
Latest titles added to RolandRadio - especially for Targhan

Started by RolandRadio, 13:09, 24 March 20

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As Targhan asked for i have now implemented a page where you get the latest titles added to the RolandRadio database. So you can now veryfiy better if your uploaded titles have been played as they only will show up in this list if they have been played and  only if they where added fresh to the database.

Welcome to RolandRadio.net We are playing the finest Amstrad CPC music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.


Wow, a feature "especially for me", quite an honor :).

The current list shows very old titles, I guess that's because they are fed to your new system?

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Quote from: Targhan on 15:22, 24 March 20
Wow, a feature "especially for me", quite an honor :) .

The current list shows very old titles, I guess that's because they are fed to your new system?

Yes, we distinguish between the titles we have in Radio Automation and the titles we display on RolanRadio.net. There are almost 1900 titles in the mAirList database. These are played according to the Playlout rules. Once they are played, they will also end up in the RolandRadio database, so it's possible that titles that have been in the mAirList database for a few years may only now appear (we reset the RolandRadio title database a few days ago). Ideally, the number of mAirList titles will be identical to the titles in the title database on RolandRadio.

It seems that it takes about 7 days for all the titles in our mAirList database to be played through completely.
Welcome to RolandRadio.net We are playing the finest Amstrad CPC music 24 hours a day, seven days a week. AY around the clock. For your pleasure.

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