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avatar_Philippe Lardenois
Games / Re: Harrier Command, another H...
Last post by Philippe Lardenois - Yesterday at 14:05
Great. But controls on AZERTY keyboard is awful...would be cool i f we could redefine keys...
Games / Re: Chase HQ 2 appears again
Last post by arnoldemu - Yesterday at 13:54
Quote from: Egg Master on Yesterday at 11:54Looking at the box corner, it was to be shown into a shop, no?
If it is that, the cartridge was probably removed in first place.
I was thinking the corner pieces look a bit like a hook but I think it would be silly to hang the box from those corners because it could hide the game name.

I think it is for two things:
1. to protect the sides when in a box
2. tabs to be easy to grab to remove it from a box when it is side on with other games.

Hardware / Schneider CPC464 + GT 64 wacke...
Last post by Osmodia - Yesterday at 13:46
ich habe einen CPC464 samt GT 64 bekommen. Leider ist das Bild "verwackelt" und unlesbar. Der CPC geht an und piepst wenn ich auf die DEL Taste drücke.
Die 5V und 12V Spannungen habe ich überprüft und etwas angepasst per Potis. Wenn der CPC nicht angeschlossen ist per Videokabel sieht das Bild in Ordnung aus und wackelt auch nicht. Erst wenn das Kabel eingesteckt wird, spielt es verrückt.
Wenn ich was auf der Tastatur tippe sehe ich dass was passiert, allerdings nicht was :)

Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?

Games / Harrier Command, another Harri...
Last post by genesis8 - Yesterday at 13:23
Checking if there was a Harrier Attack Reloaded video on Youtube, I found this other remake : Harrier Command by Ben James.

Games / Re: Harrier Attack Reloaded
Last post by Egg Master - Yesterday at 11:58
IMO, what made Harrier Attack great was the fact that everything was rendered in "shadow" and the imagination did the rest.
Games / Re: Chase HQ 2 appears again
Last post by Egg Master - Yesterday at 11:54
Looking at the box corner, it was to be shown into a shop, no?
If it is that, the cartridge was probably removed in first place.
Games / Re: New game by 21 Bloques
Last post by XeNoMoRPH - Yesterday at 11:15
Target Renegade 4 😁

Games / New game by 21 Bloques
Last post by Jean-Marie - Yesterday at 10:31
A new beat-them up by 21 Bloques ! No title yet.

Games / Harrier Attack Reloaded
Last post by XeNoMoRPH - Yesterday at 08:46
Chris Perver is reviving the classic Harrier Attack game but using the CPC Plus, utilizing some advanced features like sprite management that the Plus range allows.

News & Events / Re: HxC Manager V4.0 released!
Last post by norecess464 - Yesterday at 07:59
Version 4.2 is available.

What's new:
  • CLR key added to move back to root folder while navigating
  • C key added to clear current slot (that was removed since version V3.0 and +)
  • ROM version can be launched with |HXC,0 or |HXC,1 to force physical drive 0 or 1
  • upgraded from SDCC 4.3 to SDCC 4.4

Download the program here.
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