Quote from: McArti0 on Yesterday at 22:32Ah. did you use the second DATA Application disk?I switched to the first disk in AMsdos, then I start SymbOS - and then I can't "insert" the application disk. I only have the M4 and no disk drive.
Quote from: McArti0 on Yesterday at 22:32Try my Big dsk too. I wonder if the M4 will chew it up.doesn't work. M4 shows dozens of 0KB files without any name.
Quote from: McArti0 on Yesterday at 22:16Did you use a 180kB DATA disk?Sorry, I wasn't clear. I can start SymbOS 3.1. from the DSK image but when I am in SymbOS I can't start any other program there as I don't know how to access the application disk when I am in SymbOS.
Quote from: eto on Yesterday at 21:14I could mount a DSK but then I could not figure out how to start a program - I only get the error that no program can be found.Try rename sym. to sym.bas
QuoteIn August of last year, Clive Townsend released a remaster of Saboteur for Spectrum
This new Saboteur! for 48kb it has been optimized in its code, which has left space available for new graphics, greater speed and effects such as transparency in the water.
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