it's in CPC Proword (Prowort) format. I thought it's good to have CPC related documentation in a CPC format, so people using a CPC can use it on the CPC. However, if I didn't miss the point you want to have the documentation in (for example) Word format, right?

PDF would be more desirable because it guarantees everyone can view it (including those who can't because they can download a Free PDF viewer!). Word Documents are okay as long as their old ".doc" format, the new ".docx" Word Documents in the latest Word are a pain, people with that version of Word can either save it as the old style Document, or PDF.

I guess it's a fair point to say your doing documentation so it works on a CPC - after all it's a CPC Operating System. Perhaps Both is an option?? What I was trying to say is having at least something avilable is better than nothing. I'm sort of banging my head around a bit because I'm Programming Blind by not knowing what I can and can't do in CP/M 2.2. There is some Documentation of CPCWiki, though it's incomplete and I'm not sure if there's stuff on those missing pages which might assist me in understanding what the OS can provide!
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Quote from: CP/M User on 23:27, 01 October 10
PDF would be more desirable because it guarantees everyone can view it.

Well, excluding people who likes to look at it at the CPC (you won't believe it, Schlumpf did a Word-Viewer for CPC ;-). Ok, got you, will make a Word version and a PDF version. But for the moment the Protext/Prowort files must be good, because I'm currently overworking the doc's (and I need some time more). After having a "final version" I will start the work-intense job to get that stuff converted to PDF and DOC formats.

Quote from: CP/M User on 23:27, 01 October 10
I guess it's a fair point to say your doing documentation so it works on a CPC - after all it's a CPC Operating System. Perhaps Both is an option?? What I was trying to say is having at least something avilable is better than nothing. I'm sort of banging my head around a bit because I'm Programming Blind by not knowing what I can and can't do in CP/M 2.2. There is some Documentation of CPCWiki, though it's incomplete and I'm not sure if there's stuff on those missing pages which might assist me in understanding what the OS can provide!

Right, and that's the way we will do it. For CPC : Protext and ASCII formats, for PC/Mac: PDF and DOC formats.

If you have concrete questions (even if the answer is in the docs) don't hesitate to ask  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


TFM/FS wrote:

Well, excluding people who likes to look at it at the CPC (you won't believe it, Schlumpf did a Word-Viewer for CPC ;-). Ok, got you, will make a Word version and a PDF version. But for the moment the Protext/Prowort files must be good, because I'm currently overworking the doc's (and I need some time more). After having a "final version" I will start the work-intense job to get that stuff converted to PDF and DOC formats.
Oh please don't go to extra expense on my behalf unless people desire those formats. I'm just wondering though how hard it would be to convert them to those formats? Or convert it to ASCII and work on it from there? How Graphically driven is the document?

I forgot about the Word Viewer for the CPC as well.

Right, and that's the way we will do it. For CPC : Protext and ASCII formats, for PC/Mac: PDF and DOC formats.

Having it as an ASCII file will heavily reduce the amount of editing to it while producing a DOC or PDF. I think Protext can save it as plain ASCII, I just don't quite understand how ASCII files work on a CPC when it comes to something which is 500Kb big! I think in CP/M using the TYPE command for instance it handles the Text display in chunks, so it loads one bit and then the next as it needs it. If you have something send it to me and I'll see if I can do something with it!  ;)

If you have concrete questions (even if the answer is in the docs) don't hesitate to ask  :)
  It might need another thread, but then I think I'm only going over old ground anyway. I'm going to do some poking about anyway. I've found Lara to be the best tool for debugging my programs too. 
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
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Well, the conversion to ASCII is pretty easy, because Protext / Prowort already has such a function, not perfect but definitely sufficient  ;)

The thing that makes the most work is to convert it to Word format (or any other PC format), because I have to set all attributes new and so on.

Also the conversion from Word to PDF is not a problem.

And yes, if only one person likes a special format, let's do it  :)

However, I really have to overlook it again, before I convert it.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


But back to the roots  ???  It was a very good idea from Ygdrazil do ask for source code.  ;D  Now we got our Hello world. So tell me now which other sources would be interresting for you. Just ask and I will try to provide an example.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


TFM/FS wrote:

But back to the roots  ???  It was a very good idea from Ygdrazil do ask for source code.  ;D  Now we got our Hello world. So tell me now which other sources would be interresting for you. Just ask and I will try to provide an example.

