
You have detected an error on RolandRadio? please report them in this thread.

Started by RolandRadio, 15:36, 17 March 20

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I tried listening to Roland Radio on Chrome and Safari, and the music wouldn't play.

Checking the web browser console, I noticed that there's a problem with the certificate of https://streaming.rolandradio.net , and it's blocked by the browsers.

I can listen to it on VLC for example, by opening a url and entering http://streaming.rolandradio.net/rolandradio.64.mono 



Quote from: robcfg on 18:58, 12 June 22Hi!

I tried listening to Roland Radio on Chrome and Safari, and the music wouldn't play.

Checking the web browser console, I noticed that there's a problem with the certificate of https://streaming.rolandradio.net , and it's blocked by the browsers.

I can listen to it on VLC for example, by opening a url and entering http://streaming.rolandradio.net/rolandradio.64.mono

Thanks for the advice, I was struggling to get it to work on my iPad as well and also using Firefox on my Linux laptop.
Paul Woakes - Genius & Programmer

Thank you for Mercenary Paul


Is ist still or again down?

Website throws error at me:
Trying to get property 'nickname' of non-object (View: /var/www/vhosts/rolandradio.net/rolandradio2020/resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php) (View: /var/www/vhosts/rolandradio.net/rolandradio2020/resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php)
You cannot view this attachment.
Proud owner of 2 Schneider CPC 464, 1 Schneider CPC 6128, GT65 and lots of books
Still learning all the details on how things work.




Hi there. I'm getting the following error accessing https://rolandradio.net/ :

Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 67108872 bytes)


If I keep refreshing, it eventually loads.


Everything seems to be broken at the minute, getting the same errors as others with the website, and the player has been in maintenance mode for days.
CPC464 & CPC6128 + USIfAC II + Revaldinho 512k(universal cpld ver) - Schneider CRT TV
Administrator of Amstrad Discord : https://discord.gg/ksWvApv


My problem since a while was the login, but now it is to listen to Roland Radio! :(

How to live without it?!
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


The website is now totally broken (500).

Stream is still working.

Is this still under maintenance? 
Proud owner of 2 Schneider CPC 464, 1 Schneider CPC 6128, GT65 and lots of books
Still learning all the details on how things work.

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