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Penultimate music player for your games and demos.

Started by m_dr_m, 19:13, 17 May 24

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Compact, Powerful, Célere. Pick 3.

I have recently rewritten the Ayane player. Together with chipnsfx import + player "compilation", I experimented with a song from @TomEtJerry   and got those results (in bytes or microsecond):

                        | ChipNSfx | Ayane 0.0j |
Player                  |    864   |    816 (1) |
Data                    |    736   |   1128 (2) |
Player shrinkled        |    732   |    391     |        
Data shrinkled          |    457   |    421     |
Player + Data shrinkled |   1176   |    812     |
Time min                |   &15a   |   &241     |  
Time average            |   &36e   |   &2be     |
Time max                |   &96e   |   &491     |

(1) Well, including 160 null bytes for padding!
(2) Might need a bit more: The player doesn't adapt vibrato to pitch like chipNsfx, so we might have to duplicate one instrument to manually mitigate this infidelity.
(2) That's a lot more than chipnsfx! Well it's meant to be highly crunchable (as the shrinkled version attests), and I can arrange that anyway, depending on the need (minimal RAM footprint or minimal size once crunched).

There is room for improvement on each axis:
* ComPaCity: the psg replay routine is currently unrolled (201 bytes) for no good reason!
* Power: Effects can be plugged on by-need basis
* Celerity: 'Average' can be lower by not setting PSG for unchanged registers. 'Max' could get closer to 'Average' by shifting each channel.

If you need the state of the art player for your project, don't hesitate to contact me! Well, hesitate a bit, and then contact me.

Next step onmy side: finish the Ayane sequencer UI.


Oh, Ayane is not yet available (any help welcome).
For now, play in the aaas (Ayane As A Service).

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