Quote from: harzretro on 19:40, 06 February 25want to change the directory with |cd,symIt's probably
Quote from: trocoloco on 11:14, 06 February 25This program was written by @abalore some time back, there's a CALL &BD19, it can work without it also but is only for refreshing screen to get a smoother movement sensation10 MODE 0
20 INK 0,0
30 INK 1,26
50 FOR i=60 TO 0 STEP -1
60 FOR j=0 TO 3
70 IF j MOD 2 = 0 THEN c=(i MOD 14)+2 ELSE c=((i+7) MOD 14)+2
80 l = (400-(i*4))/4
90 b=i*2
100 y=b+j*l
110 MOVE i*4,y
120 DRAWR 0,l,c
130 MOVE 640-i*4,y
140 DRAWR 0,l,c
150 NEXT j
160 MOVE i*4,i*2
170 DRAW 640-i*4,i*2
180 MOVE i*4,400-i*2
190 DRAW 640-i*4,400-i*2
200 NEXT i
210 MOVE 0,0:DRAW 240,120,1
220 MOVE 0,100:DRAW 240,160,1
230 MOVE 0,200:DRAW 240,200,1
240 MOVE 0,300:DRAW 240,240,1
250 MOVE 0,400:DRAW 240,280,1
260 MOVE 640,0:DRAW 400,120,1
270 MOVE 640,100:DRAW 400,160,1
280 MOVE 640,200:DRAW 400,200,1
290 MOVE 640,300:DRAW 400,240,1
300 MOVE 640,400:DRAW 400,280,1
310 FOR i=60 TO 100
320 PLOT i*4,120,i MOD 2
330 PLOT i*4,280,i MOD 2
340 NEXT
350 FOR i=60 TO 140
360 PLOT 240,i*2,i MOD 2
370 PLOT 400,i*2,i MOD 2
380 NEXT
390 t=2
400 INK t,3
410 IF t=15 THEN INK 2,25:INK 3,15
420 IF t=14 THEN INK 15,25:INK 2,15
430 IF t<14 THEN INK t+1,25:INK t+2,15
440 t=t-1
450 IF t=1 THEN t=15
460 CALL &BD19
470 GOTO 400
Quote from: lightforce6128 on 20:25, 26 January 25Just an additional thought: Locomotive BASIC already supports Text-Windows, and joysticks (instead of mouse) were common. This combination allows to build something like a GUI, but maybe people just did not expect something like this from their computers or had never seen something like this before.
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