Something graphical. I posted that routine which draws a sequence of lines from a loop, how would that go in FutureOS? I relies on a few Firmware instructions which I'm presuming FutureOS has it's own set of routines, so how about applying those routines to it?  :-[
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Quote from: CP/M User on 21:57, 03 October 10
TFM/FS wrote:

But back to the roots  ???  It was a very good idea from Ygdrazil do ask for source code.  ;D  Now we got our Hello world. So tell me now which other sources would be interresting for you. Just ask and I will try to provide an example.

Something graphical. I posted that routine which draws a sequence of lines from a loop, how would that go in FutureOS? I relies on a few Firmware instructions which I'm presuming FutureOS has it's own set of routines, so how about applying those routines to it?  :-[

Hmm, that sounds like something 90% OS independent. I'm more willing to demonstrate how to use the OS API and how to use OS system calls. But if I find some time I will search for the "lines from loop" routine in the other threads. But seriously, here I want to focus more on FutureOS. *Sorry*
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Ah okay, I thought you were looking for examples of routines to test the routines incorporated into FutureOS.  :-[
* Using the old Amstrad Languages :D * And create my own ;)
* Incorporating the Firmware :P
* I also like to problem solve code in BASIC :)   * And type-in Type-Ins! :D

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Well, that's close in a way.  :)  I want to try to show how to use the system calls for a special purpose.
If you would ask for example how to use a DRAW routine, then I would suggest to use the C language and the IO-LIB for FutureOS, called FIOLIB. There you have a MOVE and a DRAW function for lines and a CIRCLE function for drawing circles.

Get the FIOLIB and demonstrataion files here:

btw: The CIRCLE function is not slow... but I speed it up by factor 8 ASAP... I wish I had more time  :-[
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


This may be a silly question ... but is it possible to test and play with FutureOS in an emulator? Like WinApe?


Quote from: Xyphoe on 00:24, 03 January 11
This may be a silly question ... but is it possible to test and play with FutureOS in an emulator? Like WinApe?

Good question ;)  Yes, you can use some emulators if they support expansion ROMs and are faithfull enough. For example Caprice, JavaCPC, WinApe and WinCPC (alphabetically sorted).
Some other emulators can't (like CPCBox and others without ROM and banking support).

WinApe provides 4 MB of RAM and some SF-2 emulation. Also WinCPC provides some SF-2 emulation. These parts are supported by FutureOS.

Don't hesitate to ask further questions - it's my pleasure to help.

Happy 2011  ;D
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Thanks TFM!

So do I just need the .ROM or .cpr file - put this in the "ROM" folder in the WinApe install location on my hard disk, then on the "Memory" tab in WinApe settings select it there? If so .... where can I get the .ROM file as I can only find the zipped .dsk file that installs it to a ram-rom box? And which ROM to select in WinApe Memory tab (eg Upper 0, Upper 1, Upper 2, etc)?



Quote from: Xyphoe on 09:25, 05 January 11
So do I just need the .ROM or .cpr file - put this in the "ROM" folder in the WinApe install location on my hard disk, then on the "Memory" tab in WinApe settings select it there?

And which ROM to select in WinApe Memory tab (eg Upper 0, Upper 1, Upper 2, etc)?

Right, in WinApe you to "Settings", there to "Memory". Then you install the four FutureOS ROMs at ROM numbers (ROM select) "Upper 10", "Upper 11", "Upper 12" and "Upper 13".

The FutureOS ROMs are hardcoded, that speeds them up, but they need to be installes as ROMs 10-13.

You also can use JavaCPC, click on the "Configuration" icon, there you go to "ROMs", then you can select the "System" as: "FutureOS".

Quote from: Xyphoe on 09:25, 05 January 11
If so .... where can I get the .ROM file as I can only find the zipped .dsk file that installs it to a ram-rom box?

Ok, I'll create an download, will update this answer here asap.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM/FS on 20:58, 05 January 11
Ok, I'll create an download, will update this answer here asap.

Awesome! Cheers dude, thanks - can't wait to try it :)

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