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Most interesting aspect for me is that there was indeed a German games company that (at least temporarily) focused on the CPC and released games that originated from the CPC and were ported to other systems. 

@Xyphoe I think we discussed that some time ago. That article gives some insights into German games development. 
Amstrad CPC hardware / Re: ULIfAC:Usb Mass storage,Wi...
Last post by eto - 19:57, 06 February 25
Quote from: harzretro on 19:40, 06 February 25want to change the directory with |cd,sym
It's probably

Amstrad CPC hardware / Re: ULIfAC:Usb Mass storage,Wi...
Last post by harzretro - 19:40, 06 February 25
Today i wanted to test the new symbos 4.0 and got some problems. I don't know if i'm doing Something wrong or not ...

I start the cpc and want to change the directory with |cd,sym
After it i get a ready.

But cat and |cat show the main directory. 
But a next |cd,sym make an error ....

How i can change the directory and run Something there?

Hope you can understand my english - would attach a picture but i don't see how with my mobile Phone.

The CPC came with the best BASIC to use it. CP/M was a great value add.
Unfortunately there was no GUI for the Z80 in the 80s. I'm pretty sure GEM was possible.
Games / Re: Differences between Sorcer...
Last post by BSC - 19:00, 06 February 25
The games Sorcery and Sorcery+ on the Amstrad CPC are closely related, with Sorcery+ being an enhanced version of the original Sorcery. Here are the key differences between the two:
  • Expanded ContentSorcery+ includes additional levels and content not found in the original Sorcery. The game world is larger, offering more areas to explore.
  • Improved GraphicsSorcery+ features enhanced visuals, with better background details and sprite designs, making the game more visually appealing compared to the original.
  • Smoother Gameplay – The movement and controls in Sorcery+ were slightly refined, making the gameplay feel more polished and responsive.
  • Additional Enemies and ChallengesSorcery+ introduces new enemies and obstacles that were not present in the original version, increasing the game's difficulty and variety.
  • Extra Animations and Effects – The updated version includes additional animations and graphical effects that improve the overall experience.
  • Better Structured Levels – The original Sorcery had a somewhat limited scope, whereas Sorcery+ rearranges and expands the levels, making them more engaging and well-designed.
Overall, Sorcery+ is a definitive and more complete version of Sorcery, offering an improved and expanded experience for Amstrad CPC players.
Programming / Re: Looking for small GOOD gra...
Last post by abalore - 18:40, 06 February 25
Quote from: trocoloco on 11:14, 06 February 25This program was written by @abalore some time back, there's a CALL &BD19, it can work without it also but is only for refreshing screen to get a smoother movement sensation

10 MODE 0
20 INK 0,0
30 INK 1,26
50 FOR i=60 TO 0 STEP -1
60 FOR j=0 TO 3
70 IF j MOD 2 = 0 THEN c=(i MOD 14)+2 ELSE c=((i+7) MOD 14)+2
80 l = (400-(i*4))/4
90 b=i*2
100 y=b+j*l
110 MOVE i*4,y
120 DRAWR 0,l,c
130 MOVE 640-i*4,y
140 DRAWR 0,l,c
150 NEXT j
160 MOVE i*4,i*2
170 DRAW 640-i*4,i*2
180 MOVE i*4,400-i*2
190 DRAW 640-i*4,400-i*2
200 NEXT i
210 MOVE 0,0:DRAW 240,120,1
220 MOVE 0,100:DRAW 240,160,1
230 MOVE 0,200:DRAW 240,200,1
240 MOVE 0,300:DRAW 240,240,1
250 MOVE 0,400:DRAW 240,280,1
260 MOVE 640,0:DRAW 400,120,1
270 MOVE 640,100:DRAW 400,160,1
280 MOVE 640,200:DRAW 400,200,1
290 MOVE 640,300:DRAW 400,240,1
300 MOVE 640,400:DRAW 400,280,1
310 FOR i=60 TO 100
320 PLOT i*4,120,i MOD 2
330 PLOT i*4,280,i MOD 2
340 NEXT
350 FOR i=60 TO 140
360 PLOT 240,i*2,i MOD 2
370 PLOT 400,i*2,i MOD 2
380 NEXT
390 t=2
400 INK t,3
410 IF t=15 THEN INK 2,25:INK 3,15
420 IF t=14 THEN INK 15,25:INK 2,15
430 IF t<14 THEN INK t+1,25:INK t+2,15
440 t=t-1
450 IF t=1 THEN t=15
460 CALL &BD19
470 GOTO 400

The CALL &BD19 is equivalent to the command FRAME in BASIC 1.1 (in 664 and 6128), sadly lacking in the 464. So I don't think can be considered as a machine code call, just a command they forgot to add to the 464 :D

Furthermore, the CALL &BD19 is mentioned and used in the CPC464 BASIC manual.

symbos was is the reason to start my real cpc today. Wanted to test it with my unifac. I copied all the files to a usb stick and make run"sym
I see the Bootscreen, afterwards it go away and the system don't make anything anymore. It is the same reaction as the previous version.

What i'm doing wrong?

Im using a cpc464 with unifac. Test it with 464 and 6128 mode.

Games / Re: Differences between Sorcer...
Last post by xesrjb - 17:58, 06 February 25
Sorcery: The only game I ever finished. Sorcery+: Never played...

This was the heyday of the light pen.

Menu pointed at and selected with the pen.
Quote from: lightforce6128 on 20:25, 26 January 25Just an additional thought: Locomotive BASIC already supports Text-Windows, and joysticks (instead of mouse) were common. This combination allows to build something like a GUI, but maybe people just did not expect something like this from their computers or had never seen something like this before.

That's partially inaccurate. BASIC supports windows, yes, but they don't keep the content when other stuff is drawn on top. So in practice they are of little help.

For a minimum working GUI you'd need around 256K of RAM, I guess, to have storage to keep the window contents and to be able to run some simple applications. With 512K I think you can have a full GUI experience.

The CPC has early 512K RAM expansions, like the Vortex SP512 as soon as 1985. The AMX mouse was also released in 1985. So hardware wise there was no reason to not having mouse and GUI by that time. I guess it's more a matter of interest or need.
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