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[CPCtelera] sprite conversion/display not right

Started by awergh, 13:30, 27 June 16

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It seems I've run into some trouble making sprites display correctly.

So I have an "exciting" 6x5 sprite that I drew in Gimp following these instructions.
Creating images for the Amstrad - CPCWiki

I then converted it like so:

cpct_img2tileset -m 0 -tw 6 -th 5 red.png

CPC Mode        : 0
Tile Size       : 6x5 pixels
Interlaced Mask : no
Transparency    : no
Generate Tileset: no
Basename        : 'g_tile'
Palette         : 1 24 20 6 26 0 2 8 10 12 14 16 18 22 24 16 (Firmware values)
[PROCESSING] Converting tiles to CPCtelera's C code using Img2CPC...
SUCCESS! Files 'red.c' and 'red.h' have been created with CPCtelera's codification of tiles/sprites from 'red.png'.

I then include the generated source files and I get this result.

cpct_memset(CPCT_VMEM_START, 0, 0x4000);
pvmem = cpct_getScreenPtr(CPCT_VMEM_START, 20, 96);
cpct_drawSprite(g_tile_red, pvmem, 6, 5);

Nevermind it appears that I have to set the width to be 3 instead of 6 as the array generated is [3 * 5].


Don't forget the co-ords are in bytes, not pixels. So for MODE 0 you have to halve the x and in MODE 1 quarter it.


that makes sense I clearly didn't pay enough attention to the doco

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